Tony Stark: No! Nick Fury! What have your useless scientists done? If it were me, I would never make such a stupid mistake!

Nick Fury: How do I know what they did!

Thanos: You are such stupid humans. It is a waste to let you have the legendary artifact. The infinity stones belong to me!

Ebony Throat: I will definitely get the space gem for you!

General Deathblade: My subordinates must get the space gem for you!

Proxima Centauri: I will definitely get the space gem for you!

Black Dwarf: My subordinates will definitely get the space gem for you!

Then Thanos' battleship immediately approached the wormhole, but did not pass through.

Instead, they launched more than a dozen landing craft towards New York City behind the impulse.

The landing ship flew very fast and landed on New York in the blink of an eye.

People in New York City are curious when they see something suddenly appearing and want to go over and take pictures.

But what ran out of the landing ship made their expressions change drastically.

I saw a large group of monsters emerging from the landing ship, with four or six arms and huge fangs. They looked particularly terrifying and were more ferocious than wild beasts.

There are so many monsters in this group, they are constantly rushing out of the landing ship like a flood!

Destroys everything it touches.

This group of monsters is one of Thanos' legions, the Vanguard monsters!

After seeing such a terrifying monster suddenly appearing, people in the distance dared to stay here. They quickly turned around and ran away, for fear of being caught by the monsters.

Then many Levita monsters from the Chitauri Legion flew out impulsively, and countless Chitauri stood on them and entered New York.

They go around firing blue lasers and bombing everything.

Following closely behind was a swarm of Chitauri airships.

On several airships stood the four black generals and Thanos.

Thanos holds a double-edged sword in his left hand (the weapon of Thanos in Avengers 4), and the Infinity Gauntlet in his right hand.

It looks extraordinary and mighty.

He has both the fighting spirit of a general and the courage of a king!

He calmly raised his double-edged sword and pointed it at the ground, conveying the order without using words.

At this time, several rainbow bridges fell from the sky and hit the ground, landing at different locations in New York.

When the light of the Rainbow Bridge disappeared, the Asgardian army appeared. A rough calculation showed that there were about 20,000 Asgardian soldiers in each position of the Asgardian army!

Odin stood at the front of one of the legions, one eye glaring at the wormhole in the sky.

"Damn Thanos! Do you really think that with three infinity stones, you can ignore me? I will let you go without any return today! Asgard! Go!"

After Odin finished speaking, the Asgardian army from different locations immediately rushed towards the vanguard monsters that were wreaking havoc.

When the vanguard monsters saw someone coming, they immediately roared and rushed towards the group of people.

The two armies immediately fought together.

Although the Vanguard is a monster, its combat quality is very high.

The four or six claws were used very well, blocking and counterattacking at the same time, defeating many Asgardians.

But Asgard's tactics are not vegetarian.

Their armor is of high quality and can protect their bodies.

Then use your extraordinary physical fitness, coupled with excellent weapons and excellent skills.

Keep killing the vanguard guards!

The two sides were evenly matched for a while!

But that's not enough. There are quite a few Vanguard monsters. Asgard only faced most of them, and some of them were going to other places to destroy and kill many people.

Not to mention that there are Chitauri legions in the sky, occupying high altitudes and constantly firing at the ground to cause wanton destruction.

At this moment, teleportation arrays appeared on the tops of many buildings and in some locations on the ground. Kama Taj's mages walked out through the teleportation arrays one after another.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately cast magic, shooting thunder, lightning, and fireballs.

Bomb the Chitauri soldiers flying everywhere in the sky!

The competition is whose long-range attack is stronger!

At this moment, the two legions of Karma Taj and Asgard guarding the earth appear and join forces to launch a fierce battle against the alien threat!

And the third legion, the Avengers, also appears!

I saw Tony Stark put on the Iron Man suit and flew out of the research institute.

As soon as he came out, he was almost shot down by a bunch of Chitauri lasers.

So he immediately fired lasers in return, knocking down many other soldiers.

"Ahhhhhh!! Suffer death!"

Thor also flew out, not daring to show weakness, wielding his hammer and axe, killing the vanguard guards one after another he encountered.

Loki was not far away, pulling out Frostmourne and releasing terrifying cold air to freeze the approaching enemies.

And summoned the guardian spirit Anubis to join the battle.

As soon as Anubis appeared, he used his huge size to knock down Levita who flew to the side.

At the same time, a large number of mummy legions are summoned.

Loki also used the power of Frostmourne to summon the undead army.

During the Battle of the Blood Pool, the souls of dead monsters appeared with frost and ruthlessly attacked the Vanguard Guards and Chitauri from all directions.

Loki alone represents an army!

At this time, Rogers also transformed into Kamen Rider BLACK RX and jumped out, taking Natasha and Barton with him.

After he came out, he immediately took out his photon sword and attacked the approaching vanguard guard.

Natasha put on a Razor mask and summoned a large number of blade ninjas.

"Destroy these monsters and rescue the injured."

Natasha gave the order.

Let this group of sharp-edged ninjas fight while rescuing the injured.

They naturally obeyed Natasha's orders 100%.

"This is such a nightmare."

As Barton spoke, he raised the Kaiyuan Moon Chasing Bow and fired an arrow at a Levita.

With the blessing of Kaiyuan Chaiyue Bow, his arrow speed exceeds the speed of sound by countless times.

It’s as fast as disappearing!

Directly piercing the huge and hard-surfaced Leviathan body.

At the same time, the arrows exploded into dozens of meteors, falling downwards and piercing many Chitauri soldiers.

"Nick Fury, this is all your fault!"

Tony Stark blames Nick Fury while firing missiles from his back to bombard the surroundings.

"Hey, I didn't know those guys would be so messy!"

Nick Fury complained over the intercom.

He now wants to beat those stupid scientists half to death!

At this time, several Pioneers jumped behind Tony Stark, using each other as pedals.

Before Tony Stark could react, he went over with his paw and knocked him to the ground.

Tony Stark wanted to stand up quickly, but was trampled on by the group of vanguard guards, making it difficult to get up.

At this moment, a white figure flew from the side and kicked away the vanguard guards!

"Hey, you're so embarrassed!"

The visitor was Rhodes who had transformed into Kamen Rider Psyga. Looking at Tony Stark's embarrassed look, he couldn't help but laugh.

"I won't thank you."

Tony Stark couldn't help but roll his eyes.

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