American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 487 The whereabouts of the infinite stones

[Congratulations to Thanos for successfully containing the sun parasite, rewards will be distributed now. 】

When Thanos was intoxicated, the sound of the screen came to his ears, and he couldn't help but look forward to what reward the screen would give him.

"Sir, your body is still on fire!"

At this time, Ebony Maw quickly sent a message to the screen to remind Thanos.

Thanos felt the hot pain in his body when he saw this.

So he used the Power Stone to put out the fire for himself, and then let the sun parasite return to the sun.

Then he used the power of the Power Stone and flew towards the space battleship.

[Reward Thanos Soul Gem. 】

[The Soul Stone is one of the six Infinity Stones in the Marvel Universe. It was born when the universe exploded. Each one has incredible power. 】

[The soul gem can control the soul, harvest the soul, destroy the soul, etc., and can do all the effects on the soul. 】

After the detailed introduction on the screen, the Soul Stone appeared in Thanos' hands.

This made Thanos immediately ecstatic!

He was actually rewarded with infinite gems directly, so that his ambition could be further realized!

If we contain it a few more times, we might be able to get all the Infinity Stones!

This makes Thanos excited!

"Congratulations! Lord Thanos!"

After Thanos returned to the battleship, Ebony Throat and the others knelt down to cheer and celebrate Thanos.

Thanos smiled and nodded, then placed the Soul Stone into the third groove on the Infinity Gauntlet.

Then the Soul Stone emitted a dazzling light, and Thanos soon knew how to use this stone.

Nebula, who was also kneeling next to her, lowered her head to hide her fear.

She already knew where the Soul Stone was, but in order to get revenge on Thanos, she never told her.

Unexpectedly, Thanos would directly get the Soul Stone now, so her information would be useless.

She really couldn't imagine what would happen in the future!

At this time, in the comment area of ​​the screen, people from the Marvel Universe were making a fuss.

Tony Stark: No! Why can this guy contain sun parasites?

Ancient One: It is the Mind Gem. The Mind Gem can control the mind of any living creature. It is the most powerful means of mind control in the universe!

Rod: What! That gem actually has such a powerful effect, doesn't it mean that any creature in this universe can be easily controlled by him!

Ancient One: Theoretically yes.

Nick Fury: Fuck! Fuck! So do we still have hope? Wouldn't that mean that he was directly controlled without even a chance to fight!

Thor: I will never be controlled. I will kill him directly when he uses the Mind Stone!

Rogers: It can indeed be done. Thanos seems to have to clench his fist to use the power of the Infinity Stones. That can attack him before he clenches his fist, or prevent him from clenching his fist.

Thanos: Haha, if you have this ability, you can try it. I now have three infinity stones. Even the Supreme Mage and God King Odin may not be my opponent.

Thor: Shut up! Don't even think about insulting the Father of the Gods!

Modu: Master Gu Yi is not something a lunatic like you can talk about casually!

Odin: Thanos, don't think that you are invincible just because you have three infinity stones. If you come to my side, I will definitely destroy you!

Thanos: Haha, I'll wait and see.

Natasha: Alas, this screen really made a huge joke. It actually helped Thanos get the Infinity Stones and brought him closer to his ambition.

Barton: It’s scary to think about the soul gem.

Manigault: It sounds like it's much more powerful than Cancer's special skill of accumulating corpse energy.

Bruce Wayne: I think you have to find the remaining Infinity Stones. Only the Infinity Stones can fight against the Infinity Stones.

Mordo: To put it simply, the Time Stone is with the Ancient Master, but no one knows where the Space Stone and the Reality Stone are.

Tony Stark: Master Ancient One, can't you predict the future and help us find the other two gems?

Ancient One:. . . . . .

Tony Stark: You must already know where it is! Hey! Now it involves the life and death of the entire universe, you can no longer hide it!

Mordo: Tony Stark, watch your attitude towards the Ancient One!

Ancient One: It doesn't matter, Mo Du, I really should say it. Just don't let Thanos see it.

Kama Taj, after Gu Yi finished sending the message, he began to use magic to create three portals.

Behind a portal, stood Tony Stark, Banner and Cain.

The other corresponds to the office of the Director of SHIELD, where Nick Fury, Natasha, Barton and Rogers are all there.

The third portal is facing Asgard, Odin, Loki and Thor are looking over.

"This way, we can communicate safely."

Ancient One said with a smile.

"Hey, you can't just connect to state secrets like this!"

Nick Fury said dissatisfied.

"Shut up, this is our line. It's very bad for you to connect to Asgard at will!"

Thor also shouted dissatisfied.

"Let's get back to the Infinity Stones."

Ancient One didn't bother to pay attention to their complaints and turned to the topic.

After hearing this, the others could only look at Gu Yi behind the portal, waiting for his words.

"Nick Fury, take out the Cosmic Cube."

Ancient One said looking at Nick Fury.

This made Nick Fury lower his neck in confusion.

"What? What does this have to do with the Cosmic Cube!?"

"What? Where is the Cosmic Cube with you? When did I remember that it sank to the bottom of the sea?"

Rogers next to him looked at Nick Fury in surprise.

So Natasha answered later:

"That was salvaged with you."

After hearing about the Cosmic Cube, I couldn't help but stand up excitedly, walked directly through the portal and walked to Nick Fury's place.

"The Cosmic Cube, which has infinite energy, is actually in S.H.I.E.L.D.? Hey, you have hidden it deep enough! You didn't take it out for me to study, so I can come up with a lot of things!"

"Wait! Stupid humans! The Cosmic Cube belongs to us, Asgard! How could we end up with you!"

At this time, Loki pointed at Tony Stark and shouted dissatisfied.

"Don't make any noise! ​​What does the Infinity Stones have to do with the Cosmic Cube!"

Nick Fury's head was pounding when he heard it, and he couldn't help roaring.

"It's better to let Odin answer this."

Ancient One shook his fan and looked at Odin with a smile.

Odin sighed helplessly when he saw this.

"Alas, the Cosmic Cube is the Space Stone."

After hearing Odin's words, many people were shocked.

Especially Nick Fury, his expression is amazing.

"The power of the space gem is very powerful, so I sealed it with the Cosmic Cube. I don't know where it ended up living, but I didn't expect it to be on Earth."

Odin continued to explain.

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