American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 485 Solar Parasite Appears in the Marvel Universe

Tony Stark: Oh my God! There really are monsters that can survive in the sun! And it’s tens of thousands of kilometers away, so how big is that!

Odin: I have traveled across the nine realms for many years and have never seen such a monster. How can the sun allow living things to survive?

Ancient One: It's such an incredible creature. I can't believe how powerful it can be if it can survive in the sun.

Dagu: Then if such a monster continues to eat the energy of the sun, will it one day completely eat the energy of the sun?

Dorami: It's impossible. The sun will burst out nuclear fusion energy all the time. According to calculations, it will last for at least billions of years. How can a monster compress so much time in advance?

Loki: Don't forget, these monsters cannot be described by common sense, maybe they really can.

Bruce Wayne: There’s no need to worry too much, maybe it’s impossible.

Hypnos: Haha, that’s really interesting. If the sun of our world had such a creature, I wonder what Apollo would think.

Zhu Xingluan: But it relies on the sun to parasitize. What would happen if it appeared on other planets? Can't it survive? And it can't escape the gravity of the sun, so it should be considered safe, right?

Banner: I just asked Cain, and he said it's not that simple.

Banner's words undoubtedly made everyone confused, but then, the screen gave the answer.

[Scientists at the time believed that there was no need to worry about solar parasites. They believed that it had no ability to shorten the sun's destruction by billions of years, and since it could not escape the sun's gravity, then the earth was safe. 】

[Therefore, the best way to contain sun parasites is to leave them alone. 】

[After obtaining such a result, the shelter decided to ignore the solar parasite and regularly arranged for people to check the schedule through astronomical telescopes. This went on for a few years, and almost everyone forgot about the sun parasite. 】

[Until one day the observatory issued an alarm, that is, the solar parasite successfully escaped the sun's gravity and arrived near Pluto. 】

[When this news came out, many people were shocked and mobilized resources to check the situation in the universe. 】

[Sure enough, the solar parasite successfully passed through the cosmic storm and arrived near Pluto. It did not enter Pluto to absorb energy, but passed through Pluto's atmosphere and then headed outside the solar system. 】

[It is flying in space without any burden at all. 】

[Researchers later discovered that a large-scale sea of ​​​​fire appeared on the surface of Pluto, presumably because of the passage of solar parasites. As for whether the solar parasite can ignite the ground of Pluto only in the atmosphere, or whether it is close to the ground of Pluto, we still don’t know the answer. 】

[In short, the danger of solar parasites has emerged, and it has the ability to escape the gravity of the sun and go to other places. 】

[Fortunately, the sun parasites did not come to the earth but moved further and further away. However, the shelter was still worried that the sun parasites would one day approach the earth, so they took various measures, including firefighting arrangements. 】

[After swimming in the universe for an unknown amount of time, the solar parasite returned to the sun. 】

[Through a complete shot, the light on the surface of the sun parasite is much weaker than at the beginning. It is obvious that it cannot leave the sun for too long. 】

[After the solar parasite returned to the sun for a period of time, it never left the sun again. It was still unable to escape the gravity of the sun as it was initially detected. 】

[But with lessons learned from the past, everyone agrees that sooner or later, the solar parasite will accumulate enough strength to escape from the sun, and by then it may shift its target to the earth. 】

[Even if it doesn’t destroy the earth, its body temperature alone is enough to bring disaster to the earth. 】

[So the containment society has developed various plans to be ready for the arrival of sun parasites at any time. 】

When the screen said this, it did not continue, and many people had to be shocked.

Manigault: Oh my God, I didn’t expect the slap in the face to come so quickly. This big bug could actually escape from the sun.

Piccolo: It seems that it was accumulating energy in the sun before, and when it has enough energy, it will be able to leave the sun.

Tony Stark: A monster that can survive in the core of the sun must have more than a million or even tens of millions of flames in its body! Such a monster would set the entire earth on fire just by getting close to the atmosphere!

Nick Fury: Fuck! Wouldn't that be very dangerous!

Kaludia: Hey, Dieter, your Absolute Zero, is there any way to freeze this thing?

Dieter: How did I know this? This is equivalent to freezing the sun. There may not be a way to achieve it even at absolute zero.

Thanatos: Only you puny humans would be worried. If we were gods, we wouldn’t be afraid at all.

Clark: Speaking of which, I can gain strength by basking in the sun. Maybe I can deal with it.

Fengyuan: I think I can only solve the problem by using double rays with my brother Astra based on the Tenfold Kaioken.

Bruce Wayne: This cannot be solved by killing it. What to do with its body and what to do with the high temperature of the energy after the explosion are all very serious problems!

Morohoshidan: Then you must destroy even the smallest hair on your head!

Defteros: If it were me, I could open the extra-dimensional space so that it doesn't affect the real world.

Sun Wukong: Haha! It's really interesting. I haven't tried it at a temperature of tens of millions of degrees. I really want to compete.

Leping: Wukong, this is not funny, you are not on earth now.

Terumi Mei: Oh my god, I don’t want to encounter this kind of monster. I’m afraid even water escape will be useless.

Tsunade: If a monster like this appears, it will definitely destroy the world.

Chopper: Luffy, do you want to deal with your Green Lantern Ring and Ion Shark?

Luffy: I don’t know this either. I won’t know until I meet you.

Usopp: I don’t want to meet you! ! ! !

While everyone was talking about it, the screen was already making sounds.

[Now predict the universe where solar parasites will appear. . . . . . It's the Marvel Universe, in the sun of a certain galaxy. 】

When the sound on the screen appeared, some people were happy and some were sad.

Nick Fury: Oh! Shit! Fuck! It actually appeared in our universe. I have to contact the people at the astronomical station immediately to observe the situation of the sun!

Thor: No need to bother. Heimdall has already gone to see it. According to his report, there are no big monsters appearing in the sun on our side.

Rogers: Huh? No, doesn’t it mean it appears in our universe?

Tony Stark: Wait, notice what the screen just said was a certain galaxy. In other words, the solar parasite may be in a sun very far away from our solar system!

Rhodes: Really? Then you don’t have to worry!

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