"Diga! Hold on!"

Lina saw that Tiga's energy was about to run out, so she could only hold her hands and pray for Tiga.

"Hurry up!"

Zongfang said anxiously, looking towards the research institution not far away.

Fortunately, the electromagnetic wave emission radar of the research institution is now aimed at Kayako.

Fortunately, Kayako was concentrating on fighting Diga and didn't know everything that was going on around him.

"Great! Now!"

Horii shouted excitedly when he saw this.

Now the electromagnetic wave transmitting device of the research institution releases a large amount of electromagnetic waves, touching the space where Kayako is located.

After being exposed to different electromagnetic waves.

The space around Gay Coconut was shaking violently.

This made Kayako look around suspiciously, causing the power on his hair to decrease.

As the electromagnetic wave transmitter continues to release powerful and pure electromagnetic waves.

Gaoyao felt very uncomfortable and couldn't help but gasp in pain.

"Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!!"

Red Lotus Knightmon seizes this opportunity, uses a unique move to blow up Kayako's hair, and takes Tiga out of trouble!

"Tiga! It's now!"

Horii shouted at Tiga with a loudspeaker, hoping that Tiga could hear the sound.

As expected, Tiga heard what Horii said.

After hearing this, he immediately formed a cross with his hands and fired the Specium ray to attack Gayako.

This time, it was not affected by space distortion and hit the Kayako coconut very smoothly.

This caused Kayako to scream in great pain.

Then Red Lotus Knightmon followed and attacked with Pure Land of Paradise.

Making Kayako even more uncomfortable.

"Okay! That's it!"

Lina cried out excitedly when she saw this, feeling that as long as this continued, Tiga and Red Lotus Knightmon would definitely be able to defeat Kayako.

"No, there's something wrong."

It was then that Munakata sensed something was wrong with his keen sixth sense.

"I remember that the ghosts that appeared in TPC last time were not only Kayako."

After hearing Munakata's words, Horii and Lina thought of something one after another, with a look of horror on their faces.


As if to verify their guesses.

A large hole suddenly appeared under the feet of Red Lotus Knightmon and Tiga, causing the two of them to interrupt their attacks and fall to the ground.

Diga quickly looked down and saw the huge Junxiong below.

Unlike before, when he was not wearing any clothes and his whole body was very white, Toshio's skin was the same as Gazot's, but his face was still the same as before, very pale.

When put together with Gazot's skin, it looked extremely incongruous and even weirder.


The next second, Junxiong burst out with an extremely sharp roar.

The terrifying sound waves kept hitting Tiga and Red Lotus Knightmon, causing them to cover their ears in pain.

Gaoyao took the opportunity to slow down and then looked at the electromagnetic wave transmitter.

She had been disturbed by this powerful and pure electromagnetic wave just now, which caused her to be unable to use her abilities, which was extremely painful.

How could this make her not angry!

So Kayako immediately spit out light balls and attacked the research institution!

"not good!"

When Lina and the three of them saw this, they cried out very anxiously.

If the research institution is destroyed, Kayako will no longer be restrained, and even Tiga will lose!

As soon as such an idea came up.

The three of them had no color on their faces, making them extremely pale and ugly.

But just when the light ball was about to encounter the research institution, a mutation occurred!

I saw several lightning bolts falling and actually turned into barriers, blocking the ball of light.


As the explosion occurred, lightning and light balls simultaneously turned into a large number of sparks and scattered all around, protecting the research institution behind.

"How is this going?"

Horii said in confusion, then raised his head, only to see dark clouds appearing over the research institute.

The dark clouds were extremely thick, with thunder and lightning all over the surface, completely different from ordinary dark clouds.

And it seemed to be alive, floating towards Kayako.

Not just there, the same dark clouds floated from the sky in all directions, gathering above the coconut palm, forming a very huge dark cloud.

causing the surrounding environment to become particularly dark.


The next second, all the dark clouds erupted into extremely powerful thunder!

"Is this the Lightning Man?"

After Horii saw this, he had to suspect that this was the lair of the Lightning Man.

"It's the Lightning Man indeed!"

At this time, Ye Rui's voice came from the communication machine.

"The lairs of lightning people floating in the sky around Japan are all gathered on the Kayako!"

Ye Rui's voice was extremely surprised, and he kept tapping on the keyboard.

"Could it be that!"

Horii immediately thought of something after hearing this. He immediately turned on his communication phone and pointed it at the dark clouds.

As a result, different radio waves were detected.

"The lightning man is creating electric waves to offset the power of Kayako!"

Horii screamed in shock.

"Is it to avenge their companions!"

Zongfang immediately thought of the answer and couldn't help but feel surprised.

"That's right, the Lightning Man was angry because his compatriots were eaten by Kayako and their souls were used, so they came here to support Tiga!"

Horii followed Munakata's speculation, his pupils gradually dilated, and he was extremely shocked.


Now it's because of the electromagnetic waves created by the lightning people and the electromagnetic waves from the research institutions.

Gaoyao felt extremely uncomfortable. In addition, she was injured by Diga, which undoubtedly made it worse! .

It's like viruses that are harmful to the human body are being eliminated by drugs.


It was not only Kayako but also Toshio who was affected.

Toshio was particularly painful by the sudden radio wave and could no longer contain Tiga and Red Lotus Knightmon.

So he was grabbed by Red Lotus Knightmon and thrown to Kayako.

He pulled Diga and climbed out of the cave immediately.

"Tiga! Red Lotus Knightmon! Now!"

Horii shouted!


Diga nodded vigorously. This time he must not miss the opportunity!

I saw that Tiga gathered all his power and used Zaipelliao's beam, and Red Lotus Knightmon also concentrated all his power and fired the Pure Land Beam!

The two lights combined and turned into an even bigger light, hitting Kayako and Toshio! !

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Such a powerful light put Kayako and Junxiong in great pain, and they had to look up to the sky and scream.

The whole body is constantly smoking.

Kayako wanted to use her abilities, but she was in so much pain now, and coupled with the influence of electromagnetic waves, she couldn't use any abilities at all and could only be beaten like a target!

In the end, Kayako and Toshio disappeared completely, leaving only a cloud of black air floating around.

Watching this scene from a distance, Horii couldn't help but sigh.

"The lightning people hate electromagnetic waves very much, but in order to avenge their companions and support Tiga, they use lightning to create the electromagnetic waves they hate, and also protect the electromagnetic wave receiving mechanism that they regard as a thorn in their side."

"This battle is between Ultraman Tiga and only the Lightning and humans can win by working together..."

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