Earth Dragon looked at Tsunade and the others indifferently, explaining how terrifying the sea snake was.

The sea snake's body is mainly composed of steam and seaweed. As long as it stays in the sea, it can recover no matter how much it is destroyed. It is simply a truly immortal body.

After listening to Earth Dragon's words, Tsunade and others' expressions were extremely gloomy and terrifying.

A giant immortal monster is a disaster no matter how you think about it.

Everyone has seen how terrifying it is today.

That astonishing tsunami and its terrifying lethality killed countless people.

In addition, the consequences caused by Dilong for the so-called organization.

They saw so many miserable things along the way from their respective villages.

The earth cracked open, the flat land turned into sea water, and there were corpses everywhere you looked.

It's just the first time.

What should I do if it continues to appear in the future?

Is there really no way to kill everyone?

"Is there really no way? Is there no way to get rid of the sea snake once and for all?"

Jiraiya asked reluctantly.

"If there was really a way, I would have eliminated the sea snakes long ago."

Earth Dragon replied indifferently.

"Unless you have the ability to evaporate most of the ocean, you won't be able to completely eradicate sea serpents."

Earth Dragon's words made Tsunade and the others despair.

They really can't imagine what will happen in the future.

"The only thing you can do is to minimize the damage while I fight the sea snake. You seem to have strong power, so you may be able to do it."

After Dilong left these words, he began to move in one direction.

"where are you going!"

Tsunade asked quickly when she saw that Earth Dragon was about to leave.

"Find a place to sleep. When the sea snake appears, I will come out."

When Dilong answered, he did not turn around.

"Can you tell us more? We want to know more about the sea snakes, and about you."

Tsunade tried her best to calm down and communicate with the Earth Dragon.

"Wait until I find a suitable place to live and communicate with you."

After the Earth Dragon finished speaking, he directly drilled into the cracks in the earth and moved forward underground.

Its huge size once again caused the ground to shake continuously, causing collapses in many places again.

"Let's go rescue people first."

Terumi Mei said this after thinking for a moment.

It's really the only thing they can do right now.

So they created a large number of clones and spread out to save as many victims as possible.

Sea snakes and earth dragons appeared in this world for only a short time, leaving unimaginable destruction in their wake.

At this moment, many people realized the true horror of the containment.

Naruto: How is Grandma Tsunade doing now? That earth dragon is sneaking underground.

The situation of the earth dragon is currently being played on the screen. As for the sea snake, it is just a pile of sea water, and no movement can be seen.

Tsunade: We can only wait for the earth dragon to find a place to settle down before we can contact it again.

Nick Fury: So, how do you plan to contain a monster like this?

Jiraiya: There is no way to contain this. Both the sea snake and the earth dragon are beyond our capabilities. It is impossible for us to contain him.

Bruce Wayne: So are you going to let it go?

Tsunade: It's definitely impossible! The only thing we can do now is monitor.

Tony Stark: Hey, I think you can try to cooperate with the earth dragon, as the screen says, to reduce the damage caused by the battle between the earth dragon and the sea snake.

Sengoku: How can we cooperate? With such a huge monster, no matter what we do, it will be dangerous.

Tsunade: We are also thinking about it. Although we are very reluctant to admit it, there is no other choice but this way now.

Radamandis: Humph, it’s not that you are too weak, it’s just such a huge creature. If it were in our world, we would definitely be able to deal with it!

Sisyphus: Shut up, Hades! They have worked hard!

Aiagos: No matter how hard you try, you still can't do anything. You're just a bunch of losers.

Defteros: How dare a man who has been killed once say that.

Aiagos: Bastard! Sooner or later I will get this thing back!

Tsunade and the others were not in the mood to talk to others and were concentrating on treating the disaster scene.

Try your best to find survivors and cremate the bodies to avoid causing a plague.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

Just then, a beast roar came from the distance.

Get their attention.

I saw several C-virus super beasts appearing in the distance, destroying everything.

Not just super beasts, there are many corpses. The creatures were infected with the C virus and began to mutate, turning into zombies and walking around aimlessly.

"What's going on! Why are there super beasts!"

Jiraiya screamed in shock when he saw the super beast emerging from the distance.

Jiraiya: Orochimaru! What have you done! Why do super beasts and zombies suddenly appear, and in several places!

Orochimaru: Hey, don't blame me for everything. I didn't cause this.

Tsunade: If it weren't for you! Why do super beasts and zombies suddenly appear?

Orochimaru: Ah, don't forget, many villages in the country have come to me to buy Super Beasts and C-Virus. Perhaps because of the earthquake, those guys' Super Beasts escaped and the C-Virus was also leaked.

Orochimaru: Haha, I don’t know how much trouble that will cause.

Ai: What! This kind of thing happens at this juncture!

Ohnoki: Damn it! it was all your fault! Orochimaru!

Orochimaru: Haha, why don't you say it's those daimyo's fault? I didn't force them to buy it!

Jiraiya: I won’t talk nonsense to you anymore! We need to stop the situation from getting worse quickly!

Diana: God, you are really in trouble.

Clark: If I were in your universe, I would definitely help you.

Tsunade: It's useless to say this now. We can only protect our world as much as possible.

Fengyuan: I hope you can succeed.

Naruto Universe

Tsunade and others began to eliminate the super beasts and zombies that ran out.

Now Super Beast's every move is spreading the C-Virus.

Nowadays, there are corpses everywhere, causing more and more zombies to appear.

In the past, it would have been difficult to solve such a large-scale zombie crisis with ninjutsu alone.

But now they rely on the power of the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist, and there is no living person at the scene, so they don't need to worry.

So we can deal with a large number of zombies and super beasts as much as possible.

However, this is not the end.

The relationship between the battle between the Earth Dragon and the Sea Serpent, coupled with the chaos between the Super Beast and the C-Virus, has led to many villages and even small countries seeming to be on the verge of extinction.

No one can predict what the world will become and which direction it will develop.

In a remote area, Jiraiya's clone floated in the air and looked at the tragic situation around him.

He didn't feel any fear or awe about this, but instead felt excited.

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