Shock, panic, and all kinds of negative emotions instantly spread throughout the audience.

The Tianlong people actually died and were beaten into pieces.

This terrifying scene instantly subverted the outlook of everyone present.

In their eyes, the Celestial Dragons are the most noble in the world, and they must not have any thoughts of harm, otherwise they will only be destroyed.

But now there is actually a creature that dares to kill the Celestial Dragon!

Even if this is just an animal, it will cause huge trouble!

"Run away!!"

I don’t know who shouted this first, and then the onlookers ran away in a panic.

"Damn beast! How dare you kill Saint Charles!"

"This is trouble. If we don't protect you well, we will die!"

"Kill this guy together!"

The Celestial Dragon guards raised their weapons and aimed at Bugsy with great fear and anger.

Their fate is bound to that of the Celestial Dragons.

Once anything unexpected happens to the Tianlong people, they will definitely die!

Even if you run away to the ends of the earth, there is no use!

So they have to use Bugsy as their backer no matter what!

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

After feeling the intense malice of these guards, Bugsy roared even more angrily.

It makes its body grow larger and exudes a more ferocious aura.

The guards didn't know how scary Bugsy was and thought he was just a more powerful wild bear.

So they rushed to attack.

However, they soon realized how foolish they were.

Their strength and weapons were nothing compared to Bugsy.

With just a slight touch, he watched helplessly as the spear in his hand was shattered!

"Ho ho ho!!"

Bugsy roared angrily and slapped him with his paw!

Shoot all these guards away.

No one knew what had become of the body inside that armor.

Anyway, when I flew out, the sky was filled with blood! Not to mention how penetrating it looks!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The only surviving guards finally realized the terror of Bugsy at this moment, and were instantly scared to the point of peeing, without any thought of fighting.

Turn around and run immediately.

But how could Bugsy just let his prey go?

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Bugsy roared angrily while moving his limbs to chase the prey.

As long as you are targeted by it, there is no way to survive!



There were countless buildings along the way, and trees were knocked down by Bugsy.

Wherever he passed, there was no grass growing and everything was in a mess.

Many people were harmed as a result.

There were many bad-tempered pirates and bounty hunters among them, and they attacked one after another, which only irritated Bugsy even more.

The ferocious malice and killing intent made Bugsy's body grow bigger and bigger, reaching twenty meters!

This resulted in countless people dying tragically on the spot and turning into countless pieces of meat!

"You bastard! I'm eating!"

A woman with long pink hair glared at Bugsy and yelled while eating pizza.

She is none other than Bonnie, one of the worst generation supernovas!

"Ho ho ho ho!"

After Bugsy sensed the malice emanating from Bonnie, he immediately changed his target to her and rushed towards her.

"Want to fight! Let's see what your bear is capable of!"

After Bonnie roared angrily, she threw away the pizza in her hand.

Immediately dodge to the side to avoid Bugsy's claw attack.

Then he grabbed Bugsy's body with both hands.

"Take me back to the time when I was a cub!"

Bonnie wanted to use her powers to regress Bugsy to a cub.

However, this trick may be useful for ordinary bears.

But Bugsy is not an animal at all and has no effect at all.


Bugsy retracted his arm forcefully and bumped into Bonnie with his elbow.

Just knock Bonnie out!


Bonnie spit out blood in the air, drew an arc and landed heavily in the distance.

I was so uncomfortable that I covered my body, feeling as if my body was falling apart.

"Damn monster, why are the abilities useless?"

Bonnie looked at Bugsy in disbelief, wondering what the problem was.

"Hey! You monster!"

Just then a very angry voice came.

I saw a huge castle appearing behind Bugsy.

And the strange thing is that this castle looks like a human, and it actually has a pair of angry eyes.

"You actually slaughtered my men wantonly and even injured my wife! Are you looking for death?"

This castle man is none other than one of the supernovas of the worst generation - Capone Becky!

His words were full of incomparable anger and murderous intent, and after he finished speaking, the muzzles of his body were exposed.

Shooting at Bugsy like crazy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless shells fell on and around Bugsy, causing numerous big explosions.

"Hahaha! I don't believe that a monster like you can withstand the power of countless cannons! My firepower can even destroy a warship!"

Becky shouted excitedly as she looked at the gunfire in front of her.

However, at this moment, a huge figure gradually rose up from the smoke. It was Bugsy or someone else!

Facing Becky and the people in the castle, they were bombarded by artillery fire full of murderous intent.

Bugsy becomes more and more powerful and is over thirty meters tall.

Becky couldn't help but be stunned by the huge figure.

"How is this going?"

Becky felt extremely shocked and frightened, and couldn't understand why Bugsy could change like this under such firepower.


But Becky had no answer.

He was directly hit by Bugsy's palm more than ten meters deep into the ground. The terrifying impact caused the surrounding area to collapse!

After Bugsy's hand was removed, Caponebeki returned to his human form and turned into meat paste, with a lot of blood flowing out.

I'm afraid the people inside him will also die.

"Wow, is this guy so scary?"

Apu, who was quietly watching from a distance, looked at Bugsy's terrifying figure with a surprised look on his face.

"Where did this monster come from? We are not going to die here."

Apu couldn't help but think this way.

"Captain, let's run!"

A crew member next to him shouted anxiously.

"Why are you so anxious? If you encounter such a powerful monster, how can you survive without attacking?"

However, Apu thought so desperately.

"Ho ho ho!!"

Bugsy didn't stop now.

It was still roaring angrily.

Although no one is attacking it now, no one who has fled does not resent Bugsy.

Even if they don't do anything now, the malice in their hearts will be passed on to Bugsy.

Making Bugsy more and more violent.

So Bugsy randomly found a direction and attacked everywhere unscrupulously, killing group after group of human beings he encountered. It would not end until the malicious intent against him no longer existed!

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