American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 46 The terrible shy guy cannot be stopped at all

The Shy Guy kills people very quickly. In less than half an hour, the entire street and even the houses are covered with corpses.

However, this is not the end, there are far more people who see his appearance.

Just as the shy man left the street, the police finally dared to come and shoot at the shy man, and even took out rocket launchers and grenades.

However, there are so many powerful weapons that cannot stop the shy ghost from advancing.

He couldn't even scratch the shy guy's fur.

Instead, he made the shy guy even angrier and accelerated his speed. He instantly plunged into the crowd of police officers and carried out ruthless killings!

In the blink of an eye, corpses were everywhere, and severed limbs were scattered everywhere!

No matter how many police officers come or how many high-powered weapons they bring, they can't stop the shy guy at all. On the contrary, the more police come, the more people die.

Without police protection, citizens are even less able to protect themselves.

Three hours later.

This small town was completely reduced to a dead city.

As far as the eye could see there were corpses.

However, this is not the end, but the beginning of a more terrifying nightmare.

Shy Ghost's ruthless killing has been filmed and spread on the Internet. During this time, countless people clicked to view it, and even TV stations promoted it.

The number of people who see shy ghosts is impossible to count.

The Shy Ghost is a monster that will kill anyone whose face it sees.

Even if the other party sees the photo from a long distance, or it is just a portrait, or even a pixel-level photo.

They will all be sensed by shy ghosts, and then they will be found and killed. It is useless no matter how far away they dare to hide.

Now that the shy guy felt that tens of millions of people saw his face, he yelled crazily at the sky, and then disappeared in an instant.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

Immediately afterwards, the buildings nearby suddenly collapsed!

This is a feat accomplished by a shyster moving at high speeds.

The further away the target is, the faster the Shy Guy will be.

The current speed of Shy Ghost is already dozens of times the speed of sound, but this terrifying speed is still accelerating! Gradually break through to a hundred times!

Now it no longer needs to do it by itself. The impact caused by this terrifying speed is enough to crush any living thing.

This is why no known physical material on Earth can stop a shy person.

The shy guy just kept running through buildings, trampling on anything in his way, looking for the group of people who saw his face.

Shy Ghost killed countless people along the way. If someone looked down at this country from above, they would see blood and corpses everywhere. .

Those victims would never have imagined that they would be killed just by browsing its photos.

After the top leaders of the country learned about such a terrible phenomenon, they immediately mobilized the army to stop the shy ghosts.

Tanks, aircraft, artillery, missiles, any weapon with terrifying power, call them all.


The picture was full of gunfire and smoke.

Many tanks and fighter jets were firing at the same location.

After all the shells were fired, the army stopped and looked at the explosion, wondering if the monster was dead.

The unbelievable result is that a skeleton is slowly coming out.

The skeleton is constantly growing blood, flesh and skin, reassembling the appearance of the shy ghost.

This monster's vitality is so terrifying that it can regenerate even if only its bones are left after being blown up.

The combination of terrifying regeneration ability, astonishing speed, and powerful destructive power makes Shy Ghost almost invincible.

"Keep going! Don't stop!"

The soldiers were frightened by this terrifying monster and continued to fire and reload their ammunition crazily.

However, their efforts only temporarily delayed the Shy Ghost, but could not stop it from killing at all.

The last day passed, and the entire country became a purgatory, with 99% of the population exterminated. The killings reached such an extent that the shy guy didn't feel the sight of others at all, so he stopped and continued to cover his face in grief.

This country completely disappeared from the map and became the dust of history.

Then the shelter finally appeared. Faced with such a terrifying monster, they had no way to fight against it. They could only wait for the shy ghost to kill everyone.

And control any transmission channels and wait until it stops before containing it.

In the end, in order to test the limits of shy people, the shelter specially arranged for people to see photos of shy people in space.

However, something incredible happened.

The shy ghost actually ran into space to find that person, demolished the space capsule that could withstand nuclear bombs, captured the person inside and mercilessly eliminated him.

Subsequently all experiments with the Shy Ghost were terminated and no images of the Shy Ghost could be transmitted.

Once someone sees a shy person, that person must be dealt with before things get worse.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked. What a terrifying monster this was.

Doraemon world.

"Ah! Doraemon, we have seen what this monster looks like. Will he appear?"

Nobita was frightened. When had he ever seen such a terrifying monster?

Others also had the same idea. They saw the shy guy. Isn't that very dangerous?

"Viewers in front of the screen can rest assured that this screen will not trigger the abnormal conditions of shy people."

Everyone relaxed after hearing this, but they couldn't feel at ease either.

Nobita was stunned by such a terrifying scene, which made Doraemon particularly anxious.

Nick Fury: "What a terrifying creature this is! It can wipe out an entire country in one day!"

Bruce Wayne: "It's not just that simple! As long as someone continues to spread its photos, the whole world will be dragged into hell by it!"

Tony Stark: "In a society with developed Internet, it is so easy to spread photos to the ends of the earth! And its speed can easily exceed a hundred times the speed of sound. Coupled with its indestructible body, it is fully capable of annihilating the entire world. Planet!"

Zhu Xingluan: "It can be found no matter how far away it is, and it can also rush into space. Doesn't this mean that it can be hunted down even from distant alien planets?"

Thor: "Hey! You don't mean to say that this thing has the ability to destroy the universe, do you?"

Vegeta: "Don't be ridiculous! There are countless creatures in the universe that are more powerful than people on Earth. Just because people on Earth can't deal with them doesn't mean we can't! Your toys are not a threat at all in my eyes!"

Diana: "Indeed, I'm not afraid of cannons, missiles or anything like that. If I encounter such a creature, there may be a way to destroy it."

Bruce Wayne: "Who are you for speaking so loudly?"

Diana: "It's none of your business. Don't ask about women's secrets."

Thor: "Haha, if this thing dares to run to Asgard, I will definitely beat it to death!"

The comments on the screen were polarized. Some thought the shy ghost was very scary, while others thought that the people on earth were too weak and did not take the shy ghost seriously.

When Nick Fury saw these comments, he immediately thought of his friend Carol.

She is also an existence that cannot be eliminated by any means on earth.

So Nick Fury kept pressing the call machine hard, fearing that this shy guy would appear on their earth and no one could stop him. Only by calling Carol back could he have a way to fight!

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