"Oh, this book has a strange magic power. It can make people sink into it and test the dangerous things in it."

When Yao Ma was reading the Necronomicon, he felt that something was tempting him to continue reading.

On the surface, it seems like his own desires are expanding.

But for Yao Ma, who is very good at playing with human nature, he immediately understood what was going on.

"It turns out that this is not a book edited by humans, but was deliberately passed down by evil gods."

Yao Ma said while reading the Necronomicon.

"The chaotic Azathoth created the universe through sleep. The three pillar gods, Cthulhu, Hastur... Huhuhu!"

As Yao Ma read more and more contents of the Necronomicon, he couldn't help but feel excited.

The content in this book made him find it extremely interesting, just like a child who gets a brand new toy and can't put it down.

And as he watched more and more, Yao Ma began to have more and more crazy ideas.

At this time, everyone on the screen was discussing.

King: A book that records evil gods and summons evil gods is definitely not a good thing!

Modu: That’s right. These kinds of books are all ploys by evil gods from other dimensions to expand their followers and invade the world!

Radamandis: Hello! Yao Ma! Are you reading that book now? What do you want to do!

Thanatos: Hand over that book and we'll see what it is.

Luffy: What would evil gods from other universes look like?

Wang: I advise you not to think about meeting evil gods. They are not only powerful but also affect your cognition. Just touching them may cause your spirit to collapse.

Usopp: Is this so disgusting!

Karp: Is this God? On the contrary, those things in our world that claim to be gods are nothing.

Long: I feel the same way.

Sasha: I feel like I have to take the Necronomicon from Yao Ma. He doesn’t know what he will do.

Ashmita: I feel the same way. I don’t know if it’s my illusion. When the Necronomicon appeared, I always felt as if something was staring at our world.

Sun Wukong: This sounds different from Kaioh. I don’t know if he is very powerful. If he is very strong, I really want to fight him.

Ancient One: You should put away this idea. Dealing with evil gods will cause a lot of trouble, and it may affect your future life. The shadows of evil gods are everywhere.

Sun Wukong: Is it like Grandpa Turtle, who stares at girls all day long?

Leping: Wukong! Don't use the metaphor of Master Wutian casually.

Diana: What you say sounds disgusting!

Ancient One: This metaphor may not be appropriate. . .

Nobita: Hey! Like a ghost? That's disgusting. I don't want to come into contact with any evil gods!

Minos: No matter what, we have to make Yao Ma hand over the Necronomicon first. Hey! Yao Ma, are you here?

However, no matter how others called, Yao Ma would not respond.

It wasn't that he deliberately pretended not to see it, but that he was currently looking at the Necronomicon and was fascinated by the contents.

"Hahaha! What an incredible book. Everything in it is enough to make people crazy! But those weak mortals, who know that their world will be destroyed, must contact the evil god and obtain the endless knowledge. and strength!"

"Haha, this is the author of this book's trick, to have more fun watching human beings perish due to stupidity. Even if it is not written in this book, I can guess it, otherwise why would there be so much emphasis on that in this book? That guy’s bad taste.”

Yao Ma looked at the book monster of the dead and smiled, not to mention how weird it looked.

"With this book, my plan to counterattack the heaven can be changed, and it can even have more fun.

This book says that the Old Ones once fought against the Old Gods of Earth in their own universe, so let’s just recreate it. What kind of expression would he have if the universe he created was completely destroyed by evil gods from other universes? "

The more Yao Ma thought about it, the more excited he became, his smile became more and more ferocious and weird, and his body continued to tremble with excitement.

A very scary aura emanates from the whole body, making people feel very uncomfortable just standing next to it.

"Then let's try it now. Let's make contact first. If we summon it directly, it would be bad if it destroys my space or the stage of the earth."

After Yao Ma finished speaking, he looked for spells and rituals to summon evil gods.

It's quite simple, as long as you make sure every step is good and add appropriate sacrifices, you can successfully contact the evil god.

"It's so easy to summon. I didn't mean to cause trouble. No one would believe it."

Yao Ma sneered disdainfully.

"As for the sacrifice, that insect is very suitable. It's not dead yet anyway."

Yao Ma smiled, and then quickly started to prepare the relevant rituals.

In the space where Yao Ma is located, the flow rate of time is different from that in the outside world.

To the outside world, an hour here is less than a minute.

After working for a while, Yao Ma finally completed the ceremony.

In the next second, an extremely huge amount of dark energy appeared in front of him.

Darkness instantly spread around like a waterfall, covering Yaoma's space.

"Please, this is my territory."

When Yao Ma saw his place, he couldn't help complaining about being ruined by this dark energy.

Then I looked at the Antarctic monster, and saw that the Antarctic monster was being covered by dark energy.

It seemed to be in great pain, trembling and howling.

But after a while, it completely disappeared into the darkness.

Then the surrounding environment changes.

In front of Yao Ma is a very strange environment.

This place seems to be in the universe, with star clusters and galaxies everywhere, but the colors are like oil paintings.

Moreover, the unattractive mix and match of various colors looks particularly aesthetically tiring.

Everything seen with the naked eye is constantly distorted.

Galaxies compressed into stars, and stars collided with each other.

Colorful vortexes move everywhere.

Sometimes after looking at a location for a long time, it suddenly changes.

It can be said that everything in this space challenges the limits of human vision.

If you watch for a long time, it is not just as simple as your eyes are tired, but your brain is also confused.

"So this is your residence? It looks unartistic. Have you lived in vain for so many years?"

However, this is nothing to Yao Ma, and he is still in the mood to tease the owner here.


At this moment, a very strange sound came from Yao Ma's ears.

The sound was as chaotic as harsh radio waves, and would make normal people's ears explode.


However, Yao Ma seemed to understand the voice and looked up.

I saw a mass of dark energy appearing out of thin air above, like clouds, approaching Yao Ma.

Moreover, two blood-red eyes appeared on the surface of this energy, floating around while staring at Yao Ma.

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