"Don't worry about it!"

After Tony realized that his eye condition was noticed, he immediately put on his sunglasses, not wanting to be looked at.

"Were you beaten?"

However, how could Banner ignore it and immediately asked.

This made Tony's eyebrows twitch, as if he didn't want to speak.

"I heard from Hill that Tony Stark went to see a man named Hank Pym yesterday, but he was punched out before he even entered."

Cain next to him explained.

"Ah? No, isn't Tony an angel now? Will he still be injured?"

Banner asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"It is said that at that time, Hank Pym was conducting research, and the gloves contained a lot of dirty substances, so Tony's eye sockets were stained and could not be washed off."

Cain continued to explain.

"Oh oh oh~~"

After listening, Bruce Banner nodded in realization.

"Hey, are you and Hill having an affair? Why does she tell you everything!"

Tony shouted dissatisfied after hearing this.

Anyway, they all knew it, so they simply took off the magic mirror without hiding it and looked at the two people with quite dissatisfied eyes.

Seeing that Tony was really angry, Banner and Cain could only hold back their laughter and say nothing.

This only made Tony even more unhappy.

"Okay, let's start working quickly!"

Tony immediately changed the subject and began to arrange for them to start researching and developing Ultron.

. . . . . .

DC Universe.

After a long battle, most of the siren heads were finally thrown into the blood pool, which was regarded as a successful containment.

"Then just throw the rest into the pool of blood."

Wayne said as he looked at the siren head that was shrunk many times in his hand, his head was damaged, and he was constantly shaking.

"Hufufu... I finally got it done, I'm exhausted."

Arthur sat down exhausted and said.

"It took a lot of effort to get this thing done."

"Yeah, the battle is okay, but you have to pay attention to the time in the mirror world. There were a few times when I almost couldn't hold on."

Diana nodded sympathetically.

When fighting in the mirror world, you must calculate the time carefully. Once you stay in the mirror world for too long, you must be careful.

It will become particles and disappear into the mirror world.

However, it sounds simple, like just setting an alarm clock.

But in the heat of a fierce battle, who would notice so many details.

He only reacted when his body was about to turn into particles and disappear.

"But looking on the bright side, we managed to solve it successfully."

Clark immediately smiled and reassured everyone.

"Compared to you, I feel much more relaxed."

At this time, Barry ran back, panting tiredly.

"I can say that I have traveled through most of the United States. I don't know how many of these monsters have been captured. Are there any left?"

Barry said as he put the box on his back down.

There are still slowly hallucinating predators inside.

"Let me see."

Wayne looked at the screen and saw that there were no more phantom predators, but that didn't make him relax his vigilance.

"There are no more descendants. I just don't know if they still have any descendants in this world."

Wayne said warily.

In this way, one can only wait for a victim to appear before taking action.

He had already figured out what to do.

The matter of hallucinating predators has been noticed by some civilians and they have begun to talk about it on the Internet.

Wayne plans to set up a forum to talk about this matter and make it more popular.

Let many netizens know that when this happens, share it and they can take action immediately.

[Congratulations to the successful containment of DC Universe Siren Head and Hallucination Predator. The rewards are now settled. 】

["Reward Barry, antimemetic device.\

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