American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 44 Yearning for the future of Doraemon’s world

Ancient One is confused about Doraemon traveling through the past and changing the fate of others.

She is proficient in the magic of using the Time Stone to change time.

So it's clear what the consequences of changing the time at will will be.

He was very confused about Doraemon's behavior.

Doraemon: "No, Nobita is just an ordinary person. Whether his future changes or not will not have much impact on the world line. If it really involves major future changes, I would have been arrested by the Space-Time Patrol. ”

Nick Fury: "You also have a police department that specializes in time travel!"

Doraemon: "Of course. In the future, there will be many criminals who cross the timeline and try to change the future to make huge profits. Departments like the Time Patrol are needed to maintain the timeline."

Tony Stark: "I didn't expect that the technology in your world would develop to such a powerful level. How great it would be if I could live in your world!"

Tony Stark is not just talking nonsense, but he is really yearning for the world of Doraemon.

He thought he had reached the pinnacle of science, but after seeing Doraemon, his cognition was greatly subverted.

He was very curious about how far he could develop if he were in that 22nd century.

"Sir, we have arrived at our destination."

At this time, the sexy stewardess came over and said.

"Okay, thank you."

Tony Stark immediately stood up.

Kama Taj

In a rare move, Gu Yi shook his fan faster.

"Because it doesn't have a big impact, it won't be punished by time. The laws of time in their world are really interesting."


Thor looked at Doraemon's words with a confused expression. In his mind, he was still replaying the story of Doraemon turning his lies into truth.

If it happened to me, there would be no other end than being toyed with!

"I hate this kind of weapon. It's not fair at all. Men should compete openly!"

Thor said with an unhappy expression.


Loki laughed disdainfully after hearing this.

Why waste effort when others can easily defeat you?

But Loki wanted such an artifact very much.

Lies come true, which is very suitable for a god of trickery like him.


At this moment, an explosion occurred in Asgard's palace, attracting everyone's attention.

"Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack!"

A guard shouted anxiously.


Odin screamed in shock after hearing this, and then burst out with violent killing intent.

How dare you attack Asgard! court death!

DC Universe

Bruce Wayne lowered his head in thought and looked into a small alley not far away.

The death of his parents and the dark alley have always been memories that he can't forget.

If he could really bring his parents back to life, he would do whatever it takes.

"Lies come true. It's a pity that I can't get it. If I could study it, well, how is it possible?"

Bruce Wayne is now particularly yearning for the magical and unpredictable technological world of Doraemon, where cause and effect can be changed.

This is entirely the field that scientists yearn for the most.

After Bruce Wayne thought of this, he looked at the mirror next to him. On the other side of the mirror, there were actually a group of hostages suppressed by robbers. The leader of this group of robbers was Bruce Wayne's old rival Bane.

Now he stays in the mirror world through the power of Night Rider, ready to attack at any time.


At this moment, the Darkwing Bat flew to Batman's side, looked at the person outside the mirror, and screamed.

"No, I can't let you eat people. Even if they are criminals, it's not your turn to eat them casually, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble!"

Batman understands that the Darkwing Bat wants to eat people. It is better to be eaten by monsters than to kill himself. This is what he thinks.

But he was afraid that once he started doing this, he would use this kind of thing as an excuse to kill people in the future, and gradually lose his original intention.

Become a murderer no different from a criminal.

That's why he hoped to restrict the Dark Winged Bat from eating people.


Upon hearing this, the Dark Winged Bat screamed in dissatisfaction.

Blood red eyes stared at Batman.

"I will prepare other animals for you to replace, please bear with me!"

Batman will not be frightened by this monster, but instead scolds it as its master.

Only then did Darkwing Bat reluctantly agree.

Batman then jumps out of the mirror and attacks the criminals outside.

With the power of Night Rider and the assistance of Darkwing Bat, no one can resist Batman.

Even Bane is no longer a match for Batman.

On the contrary, starting tonight, there is another mysterious legend about Batman.

Wearing medieval armor and a black cloak, he is raising giant bats.

The fear of Batman further enveloped the entire Gotham.

Naruto World

Naruto stared at the screen blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What's wrong, Naruto, we have to leave."

Jiraiya asked confused.

Now that Tsunade has decided to go back to being Hokage, they have to return to the village.


Naruto shook his head and pretended to be brave.

"He may want to get that lie to come true and resurrect his parents."

Tsunade walked over and whispered.

Jiraiya was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then nodded, couldn't help but sigh, looked at Naruto sadly, and didn't know what to say.

"Jiraiya, if you get such a magical thing, what would you do?"

Tsunade actually had the same idea as Naruto. She was a little curious about what an old and frivolous person like Jiraiya would do with it.

"If it were me, of course I would let the young lady accompany me to drink without paying!"

Jiraiya immediately put on a perverted look and thought about all kinds of good things.

This made Tsunade almost want to punch him.

"Just kidding! Just kidding!"

After sensing Tsunade's murderous intention, Jiraiya quickly returned to his seriousness and coughed twice symbolically.

"Ahem! If it were me, I'm afraid I would hope that there would be no war in the world."

When Jiraiya said this, his eyes were full of sadness, looking at the sky, and I don't know what he remembered.

"Hey! Lecherous Immortal, Grandma Tsunade! We're leaving, what are you doing!"

Naruto shouted at Jiraiya and Tsunade.

The two saw that Naruto seemed to have recovered, and they smiled helplessly and followed immediately.

One Piece World

"This item is so magical, it will come true. If I get such a treasure, everyone's dream will come true." Usopp said with a longing look. "Stupid, if dreams can be realized so easily, what's the point of living." However, Zoro sang a different tune. He didn't want such an easy way to realize his dreams. "You're right, dreams are only interesting if you work hard for them." Luffy said with a smile. Usopp just shrugged helplessly after hearing this, he was used to it.

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