American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 42 The lie came true and everyone was shocked

"Help! Help!"

The poor man no longer had the strength to run. Those monsters relied on some unknown ability to launch a fatal attack on that man across the barrier of the world.

"stop it!"

Doraemon and Nobita immediately flew over, and at the same time they took out air cannons and shock guns to attack the group of creatures!



The air cannon blew up some monsters, and then the shock gun successfully put the hit monsters into a state of shock.

Delay the time that the person is hurt as much as possible.

Give them a chance to grab the man and fly into the air to avoid these monsters


The appearance of Doraemon and Nobita attracted the attention of all the monsters, and they howled.

The sudden appearance of new intruders made them extremely dissatisfied. They howled and wanted to attack them.

But none of these creatures could fly. They could only stretch out their hands and watch Doraemon and Nobita fly higher and higher.

This made them extremely angry, and their roars contained strong murderous intent.

As time went by, more and more monsters appeared in all directions visible to the naked eye, almost filling the desert.

So many monsters gathered together, gradually forming a meat ladder, approaching Doraemon and Nobita.

Jiraiya: "Oh my god, why are there so many!"

Warring States: "If we can't eliminate them all, they will be hunted down to the end."

Tony Stark: "The weapons in their hands are not enough to deal with them. There must be some high technology!"

"Doraemon, what should I do?"

Nobita shouted anxiously.

"Don't panic! Leave it to me!"

Doraemon didn't panic at all, and even thought of a way. He immediately rummaged through his pocket and took out what looked like a mouth toy, and then put it on his mouth.

"We are actually not seen by this group of creatures, and they will not continue to hunt us."

Doraemon said the opposite of the truth seriously.

Everyone here looked confused, what are they doing?

Before they could ask anything, something that shocked them happened.

That was the monsters that were originally trying to chase Doraemon and the others, but now they walked away one by one as if nothing had happened.

Completely turning a blind eye to the three people in the sky.

"Is Doraemon okay now?"

Nobita asked worriedly.

"As long as you don't make any noise and attract their attention, that's fine."

When Doraemon said this, he looked at the uncle in his hand. Fortunately, he had fainted, otherwise he would be in trouble if he yelled again.

After the group of creatures completely dispersed, Doraemon and Nobita breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they immediately took off their 3D glasses and returned to reality.

Seeing this, all the audience exploded and asked countless questions.

Nick Fury: "My Fuck! What did you do! Why did you just say a word and those creatures left!"

Mordo: "Is that forgetting magic! You will also forget magic!"

Tony Stark: "This is amazing, please explain it quickly!"

Doraemon: "This is not some forgetfulness magic, this is a lie coming true. As long as you wear this prop, no matter how outrageous your words are, they will become reality. Even the end of the world can be done."

Everyone fell into silence when they saw Doraemon's words, unable to laugh at this seemingly brief message.

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Furuichi looked at Doraemon's explanation in disbelief.

"Modify reality, this is the ability to modify reality!"

Ancient One immediately thought of magic that could modify reality.

In her knowledge, there are some magics that can modify reality, but the strongest ones are the Reality Stone, Phoenix Power, and Chaos Magic.

However, this little beak can actually modify reality in such a terrifying way, and it seems to be very convenient to use.

Gu Yi, who had faced off against countless demon gods, couldn't turn his head around. It was the first time he had lost his temper like this.

Tony Stark: "Is this still technology? It completely subverts the law of cause and effect!"

Doraemon: "That's true, but this is a high-tech product of the 22nd century."

Tony Stark: "This is actually technology! Technology can actually subvert cause and effect! This is amazing, please tell me how it is done!"

Doraemon: "How do I know this? I didn't do it. What's more, even if I tell you how to make it, you don't have the materials of our 22nd century."

Seeing this, Tony Stark was instantly disappointed. Seeing such a high-tech product on the other side of the screen, he couldn't study it, and his mood was so complicated.

It's like being a kid looking at the toys in the closet and never getting that feeling!

Naruto: "Anything can be achieved. If I have this, I can become Hokage and create a peaceful world without war!"

Usopp: "Then all my bragging will come true!"

Piccolo: "Hey, can it be used to kill very powerful enemies?"

Doraemon: "Ah? Yes."

Son Gohan: "It would be great if our world had them, so we wouldn't have to worry about Saiyans."

Sun Wukong: "Hey, that won't work. I want to fight in an upright manner."

Piccolo: "Me too."

Sun Wukong: "Then you still ask!"

Vegeta: "Damn it, do you think I'm afraid? I just want to kill you instantly without you opening your mouth!"

Doraemon: "Well, this machine does have this problem. It won't start until the words are finished."

Natasha: "That's very simple. There are ten thousand ways to guard against it. Just hurry up."

Nick Fury: "Mr. Doraemon, if possible, please find a way to tell us the design principles and let us try it."

Nick Fury was very jealous when he saw the lie come true. With this, SHIELD can definitely handle any crisis!

Bruce Wayne: "So it can resurrect the dead!"

Diana: "You're back, why haven't you spoken for so long?"

Bruce Wayne: "I'm going to catch the criminal. Mr. Doraemon, can you answer me? Can you resurrect people who have been dead for a long time!"

Doraemon: "No one has tried this. It should be possible."

When Bruce Wayne saw this, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and felt excited.

Doesn't this mean that his parents who have been dead for many years can be resurrected!

But after the excitement, he was disappointed. He and Doraemon were not from the same universe, so how could he get such high technology.

"Congratulations on the successful containment of the 3D glasses. Now the rewards will be distributed."

At this moment, the electronic sound on the screen sounded.

"One-third of the props in Doraemon's pocket were upgraded to permanent props, and Nobita Nobita received the first-year magic course at Hogwarts, which came with an ordinary wand."

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