
After the giant alien confirmed that it had caught Tiga, it immediately raised its hands with force.

It directly pulled Tiga to his knees.


Tiga immediately exerted all its strength to try to break free from the tentacles on its body.

At this moment, the giant alien sprayed a highly corrosive liquid on Tiga.


The next second, Tiga's whole body was smoking and his body was constantly corroded.


This made Tiga have to make a particularly painful cry.

Then the giant alien quickly ran towards Tiga, and before Tiga could react.

Immediately jumped up, kicked Tiga's chest with both feet.

Then immediately let go of the tentacles.

Kicked Tiga directly and made Tiga crash into a mountain not far away.

This powerful force, coupled with Tiga's size.

Directly caused the mountain that Tiga hit to collapse continuously.


Tiga covered his chest uncomfortably and wanted to stand up immediately.

The giant alien would not miss this opportunity.

Its horns immediately emitted red light, gathering energy.

It was ready to fire a beam to sweep Tiga again!

Just when the giant alien fired a beam and was about to hit Tiga.

A figure suddenly enlarged rapidly from the side, blocking Tiga and taking the beam!

If you look closely, isn't that Crimson Knightmon!

Crimson Knightmon was affected by the master's transformation into Tiga, and his own power was amplified and also became huge.

At the critical moment, it blocked the red beam with its shield.

"Pure Land of Bliss!"

Then Crimson Knightmon's shield also fired a beam, bombarding the giant alien.

Blow it away!

"Master! I almost didn't find you just now!"

Crimson Knightmon said with some resentment.

It just went back to the mine to find Tiga, but couldn't find it for a long time.

It just realized that there was such a big noise outside, and ran out immediately.


Tiga apologized.

Then he looked in the direction of Kyoto.

He had noticed that many people had begun to sacrifice.

"Master, leave this to me! I will solve it as soon as possible and catch up!"

Crimson Knightmon immediately understood Tiga's intention, so he took the initiative to offer.


Tiga nodded vigorously to thank Crimson Knightmon, and then immediately flew towards Kyoto!


When the giant alien saw Tiga flying away, he immediately ran over anxiously to chase him.

But at this moment, Crimson Knightmon blocked it in front of it.

"Your opponent is me!"

Crimson Knightmon stared at the giant alien and shouted.


When the giant alien saw Crimson Knightmon blocking him, he immediately let out an extremely dissatisfied roar.

Then he directly clawed over.

Crimson Knightmon directly raised the Knight Gun, blocked the giant alien's claws, and pushed them away with a little force.

Then he stabbed the giant alien's chest with a gun.

At this moment, the gun head burst out with a powerful light and impact, directly blowing the giant alien back again and again.


This made the giant alien very painful and felt very angry.

Then it opened its mouth and spit out blood with strong corrosiveness again.

It poured on the body of Crimson Knightmon!

At this moment, Crimson Knightmon's whole body was smoking and seemed to be corroded.

"Don't think too much!"

However, the next second, Crimson Knightmon was not affected at all. He took a step forward and hit the giant alien's head with a gun.

Then he turned his fist with his backhand and hit the giant alien's brain with his shield.

He hit it 180 degrees and fell heavily to the ground.

"The blood that saved you can't corrode my body!"

After Crimson Knightmon finished speaking, he immediately continued to attack the alien.

At this time in Kyoto.



"Who will save us!"

"Victory Team, Tiga, where are you!"

The central area of ​​Kyoto was blocked by a wall created by a giant alien.

The people inside the wall couldn't escape at all.

They could only try their best to hide everywhere and try not to be caught by the giant alien.

In just a few minutes, the giant alien and the giant alien queen ate countless people.

It made the living people feel great fear.

It seemed that it would be their turn next and they had to suffer a lot.

"Uh uh uh..."

The giant alien burped very loudly.

Then it looked at the giant alien queen.

Then it nodded.

The next second, the giant alien took a few steps forward and stood still.

Then it gradually squatted down, raised its arms and crossed them, its muscles bulged, its body bent, and its head buried in its hands, looking like it was exerting force.

No one knew what the giant alien wanted to do.

Just after the giant alien maintained this exerting posture for a few seconds.

It suddenly waved its hands vigorously to the left and right.

Then it straightened its back, raised its chest, opened its mouth wide, and pointed it parallel to the sky!

"Puff puff puff!!"

At this moment, a large amount of highly corrosive blood spurted out of the giant alien's mouth.

It looked like a fountain.

The corrosive blood, like a fountain, rushed into the air and hit the barrier made by the giant alien itself.

The blood was rebounded into countless water splashes, falling to different locations.

This is not the end.

The giant alien turned its head and controlled the liquid to spit out the barrier at other locations.

Make sure that the spray of corrosive liquid is sprayed everywhere like a heavy rain.

Strangely enough, after this barrier came into contact with the huge alien liquid, it was not corroded and remained as solid as a rock!

Although this is just a splash, it should not be underestimated.

Every drop of water is highly corrosive.

Not only can it corrode the body.

Even the tiles on the building were corroded to create a big hole.

Many buildings everywhere have been corroded into holes, like a hornet's nest!

As a result, many people who were originally hiding in the building were exposed to the air.

They looked at the outside world anxiously, fearing that they would die in the next second.

No one knows what the giant alien wants to do now, corroding buildings in all directions.

"What does that monster want to do?"

Outside the barrier, Xincheng in Feiyan No. 2 said in confusion.

"Could it be that he wants to find the hiding humans?"

Horii couldn't help but guess.

You see, another monster is taking action. "

At this time, Zongfang noticed the strangeness of the giant alien queen and immediately reminded her.

I saw the huge alien queen, fixing six spider legs and inserting them into the ground, as if she was doing something and needed to stand firm.

Then it gradually raised its neck, exerting all its strength, and its neck suddenly became very thick.

It seemed like he wanted to spit something out.

"not good!"

At this moment, Ye Rui's extremely anxious voice sounded.

He is currently riding the Feiyan No. 1, which hit liquid nitrogen, heading to Kyoto, preparing to meet Munakata and the others.

At the same time, I am also paying attention to the battle situation in Kyoto.

At this moment, his computer discovered something wrong with the giant alien queen!

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