American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 390 The Immortality of the Underworld Warrior

Caludia: Hey! Why is Radamandis still alive? Didn't your heart fall down after being hit by my Andaris?

Sisyphus: And Aiagos was also destroyed!

Radamandis: Tsk, don’t underestimate the Underworld Warriors. We have Lord Hades’s blessing, and we will be resurrected even if we die! Now we are resurrected in the city of Hades!

Kaludia: No! You actually have the ability to be infinitely resurrected. Then the Saints who died fighting the Underworld Warriors before were sacrificed in vain!

When he thought of this, Kaludia was particularly angry, which made his heart hurt even more.

"Just calm down!"

Desier next to him was delivering freezing air while scolding him.

Fortunately, they used Shion's teleportation to rush back in time, otherwise Kaludia's death would have been in vain.

Aiagos: You know how terrifying our Saints are. From the beginning, you Saints have been in a very disadvantageous situation. Even if we are killed countless times, we will still be resurrected, but you only have one life.

Sisyphus: Damn it! How despicable!

Diana: No, Hades in your world actually has this ability. It is impossible for Hades in our world to do it!

Odin: Ours too, it's incredible.

Thanatos: Are you surprised? Is it difficult for a mere human to be resurrected as a god? It seems you are really weak.

Thor: Hey! Don't underestimate me!

Loki: Thor, please stop talking.

Ancient One: In our world, if you want to resurrect the dead, you have to get the consent of Mephisto in the hell dimension.

Rogers: Hey, isn't it very disadvantageous for Saint Seiya? The opponent can be resurrected infinitely, but Saint Seiya only has one life, so he will be wasted to death!

Diana: Can’t your Athena allow you to be resurrected indefinitely? ?

Aaron: No kidding, resurrecting the dead, but the power of Hades, the king of Hades, how could Athena seize the power.

Orochimaru: In your world, as long as you become a warrior of Hades, can you have infinite life? If it were me, I would definitely be willing, so I can continue research!

Aaron: Haha, it's a pity that only those selected by the Demon Star are qualified to become Hades Warriors, but maybe you can do it with your temperament.

Thanos: Hum, infinite life, I think you might not like it.

Aaron: Huh?

Thanos: Nothing.

Thanos in the space battleship looked at Aaron with a sneer.

He already knew very well that Aaron was the one who wanted to destroy all life and rebuild the world, so how could he allow his men to keep resurrecting.

"I'm afraid that when this guy's ideal is realized, not even the Underworld Warrior will be able to escape."

Thanos said with a sneer.

Manigault: Damn, that's bad for us!

Ashmita: There is no need to be nervous. Although the current situation is very unfavorable, there are ways to break it.

Sisyphus: Ashmita! Is what you said true!

Ashmita: There is no way to crack the infinite resurrection of the Underworld Warrior. Telling it now will only affect the plan. You will know it then.

Radamandis: Pretending to be a god, I don’t believe that a mere Saint can break Lord Hades’s blessing!

Ashmita: Haha, that’s not necessarily the case.

Diana: Now that you have a way to fight against it, don’t worry.

Regulus: Speaking of Ashmita, where were you just now? Why did you suddenly leave the Maiden Palace?

Ashmita: I have been in the Papal Hall, accepting a mission from the Pope.

["The time has come for the Saint Seiya LC universe. The bird is taken in by Ashmida, and Ashmida's small universe is rewarded for being upgraded to the eighth sense.\

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