"Hit the water."

Arthur didn't hide anything, he just waved his hand and threw a drop of water.

However, the water droplets were fired like a cannon, not only flying very far, but even penetrating the mountains in the distance!

"Samewa Shoken!"

Arthur was left with a breath. He had just been studying the fish-man karate information he had obtained in his mind, and immediately understood how to use it.

I saw him gathering strength in his fists and slamming into the ground, which actually made huge holes in the ground with many cracks all around!

Seeing Arthur's punch, both Barry and Bruce Wayne had to show shocked expressions.

Clark Kent looked indifferent.

Diana raised an eyebrow.

"It looks good. It's a very interesting martial art. Woman, I remember you said that your body is very strong."

Arthur looked at Diana with a smile.

Diana just hummed and nodded.

"But I can make the water and blood in your body undergo strong vibrations and destroy your body inside."

Arthur looked proud when he said this.

"Oh~~ It's interesting. Let's discuss it if we have a chance."

After hearing this, Diana became more motivated to fight and found this very interesting.

"I also sorted it out. The information I got about the qigong cannon is different from the heat rays I released. It compresses energy in a special way to achieve huge power."

After Clark Kent finished speaking, he put his hands together to form a triangle.


Clark just heard a roar, and then a strong air bomb erupted from the palm of his hand, destroying the ground in front of him, leaving a square hole hundreds of meters deep.

Seeing this scene, everyone else couldn't help but feel shocked.

Clark looked at his masterpiece indifferently.

Originally, he didn't think it was a big deal to get an attack move, because he himself was very strong.

But after understanding the principles of Qigong Cannon, he opened the door to a new world.

In the past, when he used his abilities, he just ran around like a reckless man and used force casually.

However, through the Qigong Cannon, he discovered that power can actually be used in other ways, which gave him the idea of ​​using the energy principle of the Qigong Cannon in other ways.

"Who are you and why do you have such powerful energy?"

Bruce Wayne looked at Clark with vigilance and curiosity. He felt that this man was definitely not simple.

"My life experience is a bit complicated. I don't know if you will believe it when I tell you."

Clark scratched his head helplessly. He knew that he would encounter this problem eventually, but he just hadn't figured out how to deal with it yet.

"It's okay, we can find a restaurant and chat while eating."

Bruce Wayne was very good at answering the conversation and made arrangements immediately.

It just so happens that we will form a team in the future, so we need to know each other better.

"Well, your rewards are all pretty good, but mine..."

Barry looked at the Ant-Man suit in his hand, his expression a little uncomfortable.

"I think this is not as good as my Speed ​​Force. It just makes it smaller and bigger. It doesn't feel of any use to me."

Barry said scratching his head.

"Hey, that's because you don't know where to use it. If this suit is used to sneak into the enemy and collect intelligence, it is definitely very suitable."

Bruce Wayne, on the other hand, immediately thought of many uses for the Ant-Man suit.

"If you shrink to the size of an ant and move at high speed, I'm afraid no one will be able to detect you."

Bruce Wayne continued.

"Yeah, even if I don't shrink, I can still prevent people from discovering me."

Barry said disapprovingly.

"Who said that? I have been watching you running around before, and you tripped over yourself. At the critical moment, I used the heat ray to save your life."

But Clark said this.

"Ah! Are you kidding me! I'm so fast, you can even see me!"

Barry yelled in disbelief.

However, Clark nodded very calmly, indicating that this was indeed the case.

This left Barry in a huge shock.

"If you don't like this suit, why don't you give it to me? I think it's of great research value."

Bruce Wayne suggested.

"Ah? That's okay."

Barry thought it was okay and gave Bruce Wayne the Ant-Man suit.

"By the way, can you also study the Dionysian factor you obtained before? It is a magical item that can heal all injuries. I think it is of great research value. If it can be mass-produced, it will be of great benefit to us. ”

Bruce Wayne said this.

"You don't want to sell it. That would be great, but many doctors will lose their jobs."

Barry said this.

"Please, I don't know when that kind of thing will happen, and I will also think of a proper way."

Bruce Wayne said helplessly.

At this point their reward is being discussed on the screen.

Leping: Have the qigong cannons become rewards? I don’t know what Tianjin Fan will think. Alas, I don’t know how he is doing.

Thor: You haven't found your friend yet.

Sun Wukong: Yes, they hide very secretly!

Sun Wufan: I hope Uncle Tianjin Fan and Uncle Klin are okay.

Bruce Wayne: You must also pay attention to those five aliens. If they are really dead, their master may not let you go.

Sun Wukong: Well, don’t worry, I will work hard to become stronger.

Vegeta: Hum, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to take action.

Bruce Wayne: By the way, Clark asked me to ask you about the use of Qigong Cannon. There should be other ways to use energy in your universe. Are there any such powerful tricks?

Sun Wukong: I don’t know this either, but as long as you are strong, any trick will become very powerful.

Diana: That makes sense.

Tony Stark: There was an Ant-Man suit just now that actually came from our universe. I heard my dad said about that Hank Pym suit, and it seemed that the reputation was not very good. It's so interesting that he was able to develop something that makes people shrink huge. I'll have to pay him a visit.

Nick Fury: I advise you not to do it. As far as I know, that guy hates your father and keeps saying that your father stole his research results.

Rogers: Impossible, how could Howard be that kind of person!

Patton: Captain Rogers, you haven't seen him for decades. How do you know if he will change? Moreover, it is difficult for a kind person to become an arms dealer.

Tony Stark: I feel like you are scolding my father, but unfortunately I have no evidence. Well, I have to admit that it is definitely not easy for him to develop Stark Industries to this point, but this has nothing to do with me visiting that guy. Just wait and see how I can use my sharp tongue to make that Hank Pym talk to me properly.

Natasha: Your sharp tongue is only useful to women.

Tony Stark: That's because you don't know me well enough!

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