American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 384 Garp and Whitebeard become fellow disciples, the soul of a fighter

The Warring States Period has always been dissatisfied with some of the actions of the World Government.

Especially those stupid Tianlong people made him feel sick even more.

But he has never been able to resist, because he knows very well that the navy is maintained by the world government. Without the government, the navy will not be able to operate at all.

What's more, they don't have the strength to resist the Tianlongs and the Five Old Stars. Those disgusting guys look like idiots on the surface, but they have power that ordinary people can't imagine.

Now the emergence of Gangli Poniu Fist gives Warring States hope of resisting the Celestial Dragons, the World Government and the Five Old Stars!

"It's not the time yet. In addition to force, running the entire navy also requires sufficient financial resources, and forcibly triggering rebellion will affect many things..."

Sengoku quickly calmed down and considered the consequences of doing so.

But that doesn't mean he will give up, a seed has been planted in his heart.

Luffy: The Goli Po Ox Fist sounds so powerful. Grandpa, how do you feel? Come and listen!

Garp: It hasn’t worked yet, and there’s one thing I’m unhappy about. Why did that guy with Whitebeard get the same reward as me?

Whitebeard: That’s what I wanted to ask!

Ace: Hey, if you put it like that, wouldn’t dad and grandpa become the same sect?

Sanji: Ah! The strongest pirate is the same disciple as the naval hero? this!

Aoki: Hey, this is too funny. What kind of combination is this?

At this time, Garp and Whitebeard were brought into an illusion of the universe under the influence of the coat of arms.

The two of them looked at each other, their expressions were not very good, and neither of them was displeased with the other.

"Why do I have to learn the same boxing technique with you?"

Garp and Whitebeard said these disgusting words at the same time.

You must know that they are a navy and a pirate. It can be said that they have been fighting each other for half a century.

The two sides are full of all kinds of grievances and are natural enemies.

But now, he has become a fellow disciple of Gangli Poniu Fist!

"Forget it, it seems that for the sake of the reward, I don't bother to argue with you. This is beyond my control. Why don't I be generous? Thank me."

Whitebeard showed a wicked smile and said this.

"That's what I should say!"

After hearing this, Garp instantly became furious, then thought of something and smiled evilly.

"Forget it, since there's nothing we can do to change it, let's just get along amicably."

Hearing this, Whitebeard had to frown, wondering why Garp was suddenly so talkative.

"After all, as a senior brother, you have to take care of your junior brother, right, little junior brother white beard."

In the end, Garp expressed his intention. Since he was from the same sect, he would be Whitebeard's senior brother and overpower him!

"What nonsense are you talking about! When did I agree to you being my senior brother!"

Whitebeard shouted angrily.

"Ah, isn't it? The older person is supposed to be the senior brother. I'm much older than you!"

Garp said with a proud look on his face.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, White Beard immediately pressed against him, his forehead was close to White Beard's forehead, nose to nose.

"Stop joking, seniority should be determined based on the entry time. I came in earlier than you, so I am the senior brother! You are just the younger brother!"

When Whitebeard roared, he spat Garp's face with saliva.

"Ah! If you really want to say that, I must be ahead of you! I came in one second before you!"

Not to be outdone, Garp retorted and also spat out a bunch of saliva at Whitebeard.

"Then I'm 0.5 seconds ahead of you!"

"I am 0.1 seconds!"


Just as the two were arguing, a sound similar to that of a cow, but extremely low, came from above.

Let Whitebeard and Garp immediately raise their heads.

A huge buffalo with a golden color and a body like armor appeared in their eyes.

Even if it doesn't do anything and has no expression, it still has an aura of calmness and dignity.

Garp and Whitebeard couldn't help but swallow hard, not daring to continue arguing.

This is the cosmic fantasy beast that represents the strength of the Ox Fist - the cosmic buffalo!

After the cosmic buffalo appeared, he began to teach the two of them the powerful bull-breaking fist.

At this moment, Whitebeard and Garp seemed to have opened the door to a new world. They both focused on looking at the space buffalo and completely forgot about the quarrel just now.

. . . . . .

["Now the rewards of Doraemon Universe are settled.\

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