
"The Underworld Warrior takes your life!"

At this time, Pegasus and the others immediately ran over to fight against Aiagos and Biolet.

"Humph, Indra's baptism of death!"

I saw Aiagos erupting into extremely majestic black flames.

The black flame turned into a pillar of fire and rose from the ground, rushing into the sky.

Wrap all the surrounding Saints in it.


The next second, the screams of the bronze and silver saints rang out from the flames!

"Hahaha! Scream louder and die in pain like this, a slave to your soul!"

Aiagos was very satisfied with this scream and couldn't help but shout loudly.

At this moment, Aiagos suddenly felt a little cold on his skin, and then he opened his eyes and took a closer look.

I found that there were a few extra snowflakes around me for some reason.

"How is it possible? In such high temperatures, where did the snowflakes come from?"

After seeing the snowflakes, Aiagos cried out in shock.

Later, he also discovered that the problem of the originally extremely hot pillar of fire was declining rapidly, and the surrounding air was gradually frosting, causing the pillar of fire to gradually transform into an icicle.


Seeing this scene, Aiagos couldn't help but feel surprised.

"Don't underestimate us, the Golden Saints are not that fragile."

I saw Didier walking out of the pillar of fire and looking at Aiagos coldly.

Even if his face is covered in burns, it won't be affected.

"Atomic Lightning Lightspeed Punch!"

At this moment, countless light-speed fists were torn apart, and the sea of ​​​​fire ignited by the fire pillar knocked Aiyagos away.

"Lord Aiagos!"

Seeing Aiagos being beaten away, Biolet immediately shouted anxiously.

However, Shion stood in front of her at this time.

"Why are you still alive!"

Biolet was particularly shocked to see that Shion could still move.

"Don't underestimate me."

After Shi Ang finished speaking, he raised his hand and prepared to make a move.

Seeing this, Biolet immediately took action first.

However, Shion immediately used teleportation and moved behind Biolet.

"Stardust rotation skill!"

Shion gathered the small universe and turned into countless stars, hitting Biolet with various curved movements.

Let Bioret bathe in the bombardment of countless stardust, and be knocked away an unknown distance.

The next second, the ground beneath Biolet and Aiagos suddenly cracked, and countless magma emerged from the cracks in the ground.

I saw Defteros kneeling down on one knee at some point and pressing one hand on the ground.

"I don't know which one is hotter between your flame and my lava..."

Deftros' face is now covered in burns, and coupled with his murderous expression, he looks no different from an evil ghost.

"Black rock melts and explodes!!!"

In the next second, a force that was enough to destroy a planet erupted from the ground along with magma, bombarding Aiagos and Biolet, causing their bodies to be submerged in the magma!

. . . . .


Radamandis took advantage of the absence of the four golden saints and immediately led the Pluto army to attack the sanctuary.

With his powerful strength, he crushed the Saints who blocked his way and reached the Twelve Palaces.

Taurus Palace.

Hasgat is fighting against Gordon from the Heavenly Lao Star.

"Great Ax Crush!!"

Gordon waved his sword and released a terrifying shock wave, bombarding Hasgat!

"Giant horn!"

Hasgaardt used a giant horn to fight back, and the two sides' special moves collided, creating a terrible shock wave that almost caused the entire Taurus Palace to collapse.

"It's amazing. He's not even one of the Big Three, but he's as strong as the Golden Saints."

Hasgaard looked at Gordon with admiration.

"Haha, are these your last words? My partner and I have killed countless Saints, and we haven't killed the Golden Saint yet. I don't know if your holy clothes can withstand my giant axe."

Gordon said with a sneer.

"If you have the ability, come and give it a try, but the premise is that you won't be beaten to death by my giant horn."

Hasgaardt remained calm as always, crossing his arms.

Cancer Palace

Manigault had just returned from Hirazaka, looking a little embarrassed.

"Ah, that woman named Quinn was so difficult that her neck was almost cut off. But it was because of her that other people ran over. I hope Regulus can withstand it."

Manigault said, looking behind him.

In the Lion Palace.

Regulus is fighting fiercely with Balendain.

"Go away! I want revenge on Radamandis! I have no time to pay attention to you!"

Regulus glared at Balendain and scolded.

His father Ilias was killed by Rhadamandis.

So Regulus definitely wanted to kill Rhadamandis to avenge his father.

However, Rhadamandis' first priority was to capture Athena's head, so he handed Regulus over to Barendaine to deal with, while he continued on his way.

"You're just a brat, what qualifications do you have to face Lord Radamandis? I, Balendayin, am enough to be your opponent!"

After Balendain finished speaking, he continued to attack Regulus.

"Damn, this is terrible. Ashmita said that the time has come to find him and the bird is not in the Virgin Palace. It would be great if he was here."

Regulus thought this way, and then continued to concentrate on fighting.

In the Libra Palace, Tong Hu hugged Xilu Feidu and broke his waist with force.

"Your poison is not a big deal. On the contrary, it makes me feel that Albafica is very kind. It's a pity that you can't see him."

Tong Hu endured the pain and said with bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

"How about it? Human beings are very hot, aren't they?"

Tong Hu suddenly said this.

"Yeah, yeah, it's so hot."

Xilu Feidu sighed helplessly and finally lost his life.

In the Scorpio Palace.

Kaludia is fighting fiercely with Radamandis.

The strength of Radamandis is far superior to that of Caludia.

Therefore, Kaludia can be suppressed and beaten.

But Kaludia's scarlet poisonous needle is everywhere, and it can counterattack Radamandis every time Radamandis hits him.

"Damn bugs, they only know how to use tricks."

Radamandis looked displeased when he looked at the twelve pinholes on his body and the heat in his body.

"Haha, bugs are very tenacious. Radamandis, you are worthy of being hunted by me."

Kaludia stood up again and showed a smile full of arrogance.

At the same time Kalludia's heart began to burn.

"It's time. When I sacrifice my life, be prepared to accept my move, Scarlet Poison Needle, Andaris!"

"I won't give you a chance to hit me!"

Radamandis felt the huge danger from Kaludia's flames, and his expression had to turn ugly, and he began to use all his strength to prepare for the strongest attack.


Kaludia also decided to go all out and fight to the death with Radamandis! !

. . . . . .

["The rewards have been settled, and now rewards will be issued to those in each world who participated in the containment of the blood pool.\

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