A huge ice wall stood in front of the monsters, blocking their way.

This group of monsters did not hesitate to destroy the ice wall after seeing such an obstruction.

At this moment, countless rain fell from the sky, and a heavy rain appeared in this area.

"Haha, this is the characteristic of Kyogre. Wherever it is, there will be heavy rain. Its water-based moves and our water-based ninjutsu will increase the power."

After Terumi Mei finished speaking with a sneer.

Quickly seal.

"Water escape water dragon bullet!"

Many ninjas led by Mei Terumi used water dragon bombs, which fell like missiles into the group of monsters below.

It actually exploded with astonishing power.

Not only can it penetrate the bodies of some small monsters, the energy of the explosion can also cause damage!

Normally, this would not have such an effect.

Apparently it was due to the heavy rain brought by Kyogre.


At this time, Kyogre opened his eyes. He was using meditation to improve his special attack.

Then he opened his big mouth, spit out the water column, and used the water cannon to sweep away the monsters below.

Destroy countless monsters.

Even monsters larger than a few hundred meters in size will be penetrated by Kyogre's water cannon.

Of course, there are many monsters over 700 meters tall that can withstand Kyogre's water cannon just by being pushed down.

"Freezing light!"

Facing such monsters that could not be killed instantly, Terumi Mei quickly ordered Kyogre to use freezing light to freeze the bodies of the monsters.

Don't forget that all monsters are now soaked in rain. If they touch the freezing light, they will be instantly frozen into ice.

This will undoubtedly greatly hinder the movement of this group of monsters, slowing down their resistance movements significantly, and at the same time turning them into huge targets for others to attack!

Under the attack of Kyogre and a group of ninjas, this seemingly endless group of monsters could not move forward for a while!

At this time, in another place full of monsters, the villages they passed through had been reduced to ruins, and the forest that originally symbolized vitality was barren of grass.

"Groudon! Use Earthquake!"

Ohnoki immediately ordered Groudon!

I saw Groudon releasing powerful energy into the ground, causing the ground in all directions to shake crazily.

A very terrible earthquake occurred.

The ground cracked open instantly, and countless monsters fell into the cracks, and were then violently impacted by the vibrating and swaying ground.

There were many weak monsters that were crushed to pieces!

Even monsters that are hundreds of meters in size will get stuck in the cracks in the ground and be knocked around constantly, which is very uncomfortable.

"Sharp stone attack!"

Ohnoki then continued to give orders.


Groudon roared angrily and slapped the ground with both hands.

The next second, many extremely sharp and huge rocks flew out of the cracks in the ground around them.

Break down the monsters stuck in the cracks of the ground into meat paste, or send them flying into the air.

These countless stones flew into the sky until they lost kinetic energy, and then fell downwards like meteorites, launching secondary attacks on many remaining monsters!

"Ho ho ho!!"

At this time, there were two huge bat monsters over 600 meters high, flying towards Groudon to attack.

They are not afraid of moves like earthquakes. As for so many rocks, they can avoid them with agile movements.

When these two monsters flew in front of Groudon and wanted to bite him, Onoki immediately jumped in front of them.

"Chen Escape! The art of peeling off the original world!"

Onoki quickly formed seals with his hands, creating a square transparent air barrier between his hands.

Just when the two pterosaur monsters were about to hit him, he immediately threw out his hands, causing the barrier to expand and cover their heads.

The two-headed pterosaur monster, which was still menacing at first, was enveloped by the barrier.

The head instantly disintegrated and was broken down to the atomic level.

The headless corpse instantly lost its power and fell towards the distance like a hang glider.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

At this time, there are many ninjas on the ground using fire escape to attack other monsters.

Now, because of Groudon, this area has become a sunny day, and the sun is particularly hot and vicious. In this environment, the power of fire escape can be further enhanced.

So many ninjas use fire escape to attack monsters.

"That is the elimination of the blood successor whose power far exceeds the limit of the blood successor. Is it Chendun? The response is indeed different."

Granny Chiyo, who was controlling the puppet not far away, looked at Ohnoki in shock.

The power of that move is so terrifying that no ninja would dare to take it.

"It's so reassuring to have such a strong man as our companion."

After Chiyo finished sighing, he immediately controlled the puppets and attacked the approaching monsters. Even if he couldn't kill them, he would drive them into the cracks in the ground to withstand the impact of the earthquake!

. . . . . .

In another location, there are also many monsters.

There are many monsters emerging from the blood pool, not only going to Konoha, but also going to other places.

"Rayquaza! Another Dragon Wave!"

Ai, who stood above Rayquaza, gave the order in a very loud voice.


After Rayquaza received the order, he immediately gathered energy into his mouth, and then spit out a huge beam of light, strafing many monsters on the ground and in the air, destroying them one by one.

Even a huge monster that is several times larger than itself will be penetrated through the body, and then the body will be broken directly with a stroke of the beam!

"Next comes the storm!"

Ai ordered a very large number.

Rayquaza quickly and continuously turned his body, creating extremely violent winds that spread in all directions.

The monsters that were not small in size were blown high into the sky. Even the flying monsters were unable to control their bodies and were blown away by the storm.

In the end, all the monsters fell towards the ground together and smashed into pieces!

That picture, not to mention how shocking it is!

"Hahaha! What a monster, that's all! In front of my Rayquaza, you are nothing!"

Ai shouted very proudly, then slapped Rayquaza on the head hard and said with a smile:

"Rayquaza! You are really awesome, we will be the best partners from now on! Hahaha!"

Hearing Ai's cheerful words, Rayquaza could only express his helplessness.

At this moment, a flying monster turned into a black shadow at such a speed that it came behind Ai in an instant, intending to launch a surprise attack.

But the next second, Ai reached back without looking back and grabbed the black shadow's neck.

Only then did he see clearly that the black shadow was a monster that looked like a crow, but had two human hands.


Then, thunder and lightning burst out from Ai's whole body, electrocuting the monster into charcoal, and then threw it away.

"Hmph, don't underestimate me."

After Ai disdainfully laughed, he suddenly looked at Xuechi with a cherished expression.

"But no matter how much trouble there is on my side, the key still depends on Jiraiya..."

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