American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 358 The Scepter of Revelation 100% Power!

"I'll open the portal now and go to the blood pool!"

After Strange made his decision, he immediately put down the scepter, then raised it with one hand and spun around, starting to create the portal.

As a result, when the portal appeared.

The monsters on the other side of the blood pool also noticed the portal, so without saying a word, they rushed towards the portal.


Strange, who was about to go through the portal, had to change his expression when he saw a large group of monsters rushing towards him through the portal he had made.

I quickly wanted to close the portal.

But a group of monsters have already passed through the portal and are about to pounce on Strange!


After Tony Stark saw it from the side, he immediately fired missiles and lasers to bombard the monsters.

At this time, Rogers also ran over, and a knight kicked over, knocking a lynx monster that was about to hit Strange, and kicked it back into the group of monsters behind.

Then there was a huge explosion, which shattered many of the monsters.

With the support of Rogers and Tony Stark, Strange was safe and immediately closed the portal.


Strange gasped in shock, something he never expected.

This opened a portal and almost cost my life.

"These monsters are so smart, they actually know how to break through from the other side of the portal."

Tony Stark said with a somewhat ugly expression.

"By the way, can't you just drive into the air?"

At this time Rogers thought of a way to kick away an approaching monster.

"Yeah, just open the portal in the air!"

Upon hearing this, Strange reacted immediately.

So the portal was created again.

This time, the other side of the portal is in the sky near the blood pool.

Although some flying monsters passed by, they didn't notice it for the time being because they were flying very fast.

"Hold on tight!"

Tony Stark immediately grabbed Strange's arm and flew towards the other side of the portal.

Go through it and reach the top of the blood transfer pool.

Tony Stark immediately flew higher, and monsters kept harassing him.

Fortunately, Rhodes followed closely and kept bombarding the monsters to cover them.

After reaching a certain height.

Tony Stark just let Strange stand on his back.

"This is the first time that a man steps on my back. Usually women step on my back. You are honored."

Tony Stark said slightly unhappy.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a woman."

Strange could only be speechless about this. How long had it been since he was still thinking about such a thing.

Then he raised the scepter of the Apocalypse high and concentrated.

"The Scepter of the Apocalypse! 100% powerful!"

As soon as Strange finished speaking, the scepter of the Apocalypse erupted into a dazzling purple light.

At the same time, a huge purple magic circle appeared in the sky!

"Oh my god what is that!"

"What kind of magic is this?"

The sudden huge purple magic circle attracted the attention of many people.

Especially the magician of Kama Taj is even more curious.

"Is this the 100% power of the scepter of the Apocalypse?"

Wang and Modu, who studied magic very carefully, immediately stared at the magic array curiously, and of course did not forget to deal with the approaching monsters.

The next second, the outline of a huge meteorite gradually appeared in the magic circle and slowly fell downwards.

The appearance of meteorites brings a terrifying sense of coercion.

Regardless of whether they are humans or monsters, they can't help but look at the terrifying giant meteorite.

"This is not a simple meteorite! The energy contained in it is terrifying!"

Odin, who was casually killing a thousand-meter monster not far away, noticed the meteorite and immediately stared at it seriously.

As a powerful person, he could feel very keenly how powerful the 100% power of the scepter of the Apocalypse was, so he had to be vigilant.

When a huge meteorite appears.

Countless huge tentacles stretched out from the blood pool, reaching towards Strange and Tony Stark in the sky.

It seems that they want to take the first step and deal with them before the meteorite falls!


Seeing this, Rhodes immediately fired crystal vine missiles to stop the bunch of tentacles and turn them all into crystal! .

But in the next second, a huge bat about 800 meters tall with flames wrapped around its body suddenly flew out of the blood pool and quickly passed through the range of the crystal vine.

Quickly flew towards Tony Stark and Strange.

“Ho ho ho oh!!!”

Just then Hulk let out an earth-shattering roar.

It now uses monsters in the air as pedals, constantly stepping on them to jump long distances.

Each step will bring a flying monster to the ground.

The current Hulk is like a jet, with extremely terrifying speed and momentum!

If you look carefully, you will find that its body seems to be several times larger.

Hulk had fought countless monsters before, many of which were very huge and more powerful than Hulk.

The source of Hulk's strength, however, is anger.

Facing a monster stronger than yourself, you will be beaten to a pulp. The Hulk will become particularly angry, causing his strength to rapidly expand.

So now Hulk's power has reached an extremely terrifying level!

When it got close to the huge monster that was approaching Tony Stark, it punched it without hesitation!


Hulk's punch actually hit the monster's head directly, causing it to fall to the ground helplessly in an instant.

"Hulk, saved us?"

Tony Stark looked at Hulk's back in disbelief.

"Maybe it was unhappy and attacked everywhere without even knowing it saved us."

Strange felt that this explanation might be more reliable.

Then he looked at the huge meteorites that were gradually falling.

Then look at the blood pool below.

"watch out!"

Strange waved the scepter of the Apocalypse with all his strength.

The huge meteorite fell faster, and with an extremely terrifying roar that ripped through the air, it fell towards the blood pool!

"let's go!!"

Tony Stark shouted with great excitement when he saw this.

"Get away from the blood pool! The meteorite is coming!"

Rhodes reminded others while flying towards the distance.

After hearing this, people who were not far from the blood pool quickly left the monster behind and ran away to avoid being affected by the meteorite.

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

Just as Tony Stark was excitedly expecting the meteorite to hit the blood pool, he suddenly noticed something terrible.

That is, the size of the meteorite is very huge, exceeding the scope of the blood pool.

It may be impossible to enter the blood pool and explode directly outside the blood pool!

"Damn! The meteorite is too big!"

Tony Stark shouted anxiously.

"What to do!"

Strange also noticed this and looked panicked.

But now there is no way to change it, the two of them can only watch anxiously!

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