
With the giant jellyfish killed, Arthur will naturally not be restrained.

But this also caused him to fall from the sky.

When he was about to land, Neptune immediately caught Arthur.

"Thank you, and Batman, thank you."

Arthur looked at Batman to express his gratitude.

"You're welcome."

Batman looked at the monsters around him.

Even if one giant monster is solved, there will be more monsters.

What's worse is that monsters are still constantly emerging from the blood pool, and they can't be killed at all!

"Shizuka said that they used a bomb that destroyed the earth to scare the monsters in the blood pool, so that they dare not continue to emerge. If we also have that kind of power, we can stop them, but how can we do this?"

This made Bruce Wayne very embarrassed.

There is no such bomb that destroys the earth in their world.

The only one with the highest output is Diana's Victory Oath Sword.

It's just that Diana inserted the huge lightsaber into the blood pool before, and it didn't have a deterrent effect. I'm afraid the power is not enough.

Bruce Wayne looked down and saw Diana swinging a huge lightsaber, splitting a thousand-meter-long shark monster covered with steel-like scales and lobster claws in half.

"Huff, huff, huff..."

Diana panted with fatigue, which was rare.

She mainly targeted monsters that were hundreds of meters to a thousand meters long, and each of these monsters was very powerful.

Diana had to use the massive light energy of the Sword of Victory to fight.

That was particularly exhausting.

"Ah ... The monsters in the barrier cannot attack anything inside, and the magic energy of the barrier can quickly replenish Diana's physical strength.

Just in time to heal Bruce Wayne.

"We need to let Arthur and Barry come here, they also need to rest."

Diana looked around and said.

"I hope they can understand the voice of the intercom. By the way, did you see what Shizuka said?"

Bruce Wayne looked at Diana and asked.

"They put a bomb that destroys the earth into the blood pool and detonated it, shocking all the monsters inside."


Diana was immediately shocked after hearing this.

She really couldn't imagine what a bomb that destroys the earth would look like!

"It seems that you didn't see it, but don't worry about it for now. You are the most destructive here. Can your Sword of Victory Oath exert the power to destroy the earth?"

Bruce Wayne asked the key point directly.

"You are the one who used the Sword of Victory Oath to exert the power to destroy the earth and shock the monsters in the blood pool, but I don't know if I can do it."

Diana looked worried. She had never tried this kind of thing.

"The power of the Sword of Victory is very huge. If it can be fully triggered, it may be possible, but I don't know if it can be triggered, and I can't bear it." Diana has never tried to exert the power of the Sword of Victory to that extent, and she dare not try. "Maybe we should take a risk. This is our only way." Bruce Wayne pleaded. Diana took a deep breath after hearing this, and her eyes, which were originally a little tired, showed the will to fight again. "Okay, let's take a gamble!" "Hey! Everyone, those monsters are about to destroy the energy shield!" At this time, Barry's anxious voice came from the intercom. "What!" Bruce Wayne and Diana looked at the energy shield immediately after hearing this. In front of the energy shield, there were many huge monsters hundreds of meters long, constantly beating the energy shield. Under their power, the parts that were beaten were already full of cracks. It seemed that as long as they exerted more force, they could break a hole. "NO!" This was definitely not what Bruce Wayne wanted to see. Once these monsters ran away, there would definitely be endless troubles! "Diana, concentrate on gathering the power of the Sword of Oath to attack the blood pool, Arthur, find a way to cover Diana!" After Bruce Wayne finished speaking, he immediately called the Darkwing Bat that was eating the monster, jumped directly onto its back, and headed for the energy shield full of cracks! "Hey! Lady, come quickly!" Arthur and Neptune together beat a group of monsters and cleared the way for Diana. "Thank you!" Now Diana could only do as Bruce Wayne ordered and immediately ran towards the blood pool. At this time, Barry was constantly shuttling back and forth among the monsters at a speed close to that of light, waving the Sword of Vulcan frantically and attacking one monster after another. Attacking in this high state, Barry could kill tens of thousands of monsters of similar size in one second. Facing those huge monsters that were hundreds of meters long, he had to run to the necks of those monsters, cut their back necks, and let them bleed and die continuously.

As for those without back necks, he found a way to cut holes everywhere in the monster's head!

Now Barry is concentrating on attacking the monsters trying to destroy the energy shield.

"Fall down! Fall down!"

Barry stood on the head of a very bloated monster, with its head and body almost glued together and its limbs extremely thick. He kept stabbing the monster's head with the sword of Vulcan, causing it to bleed all over.

Fortunately, the sword of Vulcan is not a mortal thing.

Otherwise, Barry really wouldn't be able to hurt this monster.


The monster was angered by the strange behavior on his head and immediately raised his hand to slap Barry.

As a result, its movements were too slow in Barry's eyes. By the time its palm landed on its head, Barry had already jumped onto another monster that looked like a lizard but could stand on two legs.


That particularly bloated monster's palm was so powerful that it smashed its own head into pieces, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Hahahaha...Barry, hold on."

Barry gasped for air and ran continuously at super high speeds, which consumed him a lot and made him feel as if his internal organs were on fire.

But even so, Barry couldn't back down.

"I was obviously very scared, but now I can hold on for so long. I must have grown up."

While muttering, Barry waved the Vulcan Sword and sliced ​​open the lizard monster's neck.

Just then a huge tentacle hit Barry and knocked him away!

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