American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 347 The huge fat tiger appears, the secret of the Goda family!

Doraemon world

Now there are dark clouds above the blood pool, and thunder and lightning are constantly falling, killing groups of monsters. This is created by Dorami using the weather maker.

Not only that, she also took out a cold electric fan [appeared in the theatrical version of Fantasy Three Musketeers]. This is a prop that can release cold wind and freeze. Many monsters will turn into ice as soon as it is blown!

Dorami first used a copying mirror to make many copies, and then placed them in various positions to surround the blood pool, and used a magnifying lamp to enlarge them. This way, he could use the cold wind to freeze the monsters and prevent them from running away from other routes!

In order not to be hit by lightning or frozen by the cold wind, Dorami has already made protective preparations for everyone, so that they can fly normally and freely.

A giant robot that was almost 800 meters long, with a gun barrel on its right arm, an inexplicable metal all over its body, and an inverted triangle head, pointed the gun barrel at the cold electric fan, and then fired an astonishingly powerful light cannon!

"Don't even think about it!"

Dorami, who was sitting on the electric fan, saw this and immediately threw up the reflective cloak, then took out a magnifying lamp and quickly enlarged the reflective cloak. Just in time, the light cannon hit the huge reflective cloak.

The cloak directly bounced the light cannon back, hitting the robot's chest, punching through its body, and instantly losing its ability to move!

"Hey, he actually burned a big hole in his cloak!"

Dorami couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise when she saw a big hole burned into the reflective cloak. Fortunately, she had copied many reflective cloaks in advance.


Just then several cold electric fans were damaged.

But don't worry, Dorami used the copy robot to copy several of herself, so that each of them holds the copied recovery ray.

This will fix the cold electric fan.

"Dorami, there are many robots here. I want to put them together and make a big one!"

At this time, several boys came over, only one was real, the others were copying robots.

"No problem! Genius helmet, technical gloves, accelerating clockwork, stone hat, material box, and random control lever!"

Dorami immediately gave Xiaofu all the things he needed.


After thanking Xiaofu, he immediately took his replica robot and flew to the robot wreckage.

Along the way, shoot around with your ray gun and kill many monsters.

The power of the ray gun is so powerful that it can destroy a building. Just aim at the head and it can effectively kill monsters hundreds of meters away!

At this time Shizuka and her replica robot are flying around.

A few used shrinking lights to shrink many monsters, and the rest used Fengshen fans to create tornadoes, blowing them everywhere.


One was like an eel, hundreds of meters in length and height, covered in blood red, with many tentacles. The electrically charged monster immediately pounced towards Shizuka.

Shizuka and the others were so frightened that they quickly flew into the air to escape.

However, the eel monster's tentacles erupted with lightning, hitting the two Shizuka robots and destroying them.

"Damn it, I'll give you this!"

Seeing this, Shizuka threw several stupid time bombs and landed on the monster.

When the bomb exploded, the monster immediately made all kinds of funny postures uncontrollably, twisting around, just in time to help crush many monsters to death!

"It's our turn to appear next!"

In one location, several fat tigers shouted in unison. Only one was the original body, and the others were naturally replicating robots.

I saw that half of them were wearing super gloves and the other half were wearing air cannons. Then the mini Doraemon next to them used materials to modify the armor, and transformed the material of their clothes into iron armor.

He also specially took out the strengthening spray and sprayed it on the super gloves to enhance the effect of the super gloves.

Then the mini Doraemon used magnifying lights to enlarge all the fat tigers to nearly 100 meters!

"Don't think you are the only ones who are big! Look at how awesome I am!"

After all the fat tigers roared in unison, they immediately rushed towards the endless tide of monsters on the opposite side, trampling to death countless small monsters.

Then Fat Tiger, who was holding an air cannon, fired the air cannon to bomb those huge monsters and beat them all down.

Then Fat Tiger, holding the super glove, exploded with unparalleled power, directly lifting monsters several times bigger than himself, then hitting each other, and then smashing them around!

Kill hordes of monsters instantly like a whack-a-mole!

"Ho ho ho!!!"

At this time, a monster with a size of 800 meters, covered in blood-red hair, a bloated body, a bear-like head, rhinoceros horns, and orangutan-like arms walked up to Fat Tiger.

"Hehehe, it's a big one. Let me show you the direct secrets of my Gangtian family!"

Fat Tiger suddenly said this, then spread his legs and stood like a sumo wrestler.

Then take a deep breath.

At this moment, an angry woman seemed to appear behind Fat Tiger, who was his mother.

"Xiao Wu!!!"

The moment his mother's roar appeared in Fat Tiger's mind, he moved!

I saw Fat Tiger's hands constantly shooting out, frantically hitting the belly of the monster that was bigger than himself.

With the blessing of the Super Glove, his power became unparalleled.

It actually made this monster keep retreating!


Finally, Fat Tiger used both palms to knock the monster down, causing it to hit other monsters heavily.

"You see, this is the power of mom, thank you mom!"

Fat Tiger looked at the sky and seemed to see his mother's smiling face.

"Everyone in the audience, look at me!"

At this time, the husband's voice came.

The robot that had been eliminated by Dorami's rebound light cannon stood up again, and it seemed to have been repaired with repairs on its body.

The husband's voice came from here.

Now Xiaofu is in the robot's head and puts the random joystick on it so that he can control the entire robot.

"I have repaired this robot, and it is now my companion. Let's see how it works!"

Under the control of Xiaofu, the giant robot kept firing light cannons, bombing huge monsters, as well as endless small monsters all around.

It was obviously a group of children who were fighting against the blood pool here, but they relied on Dorami's props to suppress the monsters that kept emerging from the blood pool!

"Thump thump thump thump!!!"

Just then more bubbles appeared in the blood pool.

The three-headed monster with both hands and heads that had appeared in the pirate world crawled out, followed by other thousand-meter monsters!

Their appearance passed directly through the dark clouds, allowing lightning to fall on them without being affected at all.

"Did you really show up?"

Dorami looked at the situation in other worlds and had already expected that a thousand-meter monster would appear, so he had already made plans!

Then several Dorami gathered together.

Then one Dorami illuminates a magnifying lamp and turns the magnifying lamp to the maximum.

"Fat Tiger! Assemble!"


All the fat tigers gathered and stood in front of the huge magnifying lamp.

All Dorami press the button together, and the light of the magnifying light shines on all the fat tigers, making them even bigger, and their heads almost enter the clouds! .

"Okay, in this case, I can teach you a lesson in equal measure!"

After Fat Tiger finished speaking excitedly, he quickly jumped up and punched the head of the three-headed monster on its neck!

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