American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 333 The battle against the blood pool【12】

The beam of light falling from the sky attracted everyone's attention. This beam of light seemed to be aimed at the monsters. A simple movement could kill a large number of monsters.

"what is that?"

Rogers looked at the sudden appearance of the beam in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

"Stark, what do you think is going on!"

"How do I know!"

Tony Stark stared at the beam nervously. He now had a headache because of the blood pool monster, but he couldn't let more accidents happen at this juncture!

"That's Asgard's Bifrost!"

Thor on the fighter plane recognized this beam immediately after seeing it, and couldn't help shouting in shock.


Nick Fury had to express surprise after hearing this.

In the next second, the beam disappeared and was replaced by an army of tens of thousands of warriors holding weapons and wearing armor.

And the one at the front is Odin.

"Asgardian troops! Kill!"

Odin raised the Eternal Spear and conveyed his voice to every corner of the battlefield with great momentum, letting the earth know their identities.

"Kill ah ah ah ah!!!"

The Asgardian warriors immediately responded to Odin with the same amazing momentum, charging in a line formation and crushing the monsters they touched!

The Asgardians' natural physical fitness is superior to that of Earthlings, not to mention how powerful professionally trained soldiers are. Captain America's physique can only be regarded as that of an ordinary soldier in Asgard.

Not to mention that the equipment of Asgard's soldiers far exceeds the level of Earth's weapons!

Therefore, when Asgardian soldiers face monsters that are about the same size as themselves, or several times larger, they can kill them one by one like cutting leeks.

"So they are Asgardian warriors, are they Odin? They look so powerful, but I don't know what materials their weapons are made of. Can I get some of them?"

Tony Stark looked at Asgard's equipment with curiosity. It was obviously so primitive, but it was much more powerful than Earth's guns.

At this moment, a group of large monsters resembling bats and eagles rushed towards Tony Stark, leaving him no time to think about so many things, so he could only focus on protecting himself first.

"Sir, all your armors are here."

Just then Jarvis's voice came, and Tony Stark immediately looked away after hearing it.

I saw dozens of Iron Man armors of different colors and sizes flying towards here.

"Tony, is that your backup armor? So many!"

After Rhodes saw it, he couldn't help shouting in surprise.

"Yes, if you are rushing to work during this period, you must always prepare for a rainy day."

Tony Stark watched his masterpieces arrive one by one, showing a satisfied smile.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Just then Thor's screams fell from the sky.

Many people couldn't help but look at the sky.

Thor jumped out of the fighter plane at some point, but strangely, he never opened his parachute.

"Idiot! Open the parachute quickly!"

Rhodes, who was not far away, shouted anxiously when he saw this.

I'm busy enough fighting the war, so why bother taking care of a fool?

Is this guy really the prince of Asgard who has been bragging about how awesome he is?

"Huh? Open the parachute?"

After hearing this, Thor quickly opened the parachute, but when the parachute flew out, he had already hit the ground hard.

"Lord Thor!"

Just four of Thor's friends.

Sif, Hogan, Fandral, and Volstagg were nearby, and they hurried over and opened the parachute so that Thor could stand up.

Thanks to Thor's extraordinary physique, he was only slightly injured when he jumped down and landed on the ground. Otherwise, if a normal person jumped off and fell to the ground like this, he would definitely die.

"Hey, four, long time no see."

Thor looked at his four friends, not knowing what expression to show.

He had been hesitant to come down before, but when he saw the Asgardian troops arriving on the battlefield, the long-lost blood rekindled and he jumped down on impulse.

As a result, the fall just now made him calm down, and then he remembered that he had lost his strength, was he still qualified to fight here?

"Thor, continue to lead us in the battle!"

Sif patted Thor's shoulder expectantly, as did the other three.

Looking at the four people with such fiery eyes.

Thor felt guilty, he could no longer lead them in battle.

"Sorry, four, I don't have a hammer, so I can't do anything."

Thor lowered his head in disappointment.

The four friends couldn't help but look shocked when they saw Thor, who had always been so majestic and fearless, acting like a coward.

"You can do it. When you didn't have a hammer, didn't you lead us to fight?"

Sif was unwilling to let Thor sink like this, and directly handed the sword in her hand to Thor.

As a result, Thor suddenly lost his grip, stuck his sword on the ground, and almost fell down.

"When you didn't have a hammer, you led us to fight everywhere. When facing any enemy, you would not flinch even if you didn't have a weapon. Why is it like this now?"

Sif felt uncomfortable looking at Thor who was bending down because he couldn't hold the sword.

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

At this moment, a group of monsters rushed toward them. The four warriors could only ignore Thor and immediately fight back against the group of monsters.

"How did I become like this?"

Thor repeated Sif's words to himself, then looked at the blade, seeing his own face reflected in the blade.

He is quite haggard and fat, with swollen eye bags and dark circles. He is no longer as majestic as he used to be.

Thor then looked around.

Everyone is fighting, with no intention of backing down.

Even if Karma Taj's mages and Asgardian warriors began to suffer casualties, the remaining people would not be afraid.

Thor felt useless in comparison.

"What am I doing? I am the proud prince of Asgard, Thor! How can I just do nothing!"

Thor was angry at his own incompetence, yelled and scolded himself, and then raised his sword with all his strength.

"Even if I don't have a hammer and no longer have divine power! I'm still a warrior of Asgard! In order to protect my compatriots and protect the atrium! I have to fight to the death!"

After Thor finished speaking, he stabbed the lynx monster with his sword, piercing its chest directly, then pulled it out with force, rushed towards the monster that was besieging the four warriors, swung his sword to hurt them, and gave Sif Four people created opportunities to counterattack.

Seeing that Thor finally cheered up, the four Sifs smiled happily, and then their morale was boosted, and they killed the surrounding monsters with Thor!

At this moment, Mjolnir, who had been in the desert of the Mexican town, seemed to sense Thor's changes. Thunder and lightning continued to emit from the surface, and gradually floated up on its own, then rushed into the sky and flew towards the blood pool!

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