American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 328 The battle against the blood pool【7】

“Boom, boom!!!!”

A horrific explosion was set off, and the sand near the center of the explosion was constantly being dissolved, the ground was being torn apart, and the environment in the distance was not much better.

Countless yellow sand was thrown into the air, causing the sky to be filled with yellow sand, making it impossible to see clearly the surrounding environment.

A dozen siren heads just stood there, looking at the location of the explosion.



The siren heads have a conversation through the loudspeaker to confirm whether Piccolo is dead.

His tone was full of indifference, as if he wasn't surprised at all.

Although the strength displayed by Piccolo is beyond their knowledge, to them, nothing can compete with the Siren Head clan.

"call out!"

At this moment, a yellow ball of light flew out from the explosion, like a meteor, and hit the head of the siren head who had just fired the flame beam.


After the powerful explosion, the siren head's trumpet head was instantly blown into a ball of charred scrap metal.


The siren head's head was damaged, and he immediately let out a shrill scream, lying on the ground rolling back and forth to vent his pain.

"Don't underestimate me, it's not that easy to defeat me!"

At this time, the sound of the piccolo sounded, attracting the attention of the remaining siren heads.

I saw Piccolo slowly rising from the huge crater that was blown out.

Although purple blood was flowing all over his body, the fighting spirit in his eyes did not retreat at all.

"Crack! Click!"

Piccolo moved his neck, then spat out a mouthful of blood and stared at the still rolling Siren Head with a sneer.

"Sure enough, you are right. Your heads are your weak point, so you have to protect them, stupid loudspeaker!"

When he said this, Piccolo's breath was rising.

"Although the training time is very short, I clearly feel that my strength has improved. Let you see how powerful I am now!"

On a certain planet in the universe, Vegeta is paying attention to the situation on Earth through the screen.

"Hmph, no blood pool, no monster, no siren head, they are all no match for my Super Vegeta."

Vegeta just looked at it for a while before losing interest.

If he had been in the past, he might still be wary of these things.

But now he is the legendary Super Saiyan, and he can feel that even if he doesn't train specifically, his strength will become stronger bit by bit.

"With the legendary Super Saiyan power, I will become the strongest in the universe sooner or later! To hell with any contained objects!"

Because of this power, Vegeta's mentality became very inflated, and he began to ignore the contained objects and everything in the universe, so he did not like to participate in the containment to obtain rewards.

"It's just that Frieza has already set his sights on this place, and he has already taken Namek to look for the Dragon Balls. It would not be a good thing if he really becomes immortal."

"Hmph, Frieza, just wait for your surprise. The Super Saiyan you fear most has appeared!"

After Vegeta finished speaking, he created a green barrier to protect himself, and then flew towards the universe!

Saint Seiya LC Universe

"Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

"Unicorn gallop!"

Shion relied on his teleportation to bring three golds, and more than a dozen silver saints and bronze saints to the place where the blood pool appeared.

As soon as we arrived, we saw a group of monsters emerging.

The strength of this group of monsters is not very good, and they can be dealt with by Bronze Saints and Silver Saints.

"Hey! Why are these monsters so disgusting!"

Ye Ren looked at the pile of sticky liquid and minced meat on his feet and immediately looked disgusted.

"Don't worry about this little thing, we have to destroy these monsters!"

Pegasus landed next to Ye Ren, ready to continue attacking at any time.

"I know, but where did these monsters come from? How can this pool hold so many monsters?"

Looking at the pool where monsters kept popping up, Yeren kept complaining, completely confused about the situation.

"Who knows, but don't stop!"

After Pegasus finished speaking, he used Pegasus Meteor Fist again, ruthlessly smashing groups of monsters.

Although we were outnumbered and thousands of monsters were pouring out from the opposite side, more than a dozen Bronze Saints and Silver Saints were able to suppress them with great strength.

"For now, we don't need to take any action for the time being."

Sisyphus kept paying attention to the situation, and then looked at Didier.

Dijer stretched his hand into the blood pool and released absolute zero freezing air, trying to freeze the entire blood pool.

But whenever the blood pool shows signs of coagulation, it will instantly explode into its original liquid.

No matter how hard he tried, Desier couldn't freeze.

"No! I can't freeze this pool. I can feel a powerful force blocking it from deeper."

Dijer looked at the blood pool with a serious face. This was the first time he encountered something that could not be frozen even at absolute zero.

"You can't even freeze your absolute zero, so now we can only rely on Defteros's different-dimensional space to seal this area."

Sisyphus looked around. Where was the normal scenery? It was a strange space full of grids.

This is the extra-dimensional space opened by Defteros. By covering this area with the extra-dimensional space, he can prevent the monsters in the blood pool from running into the town.

"Defteros, if you want to maintain it forever, will it be difficult?"

Sisyphus asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, this little thing is nothing."

When Deftros answered, his tone was quite indifferent, and he deliberately kept a distance from the other three golds.


At this time, the four golds looked at the blood pool one after another, and they sensed a very strong breath.

Bubbles kept coming out of the blood pool, and then huge tentacles, claws, and arms emerged from the blood pool one after another, pressed on the ground, and dragged the huge body out of the blood pool.

From this moment on, hundreds of meters of huge monsters kept emerging from it.

The attacks of the bronze saints and even the silver saints could not cause any damage to these monsters.

"What is this!"

Even Pegasus was frightened and shocked.

"You retreat!"

At this time, Sisyphus blocked all the bronze and silver saints and punched quickly.

His fist turned into light, and he didn't know how many times he punched, and instantly smashed all the hundreds of meters of huge monsters in front of him into powder.

Sisyphus's fists with light were clearly seen by people in other universes through the screen, and they all showed shock.

Sun Wukong: "Amazing! Hey, Sisyphus, what's your move? How come your fists turned into light and those monsters turned into pieces in an instant! What did you do!"

Sisyphus: "Nothing, just a very ordinary light speed punch."

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