"What a monster, it's so disgusting!"

Seeing this, Geese cursed loudly and directly fired a beam of light to blow up the monster's head, causing the headless corpse to fall to the ground.

"Thump thump thump thump!!!"

At this moment, the blood pool continued to bubble, and then more huge monsters, over 100 meters in size, appeared. As soon as they appeared, they immediately launched an attack on the Ginyu Special Forces.

"Get out of here!!!"

Gith felt sick to his stomach when he saw such an ugly monster, and immediately fired light waves to bombard the group of monsters, wiping out all the monsters on the blood pool in one breath.

"Hey, it's all just fancy but useless."

Ligao next to him sneered disdainfully.

“Didi dee dee dee!!!”

At this moment, the numbers displayed on the five of their detectors suddenly kept rising. When this phenomenon occurred, the blood pool was covered by a black shadow from below, and something was about to emerge.

"What's going on! What kind of fighting power is this!"

Ginyu took the detector in shock and looked at the surface of the blood pool in disbelief.

As the shadows become clearer and clearer, the combat spike numbers get higher and higher.

Thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand


The water splashing out at this moment can be said to be of the level of an earth-shattering wave. Countless red liquids surged around like a flood, submerging everything they encountered.

An extremely huge arm with a brown surface, covered with scales, and many red lines between the scales emerged from the blood pool.

As soon as this arm appeared, it reached a height as high as the sky!

He slightly bent his arm and pressed it to the ground, causing quite an earthquake.

When the arm exerts force, the earthquake frequency begins to increase crazily, turning into an extremely terrifying earthquake.

Then a bald red head emerged from the blood pool, as smooth as an octopus.

The facial features are twisted together, making it completely unclear.

The size of this head is beyond imagination, almost as big as a valley.

Then its body was pulled out and rose like the Optimus Pillar.

After a while, a monster nearly a kilometer tall, similar to a humanoid, with bronze skin, covered with countless scales and red lines, stood on the land.

"One hundred and fifty thousand! How is this possible! How can there be such terrifying fighting power!"

When Ginyu saw the last number that stopped, he screamed like a maniac. His eyes were bloodshot and he couldn't believe the number on the detector.

But no matter how he looked at it, those cold numbers were telling him the reality.

"This is impossible! I am Ginyu with a combat power of 120,000! I am the second strongest person in the universe after Lord Frieza! Why would someone stronger than me appear on such a desolate planet that is so borderline? exist!"

Ginyu couldn't believe the fact and couldn't help but scream in shock.

Then he fired light waves directly at the monster to destroy it.

However, the monster, which was already too tall to see its face clearly, slowly raised its hand and allowed Ginyu's light wave to hit itself.

It's like a mosquito bite, and I don't care at all.

Then the thousand-meter-tall monster quickly waved its arm down. Although its size was exaggerated, the speed at which it dropped its arm was not satisfactory at all.

In an instant, the five Ginyu people were photographed and they were smashed to the ground.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

The terrifying attack of 150,000 combatants caused a very terrifying earthquake. The scale of this earthquake instantly covered most of the earth.

It caused terrible earthquakes in many places.

This caused many people to die tragically in the earthquake, not knowing what happened and why there was such a big earthquake.

"So strong!"

Sun Wukong looked at the huge figure in the distance in shock.

The aura exuded by this monster is much stronger than that of Klin and the others.

"Oh my god, there is such a powerful monster in the blood pool!"

When Klin saw this, his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Even though he was very far away, he could feel the aura of this monster, how many times stronger than him!

When the monster removed its hand, Ginyu and the other five were so seriously injured that they could no longer stand up.

"Damn it, how can this monster be so powerful?"

"I felt like my bones were shattered."

Every time Bart spoke a word, he would spit out a mouthful of blood, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

"Asshole, I don't believe there is such a terrible thing."

Ginyu refused to believe the facts in front of him, staring at the monster.

“Dong dong dong!!”

At this moment, there were rapid and heavy footsteps approaching them.

Ginyu and the others quickly used their only strength to twist their necks and look at the source of the sound.

I saw some particularly disgusting monsters appearing in front of me.

It has a black body, a huge oval head like a cockroach, and the only facial feature is the mouth. The body is tall and strong, and the outline of the bones can be clearly seen.

In short, this monster looks very scary and disgusting at first glance.


When Ginyu saw these monsters, he felt something bad and immediately wanted to say something.

As a result, these monsters struck Ginyu and the others violently in the face, knocking them unconscious, and then dragged them back and ran away quickly!

"Isn't this an alien?"

The situation at the scene was clearly visible to Sun Wukong and others through the screen.

They all recognized the sudden appearance of the monster as the Alien.

But I have no idea what the alien is doing.

"Yeah! There's powerful Qi coming out again!"

At this time, Sun Wukong looked at the blood pool and shouted.

I saw seven thousand-meter-tall monsters starting to crawl out of the blood pool one after another.

Each one has a different look.

They look like wild beasts, dinosaurs, and some are stitch monsters of various animals, and some are covered with bugs.

In short, each of these monsters is extremely weird and disgusting, and coupled with the huge size of a thousand meters, people will feel very desperate when they see it.

Then what emerged from the blood pool were monsters hundreds of meters below. They spread crazily around like waves, looking for where humans gathered.

The thousand-meter monsters also started to move. Every time they moved, they would cause violent earthquakes and trample many small monsters to death.

"Ignore them! Deal with these monsters first!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he immediately entered Super Saiyan mode, and then flew towards the moving kilometer monsters at the fastest speed.

"Turtle Style Qigong Wave!!!"

As soon as Sun Wukong got close to these thousand-meter monsters, he immediately released the turtle style Qigong waves.

The dazzling blue light instantly filled the entire field of vision!

When the light dissipated, only the lower half of the thousand-meter-tall monster was still in place, and then it fell towards the ground like a building.

Seeing Sun Wukong kill these huge monsters with one move, Klin and others immediately showed joy, and then they all launched attacks to bombard those monsters that they could deal with.

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