American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 318: Separate actions, Nobita’s determination.

"Although it's hard to believe, we must believe that we must rescue my brother no matter what!"

Dorami said seriously.

"Wait a minute! There is something big happening now!"

At this time, the young man shouted quickly.

"The blood pool that will release a bunch of monsters has already appeared. God knows if it will suddenly release a lot of monsters!"

The husband looked anxious and his hands and feet were in a panic.

"Ah? What blood pool?"

Upon hearing this, Dorami immediately looked confused.

"It's a blood pool that will release a group of monsters!"

Fat Tiger and the others talked non-stop before they finally explained everything about the blood pool, which made Doremi's face become increasingly ugly.

"What! Such a thing actually happens! A bunch of monsters attack the world, this is incredible!"

Dorami's expression changed greatly and she shouted.

"Yeah, what should I do now? I don't want to live in a world with tens of millions of monsters!"

The husband almost collapsed and covered his head and kept shouting.

"Calm down! I will find a way to deal with it!"

Dorami saw that the husband was so anxious and quickly comforted him.

"It's just that if we go to deal with the blood pool problem first, what should my brother do? Do we have to put him aside first?"

"How can that be done!"

When Nobita heard this, he immediately objected. He was extremely worried about Doraemon's condition, and naturally wanted to race against time to rescue Doraemon.

"Speaking of which, have you noticed that little Dora seems to have been silent."

At this time, Shizuka pointed at the screen and said.

"Yeah, I just realized that Doraemon was hiding away and had no time to pay attention to us?"

Fat Tiger guessed.

"Is nothing going to happen?"

The husband couldn't help but think about the bad things.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

After hearing this, Nobita immediately roared with dissatisfaction, scaring Xiaofu to the point where he almost lost his footing.

Nobita then tried calling Doraemon on the screen.

Nobita: "Doraemon! Doraemon! Are you okay! Are you okay!"

Doraemon: "Nobita, I'm fine."

Nobita: "Great, Doraemon! You're okay. Seeing as you haven't made any sound, I'm worried about your situation!"

Doraemon: "'s okay, but I feel a little uncomfortable after staying here for a long time."

Nobita: "Ah! It feels so uncomfortable! What's going on!"

Doraemon: "The environment here seems to be able to affect my sanity. Although I am a robot, I am also being affected. I feel that my temper is starting to be difficult to control."

At this time, in Sadako's different-dimensional world.

Doraemon was in the village, leaning against the wall with a sad look on his face.

Since coming to this space, he has felt negative emotions invading his brain all the time.

It made him feel very irritable, wanting to curse, and even resenting something.

But Doraemon quickly stayed rational and suppressed his crazy thoughts.

Then Doraemon looked around and could see Sadako no matter where he was.

At the mouth of the well, on the roof, inside the house, and on the roadside, Sadako looked for Doraemon everywhere.

But now that Doraemon is wearing a stone hat, his presence has been reduced to the extreme, making it difficult to find him at all.

But I don’t know why, but there is always a vague gaze passing over me, as if I might be found in the next second.

Doraemon looked in the direction of the giant Sadako. The giant Sadako seemed to be looking at this side of the village. His huge eyes turned around, looking for Doraemon.

"Could it be that if I continue to be polluted by negative emotions, I will be found?"

Doraemon had to think so.

This scared him. He didn't want to die in such a ghost place!

Nobita: "Doraemon! I have brought Doraemon! We will definitely rescue you!"

Doraemon: "No, you should deal with the problem of the blood pool first. They are more anxious over there. I can hold on for a while longer!"

While Doraemon replied, he paid attention to his surroundings. He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he always felt that the group of Sadako was approaching him.

Doraemon: "Nobita, please focus on dealing with the blood pool problem first. I have to move my position first!"

After Doraemon finished speaking, he ran away quickly, carefully avoiding the group of Sadako, and ran away in any direction, trying to find a place that was not covered by Sadako as much as possible.

Nobita: "Hey! Doraemon! Doraemon!"

Nobita anxiously shouted at the screen several times, but never got a reply. Even if he couldn't see it, he could probably guess that Doraemon's current situation was not very good.

Seeing Nobita's worried face, the others didn't know what to say.

"Okay! I have decided to go to Sadako's world to save Doraemon myself!"

At this time, Nobita suddenly said this, and his expression was full of determination.

"Hey! Nobita, what are you talking about!"

Shizuka was frightened by Nobita's words and was instantly shocked.

"I can't just leave Doraemon alone. I don't know how long the blood pool thing will last, and it would be terrible if something happened to Doraemon at this time! So I have to save Doraemon no matter what. Meng, you all just go get the blood pool!"

Nobita spoke with a strong consciousness. He clearly knew how dangerous this was, and his throat was trembling due to fear subconsciously, but he still decided to do it!

"Then I'll go with you! You're too reluctant to go alone!"

Fat Tiger immediately echoed Nobita's realization and said this.

"No, the blood pool needs more manpower. I'm just going to bring Doraemon out. Nothing will happen, not to mention..."

When Nobita said this, he slowly lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

"What's more, I was the one who harmed Doraemon. If it weren't for my willfulness, Doraemon would not have been captured. Moreover, I should apologize to Doraemon. I shouldn't throw all the responsibility for the problem to Doraemon." he."

When Nobita said this, he couldn't help but shed tears and his body twitched, and then he immediately wiped away the tears with all his strength.

Seeing Nobita like this, Fat Tiger and the others didn't know what to say.

"Okay, in that case, it's up to you! Nobita!"

At this time, Dorami was the first to agree, she chose to believe in Nobita!

"Do we really want him to go alone, but how to go?"

Xiaofu said the most critical question.

This has to make others ponder. Are we going to follow the same pattern and provoke Sadako again?

But that's very risky, and maybe Sadako will learn something from the experience, and it won't be good if everyone is killed.

"By the way, Sadako's videotape!"

At this time, Dorami thought of something.

"The background in Sadako's video tape should be Sadako's world. We can enter Sadako's world through the TV stick!"

After Dorami finished speaking, he immediately took out the stick with glue.

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