American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 312: A Tide of Monsters Enough to Cover the World

【"At twelve o'clock in the morning, the number of monsters emerging from the blood pool continued to increase. I don't know how many monsters there are. I'm afraid that five digits cannot describe it, so I can only use six digits to calculate it."】

【"There are many kinds of monsters, including giants with a height of nearly 100 meters and rotten bodies; monsters with tentacles all over their bodies; monsters that look like corroded dinosaurs; giant beetles; monsters with humanoid hands but worm mouths."】

【"There are many kinds of monsters, which are completely beyond human imagination. I don't know how to describe many monsters."】

【"And some of them look like robots. Robots of various shapes emerge one after another, with four limbs on the ground, two feet moving, machine guns on their arms, and they can also shoot laser beams, or other unknown beams..."】

【Various kinds of monsters keep emerging from the blood pool on the screen, ranging from machines to flesh and blood bodies. The degree of density is so dense that even locusts are ashamed of themselves. 】

【They have various abilities, and fire-breathing and mine-laying are basic operations. 】

【"Faced with the attack of such a powerful monster, many cities have been destroyed. Wherever the monsters pass, no grass grows and fires continue. Many people are drowned by the monsters before they can react, and die without even a scrap of flesh left."】

【"Faced with so many monsters, the Shelter Society also demonstrated a very strong military force. Massive missiles fell from the sky. When they touched the monsters, they did not explode. Instead, they created small black holes out of thin air, sucking away half of the bodies of many monsters and killing them."】

【"Among them, there were also ultra-high frequency electromagnetic pulses, which instantly paralyzed many mechanical monsters, but some mechanical monsters could ignore the electromagnetic pulses and continue to move forward without hindrance."】

【"Then the crystal missiles also fell, crystallizing the monsters that could not be wounded by countless artillery fire."】

【" Then, a super-large beam cannon was fired from afar, instantly blasting through many monsters, leaving a very brilliant record. "】

【"The Shelter Society relied on extremely powerful advanced weapons to control all the monsters that were particularly widely distributed and huge in number, making them unable to move forward instantly."】

【"However, this group of monsters were not vegetarians. They immediately showed all kinds of abilities, blowing up tornadoes to change the landing place of missiles, emitting light waves, and bombing distant light wave transmitters."】

【"When they were massacring the city before, they didn't need to show how powerful their abilities were, they just needed to rely on their bodies to crush them, but facing the top weapons of the Shelter Society, the monsters had to show their abilities. "】

【"At two o'clock in the morning, the battle between the Shelter Society and the monster group was still fierce, and the blood pool that came out was The number of monsters did not decrease at all, and monsters hundreds of meters or even kilometers tall began to appear. They were so tall that it was hard to see their appearance clearly. "】

【"The body was segmented like a centipede; a magnified version of a gorilla; a monster with four limbs on the ground, no fur, and countless rotten flesh on the surface; and a huge turtle with spider legs. . . All kinds of unimaginable monsters kept appearing. "】

【"And the newly appeared monsters have more power. Their every move can easily wipe out a city. Fortunately, their size is too large, and there are so many monsters around. As long as they take action, they will help us solve many monsters. "】

【"The number of monsters that have appeared now is impossible to count. There are all kinds of monsters, big and small, from small fish to elites. It can only be vaguely estimated to be within a million"】

【"Now In the shelter society, not only did they take out their weapons, but they also asked the reality twisters and crocodile thaumaturgy researchers they had trained to join the battle. Fireballs and lightning, energy balls, lightsabers, tornadoes, ice rain, and other magical powers from various movies were flying all over the sky. "】

【"The space was constantly twisted, splitting the earth, and surpassing the power of humans."】

【"Plus all kinds of high-tech artillery fire."】

【"This is definitely the most spectacular battle in human history. Technology, magic, superpowers, and all kinds of powers appeared on this battlefield, just to fight against monsters from an unknown world."】

【"Now the country where the war zone is located has been completely destroyed. The degree of destruction is so great that even the land has become worthless. As for the residents of the country, although the shelter society has arranged for a large number of residents to take refuge, 70% of the people still died tragically in this wave of monsters."】

【"Now the shelter society has warned the surrounding countries that it does not rule out the possibility that other countries will become part of the war zone. Let them take refuge first, and they will dispatch more forces to fight against the monsters."】

【"At five in the morning, when the sky was just getting light, the blood pool finally stopped producing monsters, and the battle finally stopped. ”】

【“According to the statistics experts who calculated every day and night for a month, more than 10 million monsters have emerged from the blood pool. This is a very scary number. Ten million powerful monsters with different abilities. If there is no shelter association to fight against them, the combined military forces of the world will not be able to stop the massacre of this monster tide. In the end, the whole world will be invaded by monsters, and humans will naturally die out. ”】

【“And in this battle, the shelter association invested a lot of equipment, sacrificed a lot of lives, and even took out the shelter objects to fight against the monster tide. Although it is not a serious injury, it is also seriously damaged. If you want to recover all your strength, it will take some time. ”】

[“The scale of this battle was so great that many people became aware of the existence of the containment society and the objects contained therein, causing the containment society to initiate a large-scale memory erasure program. It took two years of effort to make everyone in the world forget This battle was forgotten, along with those who died.”]

["This incident has made the shelter pay more attention to the horror of the blood pool. In the past, although they knew that there would be monsters in the blood pool, they could only deal with a few, but it is different now.\

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