Bruce Wayne: "You can actually set so many identities for robots. Your scientific standards and spiritual needs are very high."

Doraemon: "It's indeed quite tall."

Doraemon: "Anyway, Nobita, you go find Dorami now and find a way to save me. I have to focus on finding a safe place now. The body of Sadako is looking for me. I feel that the stone hat is You won’t be able to fool her for long!”

After Doraemon said these words, he made no sound again.

At this time in Sadako's space.

Doraemon was running anxiously through the woods.

He looked behind him and saw a giant Sadako, who was over fifty meters tall, looking down at everything around him, looking for Doraemon.

This is Sadako's territory. No matter where it is, no matter how far away from Sadako, Sadako will feel any disturbance.

It's just that now Doraemon puts on the stone hat and makes his presence very low, so Sadako can't detect where Doraemon is.

He could only look around in annoyance and make a bunch of meaningless noises. If a normal person were listening next to him, he would probably go crazy.

Now there are countless human-sized Sadako, distributed in various places looking for Doraemon. Once found, they will definitely kill him immediately!

Now Doraemon is unable to move even an inch.

He looked at the dense crowd of Sadako around him, and even though his sense of presence was very low, he didn't dare to make any big moves.

"Speaking of which, from the moment I came in until now, I feel like I can hardly control my emotions. Is there a strong memetic infection here?"

Doraemon looked at his surroundings.

Whether the trees, the earth, or the sky were all gray, it was like being in a world on an old black and white TV, with no color at all.

In Sadako's world, there are negative contagious forces everywhere. Staying here for a long time can easily make anyone crazy.

"If I had known I should have taken out the antimemetic device then, I could only hope that I would be okay."

After Doraemon arrived here in his dream, he continued to walk carefully, holding the curing lamp in his hand. This was the only weapon he had against Sadako at the moment. If he lost it, he would lose the ability to protect himself, not to mention how troublesome it would be.

Now Doraemon could only move forward cautiously among the pile of Sadako. After spending a lot of effort, he finally passed through the forest.

He was now high up in a valley and could see his surroundings.

From the distant coastline, it seems to be an island, and then there is a dilapidated-looking village in the distance, with a school at the end of the village.

There is also a dilapidated hospital on the hilltop on the other side.

Perhaps the environment here was created by Sadako based on the environment in which she once lived.

"How long will I stay here? Can I hold on until Dorami comes to save me? Nobita, you must be strong if I am gone."

Doraemon looked at Yamashita worriedly. He cared more about Nobita's affairs than his own comfort, hoping that everything would get better.

At this time, Nobita immediately went to take the time machine. Now that there is no invasion by Sadako, the time machine has returned to normal use and can travel to the future.

Fat Tiger and the others waited at Nobita's house and helped repair all the damaged things.

The only thing they can do now is wait for Dorami to come.


At this moment, the screens in all the worlds suddenly flashed red lights and emitted a particularly violent alarm sound.

This sudden alarm scared many people.

Everyone had to hold their chests and gasp for air.

Fat Tiger: "What's going on? Why did the alarm sound suddenly?"

Regulus: "What's going on?"

Dagu: "Did something big happen?"

Tony Stark: "Don't be nervous, this has happened before. It's an alarm sound when a hostile race invades all our universes!"

Sage: "A hostile race, a race hostile to humans!"

Tony Stark: "Yes, they have appeared before, such as sleep killers, aerial jellyfish, visual beasts, humanoid monsters, these hostile races that feed on humans!"

Sage: "Humanity's hostile race, that would be troublesome. We are already troubled by the underworld warriors, and it will be very troublesome for another group of hostile races to emerge."

Manigault: "Don't be so nervous, Master. Maybe those hostile races will also deal with the Underworld Warriors."

Radamandis: "Don't be ridiculous, there is no hostile race that can deal with the Underworld Warriors!"

Xiaofu: "The hostile race is in trouble now. We don't have Doraemon, how can we deal with the so-called hostile race!"

Shizuka: "Don't be nervous, we have Doraemon!"

Warring States: "You have to be prepared. I don't know what hostile race will appear this time!"

Ai: "Hmph, no matter what it is, it is definitely no match for us!"

Piccolo: "Just in time to test my new power."

Loki: "You are so confident. I hope you don't fall over in the gutter."

While everyone was talking about it, the screen had already begun to explain things about the enemy race.

["The first hostile race to appear is called Alien.\

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