American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 28 Another contained object, the unstoppable kitchen knife

"Put down your weapon! Or we'll shoot!"

The man ignored the police, he had already thrown down the boss and was ready to stab him.

The police saw this and quickly fired, but the pistol jammed and couldn't fire.

"What the hell are you doing!"

The companion next to him said dissatisfiedly and immediately fired.

He fired smoothly.

But a strange scene appeared. When the bullet was about to hit the man's brain, the bullet suddenly turned out of thin air, avoided the man, and hit somewhere else.

Then the man stabbed the boss's chest very smoothly, ending his life.


Another gunshot rang out, the man's head was pierced, and he died on the spot.

It all seemed to be over.

When everyone saw this, they were all stunned. What happened just now? Why did the bullet suddenly turn and then hit again?

While discussing it, the sound of the screen sounded again.

"The containment, the kitchen knife that cannot stop people from killing, as long as someone picks it up and wants to kill someone, then this kitchen knife will work."

"Anyone, no matter what means, who wants to stop a person holding a kitchen knife from killing people will fail, and no means can stop it."

The voice said this, and the screen switched.

On a building, there was a person who looked like a terrorist, firing a rocket at a person holding a kitchen knife on the ground.

Firing a rocket at an ordinary person undoubtedly looks like a very crazy thing.

But then the shocking result appeared.

When the rocket was about to hit the man, it did not explode, and suddenly stopped and fell, without even exploding.

The man ignored it and continued to move forward. His target was a bald man in the front.

That man was the local terrorist leader. Because of him, I don't know how many people died.

This man is here for revenge!

I don't know how many terrorists tried to stop along the way, shooting, throwing grenades, and even rushing up.

But none of them succeeded.

The gun exploded, misfired, or the bullet turned by itself.

The grenade exploded in his hand before it was thrown out.

Even if several people rushed over, they would be bounced back by the irresistible force.

The man now seemed to have entered a no-man's land, and came to the leader very smoothly. He ignored the Desert Eagle that he escaped and cut his throat with a knife.

The bald man fell to the ground in disbelief. He could not accept that the leader of the terrorists died at the hands of an ordinary person and a kitchen knife.

After the man killed the bald man, a terrorist shot angrily.

Strangely, the previous abnormality did not appear again, and the man was shot through like a hornet's nest very smoothly.

"When the target holding the kitchen knife dies, the power of the kitchen knife to interfere with others will disappear.

As long as the target to be killed is still there, any attempt to stop it will fail due to the irresistible force.

Therefore, this kitchen knife must be strictly guarded and must not be leaked."

When everyone saw this, they were stunned and their eyes widened in disbelief.

A kitchen knife actually has such power! It's terrible!

Tony Stark: "How is it possible! How can a mere kitchen knife have such power? This is unscientific!"

Mordo: "Magic item! This is a magic item! Only magic can do this."

Sun Wukong: "Ah? You have magic there too, but magic is so powerful. I've only seen it used for divination or changing things."

Strange: "You have magic there too?"

Tony Stark: "How can something as unscientific as magic exist!"

Ancient One: "Stark, don't look at it with your ignorant eyes. There are many things in this world that you can never imagine. Magic is actually similar to science. It's just another way to explore the essence of the world and apply it."

Tony Stark: "What!"

Tony Stark in the plane now looks like a petrified person.

He has believed in science for so many years, and now he is told that magic really exists in this world. How can he not have his three views overturned!

Nick Fury: "Magic does exist in our world. We have encountered it before in SHIELD. So, you, the Ancient One, are you also a magician?"

Modo: "Watch your words! Our Ancient One is the pinnacle of magicians! The Supreme Sorcerer!"

Nick Fury: "Ah!!"

Ancient One: "Now is not the time to talk about this. This kitchen knife is similar to a magic item. It has the ability to enhance and even affect the surroundings. It's just that I have never seen anything so outrageous as this."

When Ancient One was talking, he couldn't help but increase the frequency of shaking the fan.

She has seen many magic items, such as enhancing power, curses, etc.

But such a huge range of influence is unheard of by Ancient One.

"If such a thing falls into the hands of those with bad intentions, it will be a disaster."

Ancient One's eyes lit up and showed a serious look. If this appeared in their world, she must personally take action to contain it.


Nick Fury looked at Ancient One's speech and fell into deep thought.

The Supreme Sorcerer, the pinnacle of magicians, seems to be not simple. I wonder if I can get in touch with it.

"A kitchen knife can actually have this kind of power. Even if it is used to assassinate the president, it can be done!"

Natasha couldn't help but express her thoughts in shock.

Nick Fury couldn't help but take a deep breath after hearing this.

If this were really the case, it would cause chaos in the world!

If you think about it deeper, you can break into that place by killing the people in the nuclear bomb control room, and then press the nuclear bomb!

In this way, this knife has many uses!

Enough to bring catastrophe to mankind!

"Damn it! It's just a kitchen knife, how could it be so outrageous?"

This made Nick Fury unable to remain calm, and then he suddenly thought of something.

"Wait a minute, if we have such a weapon, it will be of great help to our operations."

Nick Fury soon had various thoughts and hoped that this kitchen knife would appear in this world.


After Loki learned about the effect of this kitchen knife, he had to open his mouth. He thought that he was the number one magician in the nine realms, but now it seemed that he couldn't even compare to the influence of the kitchen knife. How could he be willing to accept it!

"Wait a minute, if only I had this kitchen knife."

Loki thought of a good idea and then looked at Thor next to him, showing his trademark evil smile.

DC Universe

Diana looked at the kitchen knife on the screen curiously.

"Interesting, I wonder if I can stop it."

Dragon Ball Universe.

Son Gohan looked at the kitchen knife in surprise and couldn't help but think: "If I use this kitchen knife to deal with Saiyans, will it be successful?"

"Stop dreaming, Saiyans are not that stupid to wait for you to kill him."

Piccolo didn't bother to interrupt this fantasy.

At this time, the screen sound sounds.

"Now predict the locations where the contained objects, the Mimic Beast and the unstoppable Chopper, will appear, including the DC Universe, Arkham Asylum and the streets of Gotham City."

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