[“When the shelter received a report about the mysterious virus killing people, they preconceived the idea that the new objects were unknown viruses, so they immediately investigated the dead bodies and found a very strange virus.”]

["This virus can block arteries and cause heart disease, and many victims die in this way. However, when we studied this virus, we found that the known virus knowledge of mankind was unable to analyze this strange virus. , no drug can eliminate this virus.”]

["As the research deepens, more questions arise. First, where did the virus come from? The deceased came from all walks of life, and they even had no relationship with each other. It was impossible to infect each other. So how did they contract the virus?" 】

["The Containment Society sent a large number of manpower to investigate the places they had been in contact with before, and even used Lockard's principle of material exchange to conduct investigations, but there was no way to find the virus from places other than corpses.\

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