
Dagu lay on the ground, panting in pain.

He is not only suffering physically now, but also mentally.

When faced with the Gay Coconut and the Wendigo Skull, he has been subjected to very strong malicious memes.

Resentment, hatred, and the desire to eat people are trying to corrode Dagu's brain.

Fortunately, Tiga's light energy can resist so much powerful negative energy, otherwise Dagu would turn into a servant of Kayako just by staying next to Kayako for a moment.

"What a terrifying monster. The combination of these two things is so powerful."

Dagu couldn't help but feel thrilling when he recalled the battle just now.

If he didn't have the means to restrain Kayako, otherwise with Kayako's ability to be immune to physics, he wouldn't be able to hurt Kayako at all.

And the most important thing is that in the end, fortunately, there was support from Red Lotus Knightmon, otherwise he would have been in danger.

"Thank you very much, Red Lotus Knightmon."

Dagu took out the Tyrannosaurus Rex and thanked Red Lotus Knightmon.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Crimson Knightmon replied.

"Didi di di!!"

At this time, Dagu's communication phone rang. He immediately opened it and saw Lina's picture.

"Da Gu! Where are you? Why are you picking up now? Are you okay?"

Lina shouted anxiously after seeing Dagu.

"Don't worry, Lina, nothing's wrong with me. I was knocked unconscious by those ghosts and just woke up."

Dagu immediately made up an excuse and explained.

At this time, everyone in the screen area was discussing the battle just now.

Fengyuan: "It's great to successfully deal with such a terrible evil spirit!"

Fengyuan was happy for Dagu from the bottom of his heart, but at the same time he couldn't help but think about what he would do if he faced Kayako. Most of his moves were fighting skills, and they would definitely not be able to do anything against Kayako who was immune to physics. any effect.

Unless you use the only light skills.

"It seems that I have to study this aspect a little bit."

Originally, Feng Yuan thought that she could defeat any opponent by relying on her fighting skills, but now it seems that this is not the case. There are always beings that cannot be defeated by fighting skills.

But what should I do?

Could it be that he seeks advice from the stars?

He looked at Zhu Xingtuan's profile and couldn't help but tremble. He couldn't imagine what perverted ways Zhu Xingtuan would use to train him.

Sun Wukong: "It's amazing. It turns out that some things cannot be defeated by physical means. I wonder if our Qigong waves can hit ghosts."

Vegeta: "Hmph, I don't believe this kind of thing. In front of the legendary Super Saiyan, no ghost can be an opponent!"

Piccolo: "Vegeta! You showed up!"

Vegeta: "Haha, Kakarot, Earthlings, and Namekians, just enjoy the short-term peace. I will soon master the power of the legendary Super Saiyan and come to settle accounts with you again."

Tianjin Fan: "Damn guy."

Sun Wukong: "Haha, is that right? Then I will become stronger and wait for you to come!"

Warring States: "I don't know if it's my imagination, but I feel like Sun Wukong is smiling in front of the invaders."

Garp: "Haha! Sengoku, don't say that. When facing enemies, you should relax your mind and beat them with a smile!"

Whitebeard: "Kool la la, Garp is really good at joking. When you faced me, your face looked ugly."

Garp: "I will never be the same now!"

Tsunade: "Don't talk about this. I think we should pay attention to the existence of Kayako that ignores physical means. I don't know if similar containment objects will appear in the future."

Naruto: "Didn't the lustful immortal say before that there is a move to seal away all zombies, which can be used to deal with ghosts?"

Jiraiya: "That move will backfire on the user. We have to study other ninjutsu."

Terumi Mei: "Isn't it possible with the current ninjutsu?"

Ohnoki: "This is not clear yet."

Orochimaru: "Hahaha, interesting topic, tactics against ghosts, interesting."

Tony Stark: "Hey, Dagu, how did your Red Lotus Knightmon destroy the ghosts? I heard what he kept saying about radio waves!"

Dagu: "Ah? The essence of the ghosts of Red Lotus Knightmon is similar to radio waves, and Digimon itself is a collection of data and also belongs to radio waves, so its moves can touch ghosts."

Tony Stark: "Is it radio waves? Sure enough, the soul is related to electrons. It seems that I have to develop electromagnetic wave weapons for ghosts!"

Barton: "You can also study this."

Tony Stark: "Don't underestimate the wisdom of a genius scientist like me!"

Nobita: "Doraemon, do we also have this kind of prop!"

Doraemon: "It should be there. I can ask Mirai Department Store if they sell it."

Tony Stark: "I'm so jealous that you can just buy it ready-made."

Regulus: "Electric wave? What is that?"

Sisyphus: "If it is similar to brain waves, I can still understand it. Brain thinking produces a kind of electromagnetic energy, which is generated when the neurons inside the brain are active."

Natasha: "I know this very well. My brain has been developed to 30%, and I can clearly feel brain waves and the waves of any electronic device."

Luffy: "What on earth is that? What are the radio waves for?"

Frankie: "I've come across this concept before, like our phone bugs, which use unique radio waves to conduct conversations."

Luffy: "Huh? That means phone bugs can be used to deal with ghosts!"

Chopper: "Really!"

Usopp: "Don't interrupt! Chopper, don't take it seriously!"

Bruce Wayne: "The so-called radio waves are currents that vibrate at certain frequencies and produce fluctuations. There are many such fluctuations. Have you seen the machine that Dagu uses to communicate with other people? That machine has its own battery inside. Control the current to oscillate and generate radio waves, and when connected to the same machine, you can make long-distance calls.”

Sanji: "I've noticed it a long time ago, but I didn't expect that besides phone bugs, there are other means of communication."

Tony Stark: "Do you rely on bugs for your means of communication?"

Robin: "No, it's a snail."

Tony Stark: "Ah!"

Ai: "I use thunder to escape, so I can control thunder and lightning to vibrate and generate so-called electric waves to deal with ghosts!"

Bruce Wayne: "Theoretically, that's the case, but radio waves are very complicated, and the frequency and power of Gay Coco's own radio waves are not simple either. How to use radio waves to deal with ghosts requires more experiments."

Loki: "After talking for so long, have you noticed one thing? That is, the reward for the contained object has not been announced on the screen."

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