Diga, who had regained his height of more than fifty meters, stood in front of the mutated Gay Coconut.

He is still not sure whether the coconut palm in front of him should be called Wendigo or coconut palm. In short, these two containment objects are actually fused together.

Diga felt an extremely strong dark aura and resentment like an abyss.


The Wendigo Skull and the Gay Coconut make sounds at the same time.

Wendigo Skull had already lost to Diga once, so he was naturally very resentful.

And Kayako herself is a collection of resentments. Anyone who has hindered her will be remembered by her.

What's more, as a representative of light, Tiga is naturally the opposite of undead souls such as Kayako, and the strong hostility is naturally engraved in his bones.


The strange screams of coconut and wendigo merge together to form an even more terrifying and weird sound.

I saw coconut trees slapping the bottom of the sea hard.

The next second the seafloor ground shook wildly, and the ground around Diga continued to explode with cracks.

Immediately afterwards, countless fur appeared and formed strange tentacles, wrapping around Tiga!


Seeing this, Diga immediately attacked with his sword to cut off these tentacles.

However, these tentacles are very soft, and once touched, there will be no substantial physical feeling at all.

Instead, the winding process is accelerated.

In just a second, Diga's whole body was tightly entangled with these tentacles, making it difficult to move for a moment.

Not only that, he also felt a powerful resentment and thoughts of cannibalism, which were constantly eroding his brain!

"Uh huh huh!!!"

I saw Diga's whole body radiating an astonishing high temperature, and red light emitted from all over his body, forcibly burning all these tentacles into ashes!

The battle between Diga and Kayako was watched by everyone.

Fengyuan: "Oh my god! Kayako actually wears a Wendigo skull! No, it's a combination. Can contained objects be combined like this!"

Wang: "Is this the union of spirit and body? I have seen some of it."

Bruce Wayne: "Both of these are monsters with very high levels of mental pollution! Combined, they will definitely cause a fatal blow to humans."

Zhu Hoshidan: "Da Gu! You must defeat them! You can't let them go to places where humans gather!"

At this time, Diga also saw the information on the screen and knew how dangerous the current product of the fusion of Kayako and Wendigo's skulls was, so he had to deal with it as soon as possible.

[Let’s just call it coconut milk below. 】

Diga rushed towards Kayako at full speed and punched him with his fist.

However, just when his fist was about to touch Kayako.

Diga actually passed right through! There is no real sense of hitting the coconut!


Diga turned around in shock, only to see Kayako waving his fur-covered hand over to him, and his claws slammed into Diga's face, causing a lot of sparks.

Not only that, Gaoyao also did a roundhouse kick, kicked Diga in the waist, and kicked him to the ground!


Kayako made a strange cry and rushed toward Diga.

Seeing this, Diga immediately raised his foot and wanted to use his batou to throw the coconut tree out.

However, his feet actually went directly through Kayako, and he watched helplessly as Kayako pressed him.

Kayako pressed Diga's hands and feet with both hands and feet, releasing a lot of hair that kept wrapping around Diga's body.

It seemed that she was worried that Diga would break free like she did just now, so she bit Diga's neck directly.

Don't forget, Gay Coco is now wearing a Wendigo skull.

This bite was the coconut and Wendigo skull biting at the same time. The two bite forces merged together, causing Tiga a lot of pain.

In addition, some of the hairs strangled Diga tightly, and some of them turned like a drill and attacked Diga's whole body.

Now Tiga is like the fish on the chopping board being slaughtered!


Diga struggled with all his strength, but no matter what he did, he just couldn't touch Kayako's body, so there was no way to get rid of Kayako!

Klin: "Oh my god! Why can't I defeat this monster?"

Luffy: "And it can still touch Tiga! Why is that!"

Ancient One: "It seems that this Kayako has the ability to be immune to physics, but it can touch the opponent itself. It's incredible."

Zhu Xingluan: "Generally speaking, if an ability like this that is immune to physics wants to touch others, it will be tangible for a moment, but Kayako completely ignores this law. When touching Tiga, he is still immune to physics. !”

Naruto: "Isn't it completely unfair to be beaten down and beaten! How is Tiga going to defeat Kayako!"

Thor: "What a disgusting monster. If my power is still there, I will definitely be able to control thunder and lightning to defeat him!"

Loki: "My brother, maybe your thunder and lightning can't touch it."

Ashmita: "Spiritual attack, unless Tiga has skills targeting spiritual bodies."

Sage: "Is this the difference in the power system? We can touch the spirit body."

Nobita: "So ghosts can't be beaten? What should Doraemon do?"

Doraemon: "I have to think about it, but your magic book has the answer. Read more."

Tony Stark: "You can't miss the opportunity to educate Nobita for even a second."

Sun Wukong: "This is not the point. What is important is how Diga defeated Kayako."

Zhu Xingtuan: "If it were me, I could attack with telekinesis, but I don't know if Dagu can do it, and I don't know if energy attacks will work."

Fengyuan: "Da Gu! Come on!"

"Uh huh huh!!"

Dagu struggled hard, and saw the crystal above his head flashing with purple light, and then his whole body switched to purple and entered the air form.

The air-type Tiga turned into a ray of light and disappeared instantly.

Then almost at the same time, he appeared behind Kayako.


Diga raised his hands, gathered blue ray energy, and used Rampart's light bomb to attack Gaoyao. He wanted to try to attack with energy!

However, Rampart's light bomb actually passed directly through Kayako's body, only causing an explosion when she was left, unable to cause any damage at all.


Seeing that the energy attack could not harm Gaoyao, Diga had to be stunned.

"Gah ah ah ah!!"

It seemed to be laughing at Tiga, Gay Coconut and Wendigo Skull, and at the same time let out an extremely penetrating laugh.

If a normal person heard this laughter, they would probably go crazy!

The members of the victory team in TPC were watching Tiga's situation through the screen. When they saw that Tiga's attack was unable to touch Kayako, everyone's heart seemed to be clenched.

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