"Horii! Dagu! Noei, where are you! Answer me quickly!"

In the dormitory area, Xincheng shouted anxiously to the surroundings, and the arm holding the gun kept shaking and shaking,

All this happened so quickly and weirdly that Xincheng, who was already afraid of ghosts, was in a state of extreme fear. His body would tremble even after walking a few steps.

The live communication machine was out of order, and he couldn't see anyone else, so he was worried.

Coupled with the weird sound before, his heartbeat accelerated to the extreme. In this quiet atmosphere, the sound of his heartbeat was particularly obvious.

"Damn it, it can't really be haunted, it's impossible, there are no ghosts in this world, right?"

When Xincheng spoke, his lips were trembling and even turned white.



At this time, there was a scream in Xincheng's ears. It sounded a bit far away, and he didn't know who was unlucky enough to have an accident.

This frightened Xincheng so much that he couldn't help but jump up and dropped his pistol to the ground.

"Xincheng, what are you doing here?"

Just then Horii's voice came.

Horii appeared behind Xincheng at some unknown time, looking at him calmly.

"Horii! It's so good to see you!"

Seeing that an acquaintance finally appeared, Xincheng immediately let go of his worries and walked towards Horii with excitement on his face.

"What's going on now? Do you know what happened? Where is everyone else?"

Xincheng asked one after another.

"I don't know what the situation is now, but everyone is in a safe place. I will take you there now."

Horii said it with almost no emotion.

But Xincheng didn't feel anything strange and just wanted to follow Horii.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Just then, Horii's voice came from the corner behind again.

I saw Horii running out of a corner with a face full of fear. His fat body was running so excited that it seemed to be very difficult for him.

My whole body was covered in sweat.

"Hey! Horii!"

When Xincheng saw the sudden appearance of a Horii, he had to scream in shock.

"New City!"

Horii was stunned for a moment after seeing the new city, and then looked aggrieved.

"Great, I finally saw a living person. Do you know how many ghosts I was chased by just now? How miserable it was! Woohoo!!"

Horii's face was filled with grievance and he almost shed tears.

"Wait a minute! You are also Horii, then who are you!"

Shinjo shouted with a confused look on his face, and then pointed at the livid Horii behind him.

"Ah! Why is there another me!"

After Horii saw his other self, he couldn't help shouting in shock and jumped back.

"That guy is fake, I am the real one, come with me!"

The livid Horii glared at Shinjo and shouted.

"Idiot, you are the one who is lying, Xincheng has seen it clearly!"

Horii was very angry after hearing this and took out his pistol and fired.

The bullet passed directly through the other Horii, causing no damage at all.

Seeing this, Xincheng still can't react.

"So you are fake! What are you!"

Shinjo tremblingly raised his gun and pointed it at the 'Horii' opposite and shouted.

I saw another Horii's body change, turning into a ghost with a translucent body and a ferocious face full of blood.

"Ahhhh! Ghost!!"

Seeing the ghost really appear in front of him, Xincheng was so frightened that he kept screaming and shooting.

However, no matter how aggressively he fired, he could not harm the ghost at all.

"Idiot! Bullets are useless against ghosts, run away!"

After Horii cursed Shinjo angrily, he immediately dragged him to run back.

As a result, when he saw clearly what was happening behind him, he was completely stunned and had to stop where he was.

I saw many ghosts popping up from behind, all staring fiercely at Horii and Shinjo.

At this moment, both of them felt extremely desperate. Facing the ghost that they could not fight with physical means, they were unable to resist at all. They could only lean against each other and tremble and scream like the little girls in horror movies.

"The pure land of bliss!"

Just then a roar came.

I saw a blue beam of light coming from the end of the dark corridor.

Passed directly through all the ghosts, wrapping Horii and the new city.


The sudden beam of light made Shinjo and Horii unable to open their eyes immediately. They covered their faces with their arms and lowered their heads in discomfort.

When they felt the light disappear, they slowly opened their eyes.

As a result, they saw that the ghosts surrounding them all turned into smoke and disappeared.

"what happened?"

This scene made Horii and Shinjo particularly confused, and they had no idea what happened just now.

"Dong dong dong!"

At this time, heavy footsteps came.

Shinjo and Horii were so frightened that they immediately raised their guns at the source of the sound again.

As a result, they saw a man in armor holding a knight's spear in his right hand, a buckler in his left hand, and a red cloak behind him, like a knight coming out of the Middle Ages, slowly walking over.

"What's this?"

Seeing such a thing made Horii's brain almost explode. First it was the ghost, and now it's the knight. What on earth did they encounter?

The knight glanced at Horii and Shinjo, then suddenly rushed towards the two of them, stabbing them with a spear.

Shinjo and Horii thought they were about to be attacked, and raised their guns, but it was too late.

However, strangely, the gun of Crimson Knightmon did not hit them.

Instead, it pierced the wall behind them.

"Ah ... "The commander also encountered it!" Xincheng shouted in surprise. "Yes, we were attacked by a group of ghosts, and that knight appeared and saved us!" Ye Rui answered immediately. "Now we have no idea what happened. A group of ghosts suddenly appeared and occupied the entire TPC. Our weapons are simply unable to resist. Many people have already sacrificed. If it weren't for the appearance of that knight, we would have died long ago."

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