["Reality distortion cats, except for these two abilities, have no other characteristics that are different from ordinary cats. They can be raised in the same way as raising cats. They can also share their abilities with other cats, but they are far away from each other. The reality distortion cat will lose its effect after three hours.”]

["When a reality distortion cat encounters a friendly person, it will transform the other person into a cat, play together, and return to its original appearance according to the other person's wishes. If it encounters an unfriendly person, it will transform the other person into a small mouse or fish. Animals, let yourself be hunted.”]

After listening to the explanation on the screen, everyone had a preliminary understanding of this reality-distorting cat.

Mordo: "No, a little cat can actually master the ability to change other people's shapes at will, or it's reality distortion! This is too scary! It must be a magical creature!"

Nami: "She looks so cute."

Naruto: "It sounds very powerful, but is the reality distortion you said difficult? It feels like our transformation skills are similar."

Ancient One: "I don't know much about your transformation technique. It's just that reality distortion is not as simple as changing the shape, but completely transforming the object into something else, just like turning a chair into water. Then it will never change back to a chair, it will always be water, possessing the functions and characteristics of water.”

Jiraiya: "I roughly understand that it is indeed not comparable to the transformation ninjutsu. Our transformation is just a disguise in appearance and cannot have other object properties."

Nobita: "Then this cat is so powerful. It feels more powerful than Doraemon."

Doraemon: "Are you kidding me! Isn't it just transformation? I have many props like this!"

Tony Stark: "Yeah! Does that mean reality distortion can be scientifically made and invented as a prop for use? Here's how to do it!"

Doraemon: "I don't know how to say this."

Zhu Hoshidan: "This cat is not a joke. If it is unfriendly to you, it will be killed. How can you judge whether it is unfriendly? What if it just says a few words and holds a grudge."

Bruce Wayne: "This is indeed a problem to be careful about, but since the reward is given to Hill, you should listen to her, right?"

Nick Fury: "Hahaha! No matter what, Hill, you are so lucky to have such an interesting pet that can be used as an unexpected fighting force!"

Nick Fury showed a hint of joy when he saw Hill getting a good reward, a cat with special abilities?

Hiss. . .

This moment reminded Nick Fury of the element-devouring beast, and then the injured eye felt pain after a long time.

"I have to remind Hill, don't pet the cat too much, otherwise you may become blind like me."

Nick Fury thought so.

Hill: "Stop joking, how can I raise such a scary cat?"

Hill, on the other hand, felt very embarrassed. She didn't know how to deal with a cat with special abilities. What if something happened to it?

This made her envious of other people, why their rewards were all dead objects and props.

But maybe you can listen to yourself how this cat rubs itself.

"Hey, reality warp cat."

Hill carefully stroked the reality distortion cat.

"I heard that you can change the appearance of living things. Is it true? Can you show it?"

Hill asked cautiously.


After the Reality Distortion Cat answered telepathically, he turned around and looked around, and finally spotted an agent.

In the next second, the agent suddenly shrank and turned into a mouse!

This sudden scene frightened many people, causing them to retreat with shock on their faces, not knowing what was going on!

Although Hill had been mentally prepared for it, seeing her colleagues turn into rats without any warning immediately shocked her, and her mouth opened so wide that it could almost fit a fist.

"Oh my God! What's going on! What's happening!"

Bruce Banner looked at the rat running around in panic with a shocked expression. Why did this happen suddenly? His scientific mind was at a loss for words.

"Hey, come on, change it back!"

Hill anxiously took a picture of the reality-distorting cat, fearing that the mouse his colleague had turned into would run around and never come back.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you stay away from me for an hour, you will change back. But since it is your order, of course I will obey it."

After the reality distortion cat answered, the mouse immediately changed back to his original human appearance, with his clothes still on and not naked.

Seeing that his colleagues had changed back, Hill was relieved, but at the same time, he was both happy and worried about his new pet.

"You are still as awesome as ever."

Cain praised without surprise.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are not as powerful as you. If I dare to do this to you, it will only rebound on me, and then I will never change again."

The reality-distorted cat looked at Cain, and the cat's pupils seemed to be on guard.

After hearing this, Cain just smiled and shook his head, then looked at Hill and reminded: "Maybe, we should go."


Hill felt confused now and needed to take time to calm down, so she directed people to take Cain away from here, and then she looked at Bruce Banner.

"Dr. Banner, you..."

"I'll go with you!"

This time Bruce Banner didn't wait for Hill to say anything and agreed directly.

On the contrary, Hill will not be able to deal with it.

"Maybe I shouldn't keep running away, and I feel like I want to study this cat."

Bruce Banner looked at the Reality Warping Cat with curiosity on his face.

Such a magical creature evoked his scientist spirit. Compared with this little kitten, Hulk seemed to be nothing.

After the Reality Distortion Cat learned what Bruce Banner was thinking, he just gave him a look, then moved his head away and leaned at Hill's feet.

Seeing that things were going well, Hill picked up the reality-distorting cat and called on everyone to get on the plane and return to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hey! Bruce Banner is a wanted criminal by our military! You, SHIELD, can't just take him away like this!"

When General Ross saw that Bruce Banner was about to be taken away, he immediately shouted to Hill anxiously.

"Sorry, this is SHIELD's mission and has nothing to do with you."

Hill immediately scolded in displeasure.

General Ross's face darkened after hearing this, and when he was about to continue saying something, he suddenly turned into a mouse.

Seeing this scene, Hill immediately looked at the cat in his arms.

"This aggressive guy makes me feel very annoying. Next time I meet such a person, you can let me do it."

Reality Distortion Cat's tone was full of disgust.

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