"It's really him!"

Nick Fury's expression had to change when he heard the man say his name.

"What's wrong, Fury, you look very ugly."

Tony Stark, who was next to him, noticed the change in Nick Fury's expression and asked.


Nick Fury immediately regained his calm expression and answered.

Of course Tony Stark didn't believe it when he saw this, but he didn't ask any more questions.

"Why, is Bruce Banner there? Isn't he being hunted by General Ross?"

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury naturally knows a lot of things, and the Hulk's affairs are S.H.I.E.L.D.'s confidential files.

He knew very well that General Ross was chasing Hulk all over the world, causing a lot of noise.

If only Bruce Banner was there. . .

Nick Fury immediately thought of something and sent a message to Agent Hill.

"Find a way to find General Ross's whereabouts."

Nick Fury then continued to look at the screen.

At this time, Bruce Banner and Cain were chatting on the screen.

Maybe it was because both of them seemed out of place in the bar, so they got along quite well with each other.

"You said that you came from another universe, and when you came to your senses, you appeared here? Are you talking nonsense to me? You don't look like you drank too much."

Bruce Banner's face was red, and he looked at Cain with drunken eyes, completely disbelieving such an outrageous experience.

"I didn't lie. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do."

Cain shrugged helplessly. He didn't know what was going on, so he could only take a sip of wine helplessly.

"Speaking of which, why are you drinking here alone? Besides, you seem to be in a bad mood."

Cain asked.

"Originally I didn't really want to say it, but you told me something outrageous, so I'll tell you something outrageous too."

After Bruce Banner finished speaking, he burped and told his story.

"Can you believe me? Half a month ago, I was still a scientist that everyone respected. It was because of an experimental accident that I mutated into a monster. Even though I am no different from ordinary people now, as long as I get angry, Or when I am in danger of death, I will turn into a monster several meters tall, all green, and extremely strong. "

"Because I turned into a monster, I became a wanted criminal, and the military is hunting me everywhere."

Bruce Banner said it with bitterness, something so bizarre that no one could tell. Now he can only use the strength of alcohol to tell this stranger about his past, who claims to have experienced something outrageous, so that he can feel more comfortable.

After listening to the manager, Cain did not appear. Bruce Banner had an imaginary expression of doubt, distrust, disdain, and a fool, but instead listened very carefully.

"Why, you didn't react at all? Don't you think I'm talking nonsense?"

Instead, Bruce Banner looked at Cain in confusion.

After hearing this, Cain just smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Let me tell you, I also have power that is unimaginable to you. Your abilities are nothing compared to mine."

This is Cain's self-confidence and also a distress.

"Huh? No, are you serious?"

This actually put Bruce Banner out of control.

"I won't lie, Banner. I have seen many terrifying monsters, even monsters that are tens or hundreds of meters tall. The monster you have become is nothing at all in my eyes."

Cain continued.

"Ah? You're not trying to comfort me, just say something casually."

Bruce Banner was confused and sober.

"No, I won't lie."

At this Cain just smiled and shook his head.

"Forget it, thank you anyway, I feel much better after I said it."

Bruce Banner felt much more relaxed now, and he clinked glasses with Cain and drank.


At this moment, the door of the bar was violently kicked open.

Then a group of soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms broke in from outside.

"Military action! Everyone immediately squats down with their hands on their heads!"

A loud voice came from the door.

Then a soldier fired at the ceiling.


At this moment, everyone was so frightened that they squatted down holding their heads.

"Oh my God, you caught up with me so quickly."

Seeing the sudden arrival of the soldiers, Bruce Banner was so frightened that his face turned pale, and his drunken mind suddenly became half sober.

He found that many people had already squatted down with their heads in their hands, but Cain was looking at the door with a puzzled look on his face.

"Hey, Cain, it's nice to meet you, but you have to break up with me now, or I'll kill you!"

After Bruce Banner finished speaking, he immediately turned around and ran away, trying to leave through the back door.

However, the military had already surrounded the place, and soon a group of people came from the back door, leaving Bruce Banner with nowhere to escape.

"Bruce Banner, you are very good at escaping, but you can't escape now."

General Ross, an old acquaintance of Bruce Banner, slowly walked out of the crowd and looked at Bruce Banner with a sneer.

"Can't you just let me drink in peace?"

Bruce Banner sighed helplessly.

"It's you who didn't let me drink quietly. If you were willing to just let it go, I would be sitting in the office drinking coffee right now!"

General Ross scolded coldly.

"Are they trying to take you in?"

After seeing this, Cain probably understood what was going on?

"Housing, that's an interesting thing to say, but we are not a refugee shelter. Who are you? Why don't you squat down with your head in your hands!"

General Ross didn't expect that a passerby would dare to speak out, so he pushed him away dissatisfied.

But this move took an unexpected turn.

That is, Cain was not shaken at all, but General Ross himself took a few steps back.

This made General Ross feel something was wrong, and he looked at Cain doubtfully.

"Hey! Don't hurt him! This has nothing to do with him!"

Bruce Banner thought General Ross was going to hurt Cain and immediately walked over to stop him.

At this moment, a soldier immediately took out a syringe and stabbed Bruce Banner in the neck.

I don't know what was injected into it, causing Bruce Banner to lose consciousness and fall to the ground.

"You'd better take care of yourself, this is an anesthetic that can make elephants fall asleep instantly."

General Ross said with a sneer, and immediately directed others to take Bruce Banner away.

But at this moment, Bruce Banner's body suddenly changed!

He was getting bigger, his skin was turning green, and he looked strange.

"Oh my God! Fire!"

General Ross obviously did not expect this and immediately ordered everyone to open fire.

At this moment, countless gunshots and screams were heard.

The assault rifle fired wildly at every part of Bruce Banner's body, but it still failed to stop him from mutating.

The Incredible Hulk is here!

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