American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 25 Six Paths Sage Mode, three colors of domineering, injected with C virus


Jiraiya now felt extremely hot all over his body, his chakra expanded to the extreme, as if he was about to explode.

This feeling made him uncomfortable, but it also contained a powerful pleasure.

As the chakra erupts, the terrifying pressure spreads around.

Making everything around him tremble crazily.

"Whoa whoa! What kind of chakra is this!"

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya in disbelief. She was now pushed back by Jiraiya's chakra pressure.

Just when she was about to resist, her whole body suddenly turned dark and she felt stronger.

Then a terrifying amount of domineering energy burst out from her body, actually blocking Jiraiya's breath forcibly, allowing her to stabilize her figure.

"Is this domineering?"

Tsunade looked at herself in confusion, thinking of the reward just now.

Then she suddenly felt a change in the atmosphere around her.

The crowd ran away in fear, and Jiraiya and Kabuto left.

And Naruto's chakra also began to become terrifying.


Tsunade quickly checked on Naruto's condition.

As a result, Naruto was seen radiating red chakra, and his appearance became quite ferocious, with three red chakra tails growing out.

This looks like a monster.

"Nine-tailed demon fox!"

When Tsunade saw Naruto like this, she knew it was Kyuubi's chakra, and her expression changed.

She knows the terror of the Kyuubi better than anyone else. Its chakra is full of violence and aggression. Once it is contaminated, it is very likely to lose personality!

"Is this the power of that guy inside me? It's so strong!"

While Tsunade was worried, Naruto was uncharacteristically looking at his body in confusion and excitement.

He now feels that his whole body is full of power and feels particularly happy. He has used the power of the nine tails before, but it is not as good as today!

"Naruto, don't you feel something is wrong?"

Tsunade asked quickly as she watched Naruto use the power of the Nine Tails.

"No? I just feel a little heavy."

Naruto shook his head.

At this time, in the sealed world in Naruto's body, Jiulama looked around with a shocked expression. It felt that its power was flowing out uncontrollably.

"What's going on! Why does my power keep leaking out! What did this human do to me!"

Jiulama shouted anxiously, wanting to take back his power, but found that he couldn't control it, and could only watch his power leak out.

"Damn human! What on earth did you do to me!"

The Nine Lamas roared with great rage. If it hadn't been sealed, it would really want to go out and kill.

"Hey, wait a minute, what is this aura?"

At this moment, Jiu Lama suddenly felt a powerful breath, which made him feel very familiar and nostalgic.

"Grandpa Liudao?"


At this time, Naruto squatted down uncomfortably. He felt extremely stressed all over his body now, and his body seemed to fall apart. He quickly removed the power of the nine tails.

"It seems that you can't bear the power of the nine tails at all, so please stop making random moves."

Tsunade was relieved to see that Naruto finally couldn't bear the power of the Kyuubi.

After all, the power of the Kyuubi is too dangerous. If it is mobilized at will, the problem will be serious.

Then Tsunade looked at Jiraiya. Now that Jiraiya's condition had stabilized, he was looking at his body in disbelief.

"Is this the power of the Sage of Six Paths?"

Jiraiya looked at his own changes in disbelief.

He knew very well who the Sage of Six Paths was, but he was an existence older and more powerful than Senju Hashirama. He was the origin of ninjas and a god-like figure.

How could he not be shocked that he actually gained the power of such an existence!

"Reincarnation Eye, Six Paths Mode, Shinra Tianzheng, Earth Explosion Star."

Jiraiya had a lot of information and moves about the power of the Six Paths Sage in his mind.

The huge amount of information was almost too much for him to digest and caused a severe headache. He had to quit the Sage of Six Paths mode to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Huh, I have to take time to digest it."

Jiraiya wiped the sweat from his head. He was so shocked by the power of the Sage of Six Paths.

He truly deserves to be the god of the ninja world.

"Eh? Where are Orochimaru and the others?"

At this time, Jiraiya noticed that Orochimaru and Kabuto were not there, and immediately looked worried.

He still remembers the so-called C virus. What is it? Rebuilding biological institutions may turn them into monsters, which makes Jiraiya feel very uneasy.

At this time, Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto were already far away.

"Lord Orochimaru, won't you try again and let Tsunade help you heal?"

Kabuto Yakushi asked.

"No, that guy won't help."

Orochimaru shook his head. He knew Tsunade very well, and that guy knew everything.

"What's more, don't we have other gains?"

Orochimaru finished speaking and looked at Kabuto's hand.

Chakra gathered in his hand and compressed into a small spark.

This spark was none other than Pyro, and now it turned into a spark that kept shaking, unable to break out of Kabuto's chakra restraints.

"Lord Orochimaru, should we take this creature back to study it?"

"Yes, I have to study such an interesting thing carefully, and this."

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he looked at the syringe containing the unknown liquid in his pocket.

"C virus? And what is that weird sound, and how did it come to me? Things are really getting more and more interesting."

Orochimaru was not too worried about this strange situation, but was quite excited. After all, he was a scientific madman who dared to explore the unknown.

"It's interesting to restructure living things and gain amazing vitality."

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out a white snake, biting the needle, and then used the white snake to stick the needle into himself to inject the C virus.

"Lord Orochimaru! You are taking too many risks!"

Kabuto shouted anxiously when he saw this scene.

But it can't be stopped now.


Orochimaru now felt that there seemed to be some kind of change in his body. He felt extremely uncomfortable all over his body and his muscles were squirming constantly.


While screaming in pain, Orochimaru's body began to change.

His figure suddenly became taller, and at the same time, his muscles continued to expand, and his color became weird, making his body gradually look less like a human being.


The white snake that was originally entrenched in Orochimaru's body was also affected and became an even more terrifying and huge python. It rushed out from Orochimaru's back and wrapped around Orochimaru's body.

"Lord Orochimaru!"

Kabuto looked shocked at Orochimaru's inhuman appearance and couldn't help but step back.

"Hahaha, my hand has recovered."

Orochimaru looked with joy on his face as his hands turned into the claws of a beast. Although his hands were like this, they could still form seals.

"And it's so powerful and my body is so hot. Is this the C virus? Hahaha, it's so interesting!"

Orochimaru was not afraid of his situation, but instead was extremely excited.

"Kabuto, let's go back immediately, we have new experiments to do!"


After Orochimaru finished speaking, he disappeared instantly, and Kabuto quickly caught up with him.

Orochimaru, who has obtained the power of the C virus, doesn't know what big events will happen in the future.

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