"It doesn't matter. If you can see it, just try it."

Luffy, on the other hand, looked completely unconcerned.

"You better not regret those words!"

Kidd got angry when he saw Luffy not caring!

"In this case, let's become an alliance for the time being. Before leaving Skull Island, no one is allowed to cross the line and harm others. Otherwise, we will die here."

Luo finally told everyone that everyone knows that this involves whether they can leave Skull Island, so naturally they will not treat it as a child's play.

As a result, the Straw Hat Pirates, the Heart Pirates and the Kidd Pirates formally formed an alliance and worked together to leave Skull Island.

When the three of them established an alliance, the screen had already announced the next contained object to appear more than ten minutes ago.

"The next two objects to be contained are Cain and Abel, who are rumored to be demigod brothers."

Strange: "What! Cain and Abel! Aren't these one of the first human beings in the Bible? They are said to be the children of Adam and Eve! They are also containment objects!"

Naruto: "The Bible? The first humans? What is that?"

Tony Stark: "There is a legend in our world that the ancestors of all human beings are a man and a woman in ancient times, Adam and Eve. They are God's creations, and they were supposed to guard the orchards of the gods, but because of violations After eating the forbidden fruit, they were expelled by the gods, and then they reproduced. Cain and Abel were the first children born to them, and they can be said to be the ancestors of all human beings.”

Tony Stark: "Of course, these are all myths and I don't know if they are true or not."

Odin: "Anyway, there is no such thing on the earth in our universe."

Natasha: "What are you thinking about? Don't we just have a universe where myths and stories are real?"

Rogers: "Yeah, hey, Sisyphus, is the myth of Adam and Eve true?"

Sisyphus: "Well, it's too long ago to be confirmed, and different myths have different origins, so it's difficult to cover them all."

Hasgaardt: "What I can confirm is that the origin of Europeans here is Europa in Greek mythology."

Sage: "In short, the origin of human beings is very complicated, and it does not depend on any specific myth."

Dagu: "So that's it."

Diana: "If those archaeologists confirmed these things, they would go crazy."

Shion: "It's just that the mythical Cain and Abel are actually contained objects, which is a bit unbelievable."

Bruce Wayne: "Could it be that they happen to have the same name and surname? Some people like to name themselves after mythical characters."

Diana: "I think it's possible."

Orochimaru: "Why are you talking so much? You'll know just by looking at it."

While everyone was chattering, a photo appeared on the screen, and the content of the photo was two people.

One was a handsome man with a bare upper body, long black hair, dark skin, and dark pupils, full of a wild aura.

The other person is wearing ancient Greek clothing, with a ponytail, light blue pupils, dark skin, equally handsome, and looks very honest.

These two people with completely different personalities stand together, giving people a special feeling.

If you look carefully, you will find that they look very similar.

And there are very strange runes on their bodies, which seem to be very ancient writings.

["The containment objects Cain and Abel are a pair of brothers. No one knows why their names are taken from Cain and Abel in the Bible. Moreover, their discovery process is completely different. It is difficult to Bring them together."

["When we first discovered Abel, we received a tip that a crazy murderer appeared in a certain suburb and kept killing everyone he saw.\

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