
Arthur let out a roar, rushed towards the Snow Mountain King, kicked the Snow Mountain King hard in the abdomen, and kicked it away.

Then Arthur immediately ran over to continue the pursuit.

But at this moment, the King of Snow Mountain somehow managed to neutralize the impact of Arthur's attack, jumped towards Arthur, and kicked him back.

Seeing this, Arthur quickly grabbed the Snow Mountain King's feet, then turned around and threw him over his shoulder, throwing the Snow Mountain King to the ground!

However, the King of the Snow Mountain clamped Arthur's arm with his legs, exerted his body strength, and directly used this posture to throw Arthur away!

"I'll wipe it! This guy!"

Arthur never expected that this so-called king of the snow mountain could be so good at fighting, and his fighting skills were very good!

After landing on the snow, Arthur quickly stood up. At this time, the King of the Snow Mountain had already rushed in front of him.

He kept throwing punches, changing position with each punch.

It makes people unable to guard against it, unable to immediately pursue and predict the attack of the Snow Mountain King.

In just a moment, every vital part of Arthur's body was beaten severely.

The two sides only fought for a few rounds, and Arthur was put at a disadvantage and could only defend passively.


Arthur took a deep breath, put his arms in front of his face and curled up, trying to protect himself.

He recalled in his mind all the fighting techniques taught by his master.

"If he sees me being beaten like this by an inexplicable guy, he will definitely tell me."

Arthur smiled bitterly and teased himself.

Then the moment the King of Snow Mountain was about to hit him with his next punch!

Arthur quickly gave up defense and instead attacked.

When the Snow Mountain King hit his ribs, he immediately hit him in the face with an elbow.

Then hit the same spot with another fist.

Forcibly interrupt the Snow Mountain King's offensive.

Then Arthur grabbed the Snow Mountain King's head with both hands, pulled it down violently, and at the same time continuously raised his knees.

Keep punching the Snow Mountain King in the face!

Finally, when he was about to land, his right elbow hit the Snow Mountain King on the back of his head from top to bottom, knocking him to the ground!

"You're very good at hitting. Fortunately, I didn't get beaten so badly."

Arthur spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the back of the Snow Mountain King.

At this moment, Arthur's eyes were full of solemnity. This weird guy could actually beat him so hard that he broke several ribs. He was definitely not an ordinary person!

Why did such a strange and powerful guy suddenly appear here in Iceland?

"I want to see what you are."

Arthur reached out to grab the Snow Mountain King's hiking hat so he could pull it off and see what he looked like.

But at this moment, the snow under Arthur's feet suddenly erupted upwards.

This caused Arthur to quickly back away and brush off the snow.

When he regained his footing, he discovered that the King of the Snow Mountain was missing!

"Hoo ho ho ho!!"

At this time, the snow around was getting heavier and heavier, and the cold wind gradually formed into a storm.

At first glance, it was completely white, and it was impossible to see anything clearly.

Arthur squinted his eyes, braved the blizzard, and looked around, trying to find the King of the Snow Mountain.

But no matter how he looked, he could not find any trace of the Snow Mountain King.

"You are very strong, but you have found the wrong opponent. I am the king of the snow mountain, and I am the strongest in the snow mountain!"

The voice of the Snow Mountain King came from all directions, mixed with the roar of the wind, and sounded particularly weird!

"Oh? I think he's the king of hide-and-seek! You just hide and don't dare to come out!"

Arthur looked at the heavy snow all around and mocked.


As a result, when he finished speaking, for some reason, he was punched in the face!

Before Arthur could react, he was kicked to the ground.

He jumped up like a carp and stood up quickly.

He saw a black shadow rushing towards him in front of him.

Before he could even react, he was punched to the ground.


This time Arthur even lost one of his teeth and kept spitting out some blood.

"This is my ability. No one can beat me in the snowy mountains."

As soon as he finished speaking, Arthur felt a powerful blow to his chest, and his whole body was knocked away.

The direction he flew out was very dangerous because there was a cliff!

Arthur just fell off the cliff.

After falling thousands of meters in the air, he landed heavily on the snow-covered ground. This made him feel particularly uncomfortable and he kept coughing up blood.

When Arthur wanted to stand up, the King of Snow Mountain fell from the sky and stepped directly on Arthur's chest, preventing him from getting up.

"You are not an ordinary person. You can't even fall to death."

The King of Snow Mountain said coldly.

"Haha, anyway, it looks more human than something like you that wraps itself up in balls and doesn't dare to see people."

Even though Arthur is at a disadvantage now, he is still very good at talking.

After hearing this, the Snow Mountain King stepped on Arthur's chest harder.

The pain made Arthur's face look uncomfortable, but he wanted to save face and refused to show his pain.

"I like prey like you very much, so I'll let you be my slave for a while longer."

The King of the Snow Mountain knelt down and said to Arthur.

Diana: "Damn it! Why is this underwater man so weak? He was defeated in just a few blows!"

Loki: "His arrogance reminds me of my brother who fell into the mortal world."

Thor: "Hey! Why did you involve me?"

Nobita: "This is too bad. If this uncle is also attacked, he will be dead!"

Alfred: "Master, haven't you arrived yet?"

Bruce Wayne: "I've seen them!"

At this time, Bruce Wayne had already arrived above the Snow Mountain King and Arthur with his yellow light fighter.

He was about to get rid of the yellow light fighter and jump down to deal with the Snow Mountain King.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

But at this moment, a very sharp scream came from the sky.


This made Bruce Wayne look to the sky in confusion.

Not only him, but the King of the Snow Mountain, who was originally going to hypnotize Arthur, also looked at the sky.

I saw something falling from the sky.

It happened to fall near the Snow Mountain King and Arthur.

His fall caused quite a shock.

The King of Snow Mountain and Arthur flew away directly, causing them to be buried in the heavy snow.


Where he fell, a person slowly climbed up. He was wearing a blue tights, a red cape on his back, and an S logo on his chest.

"Oh my God, it's really difficult to fly if you don't control it well, isn't it?"

The man said while patting the snowflakes above his head.

Then he squatted down, used his legs to jump up suddenly, and flew into the sky like a missile, disappearing instantly.

This sudden scene made Bruce Wayne on the fighter plane confused, his mouth wide open, and his mind could not turn around.

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