American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 221 The magic of light seals the Balrog!


When Barry saw that the giant sword was about to hit him, he couldn't help but scream.

Then lightning emanated from his body.

At this moment, everything seemed particularly slow in his eyes.

When the giant sword was about to touch Barry, Barry immediately rushed towards the Balrog Giant with all his strength and directly hit the Balrog Giant's chest.

The giant flame demon was knocked back repeatedly.

At this time, Diana had already begun to prepare. She held the Victory Oath Sword with both hands, mobilized the power in the Oath Sword, and let the sword emit a dazzling golden light!

"Is it sealing magic? Although I have never learned it, it was mentioned in the library of Paradise Island. Moreover, the light energy of the Sword of Oath can respond to the owner's needs and achieve what he wants."

Diana looked at the light of the Oath Sword, closed her eyes and recalled the knowledge she remembered.

At this time, Barry was constantly hitting the Balrog Giant.

He is running back and forth around the Balrog Giant at a superb speed!

During this process, countless lightnings were triggered, wildly bombarding the body of the Balrog Giant.

Exploded a lot of lava on the Balrog Giant's body.


Barry imitated Diana's example, letting out a war cry while slamming into the Balrog Giant with all his strength.


This time, the Fire Demon Giant was directly knocked away.

And left a big hole in its body.

After Barry succeeded with one blow, he continued to rush forward and attack.

But at this moment, smoke erupted from the entire body of the Fire Demon Giant.

When Barry rushed over and blew away the smoke, the Balrog Giant was nowhere to be seen!

"Where did it go?"

Barry looked around anxiously, trying to find the Balrog Giant quickly.

"Barry! Don't stop moving!"

Just then Diana shouted anxiously.


However, before Barry could react, he was suddenly knocked out by something and hit the rock wall hard.


Barry looked around in confusion, not understanding what just happened.

Then he saw a big fly approaching him.

"Did this fly fly away from me? It's impossible."

This made Barry think in disbelief.

However, the next second, Barry's idea was really verified.

The fly pounced on Barry without any explanation.

When it came into contact with Barry, it exploded with an extremely powerful impact, knocking Barry away and burying him directly into the wall!

This sudden move made Barry confused for a moment. He was finally convinced that this fly was transformed into the Balrog Giant!

Barry immediately ran behind the fly at high speed and slapped it down, turning the fly into a ball of smoke!

The smoke quickly spread and returned to the form of the Balrog Giant.

He raised his giant sword high and was about to smash it down at Barry.

But at this moment, the Flame Demon Giant seemed to sense something and immediately turned his head.

I saw Diana holding the sword of victory oath high.

If you look carefully, you will find that there seem to be many mysterious runes beating in the light emitted by the Sword of Victory Oath.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The Fire Demon Giant sensed danger from this light.

It immediately turned into a ball of smoke and dispersed, as if trying to escape.

"Don't even think about running away!"

After Diana finished speaking, she thrust the Sword of Oath into the ground in front of her with all her strength.

At this moment, the light turned into countless lasers, spraying out in all directions like a heavy rain.

When the light touches the wisps of smoke, it will immediately form a large net to surround the smoke.

Countless large nets intertwined together to form huge walls of light, blocking everything inside.

Even if the smoke flows into the wall, it will be picked out by the light.

Light is pervasive!

In this way, the light of the Sword of Oath formed a huge cage, trapping the Fire Demon Giant inside.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the light cage, the Fire Demon Giant attacked the wall frantically, trying to escape.

But no matter how hard it attacks, it can't break through the wall of light.


At this time, Diana took a deep breath, this move was constantly consuming her physical strength and energy.

But it's not over yet.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Then Diana roared angrily and thrust the Sword of Oath into the ground with force.

The next second, the Balrog Giant in the cage was suddenly suppressed by an invisible pressure, making it difficult to move.

Subsequently, countless runes appeared in the cage, some of which looked very similar to the elven writing on the Sword of Oath, and the rest were unknown from where they came from.

When the runes appeared, they were directly attached to every corner of the Balrog Giant's body.

This moment made the Fire Demon Giant feel as if he was locked by countless chains, unable to move at all.

Then the Balrog Giant turned into smoke and tried to escape.

But runes are like tarsal maggots.

Even if the Balrog giant turns into smoke.

The runes will also stick to the smoke, making it impossible for the Balrog Giant to move at all!

I can only remain trapped in a cage!

"Whirring whirring!!!"

After doing all this, Diana took a few heavy breaths, and then pulled out the Sword of Oath with force.

"Sure enough, I don't fully understand you yet."

Diana said this with the sword of oath.

Without this Sword of Oath, even if Diana could use sealing magic, she would never be able to achieve this effect.

When she used the light magic of the Oath Sword to cast sealing magic, she felt that she had opened up an unprecedented field.

Only in this way can such a sealed cage be created.

"It seems we need to know more about it."

Diana said this while stroking the Sword of Oath with a smile.

"Hey! You're so awesome!"

At this time, Barry ran over excitedly and almost couldn't stop.

"Barry, I think you should train your combat skills and improve your combat awareness, instead of being full of flaws like you. I think you rely on your speed to defeat many enemies. Once you encounter someone who is prepared, I'm afraid you will Something happened."

Diana instructed Barry like an elder.


Barry was so preached that his face turned red and he lowered his head shyly and kept scratching his head.

"Ah, has that monster been sealed? It can't escape."

Barry quickly changed the subject and asked, pointing to the Cage of Light.

"I can't escape for the time being, and I don't know how long my seal will last."

Diana shrugged her shoulders and answered very honestly.

"What! Then what should we do if he runs out again!"

Barry collapsed all of a sudden. Once such a terrifying monster ran up there, many people would die.

"Don't worry Barry, I will come back regularly to check the seal and inject energy into it."

Diana said this.

Her only way is to strengthen the seal regularly.

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