Facing the great sword covered with blazing flames, Diana firmly held the sword of victory oath

The surface of the Victory Oath Sword emitted a dazzling light, and then Diana quickly raised it!

The light and flames collided, erupting into a powerful explosion.

Directly blowing both sides away.

When Barry was in the air, he immediately entered a high-speed state, ran a few times on the wall, and immediately caught Diana and let her land smoothly.

"OK, you just said that we should finish this thing together, what should I do?"

Barry encountered this situation for the first time and immediately asked Diana for advice.

"As usual, run fast and hit him, don't give him a chance to take action."

After Diana finished speaking, she immediately rushed towards the Balrog Giant.

Barry was left alone and confused, quickly digesting the information, and then took a deep breath.

"Okay, Barry, you already know what to do. Just bump into him as usual and don't give him a chance to take action!"

After Barry finished speaking, lightning suddenly erupted all over his body and he ran out.

Everything became extremely slow in his eyes, with electric currents pulsing everywhere.

With the menacing Diana and the terrifying monsters, everything about them seems very slow.

When Barry ran up to the Balrog Giant's arm holding the sword high, he turned sideways and bumped into it with his shoulder!

This huge arm was broken violently.

The Balrog Giant saw that his arm was suddenly broken. Before he could react, Diana, the sword of victory oath that exuded dazzling light, saw through his body.

Then the whole body was shrouded in light, and the lava body was directly destroyed!

Except it's not over at all.

A puff of smoke came out of thin air and condensed into a huge bat.

Bat screams a powerful sonic attack.

Seeing this, Barry rushed over at high speed again, and gave an uppercut directly to the giant bat's jaw, forcing it to close its mouth.

Then Diana inserted the victory pledge in front of her.

He raised his arms high and hit the sword of victory oath with all his strength!


The two bracelets collided behind the Sword of Oath, and an extremely strong shock wave erupted.

The Sword of Victory Oath seemed to burst out with dazzling light and impact in response.

The attacks of the two artifacts were combined into an even more terrifying offensive, rushing toward the huge bat like a wave, directly crushing the bat's entire body.

But in the next second, the floor beneath Barry and Diana's feet shattered, and this time two dinosaurs emerged and bit them both at the same time!

Everyone saw this fierce battle and had to watch closely.

Garp: "This monster is too scary. No matter how hard you beat it to death, it will come back to life! How long will it last!"

Dagu: "If we continue to fight, it will only be a one-sided waste of energy!"

Piccolo: "Unless there are resurrection restrictions on this monster, there is no way to completely eliminate it!"

Tsunade: "Maybe we shouldn't go head-to-head and use other methods."

Qing Pheasant: "If it were me, I could freeze it."

Natasha: "The question is, does freezing work? It won't melt, right?"

Ancient One: "If it doesn't work, I can only seal it or exile it to other dimensions. It's a pity that I'm not there, otherwise I can handle it."

Rhodes: "Speaking of which, the one named Barry is quite powerful. He can actually move like lightning. Isn't this equivalent to a humanoid natural disaster? The power of lightning is very terrifying."

Usopp: "You're right. I've been beaten with hundreds of millions of volts."

Fengyuan: "Are you bragging? How can human beings be able to withstand hundreds of millions of volts!"

Sanji: "This time I have to say that what Usopp said is true. We once encountered a Devil Fruit user who could use the power of lightning. He was beaten by his lightning and was unable to fight back. That terrifying speed , destructive power, truly a disaster.”

Naruto: "So powerful! Then how did you defeat that enemy!"

Luffy: "I defeated him. I'm a rubber man and I'm not afraid of thunder and lightning!"

Naruto: "Really! It turns out that rubber can be used to fight lightning! Then I will have a way to deal with Thunder Release!"

Jiraiya: "Don't be stupid, this is impossible!"

Bruce Wayne: "That's right. Thunder and lightning are not just electricity. The explosive power and heat are also fatal!"

Luffy: "Ah? Really, but when I was hit by lightning, I didn't feel anything."

Ancient One: "That's the fun of different universe rules."

Bruce Wayne's side.

Bruce Wayne originally saw Luffy saying that he had defeated lightning users, and wanted to discuss the experience.

As a result, Luffy's method seemed impossible in Bruce Wayne's eyes.

Sure enough, opinions from different universes cannot be universal.

"Perhaps, I can consider whether there is a solution for the yellow light ring."

Bruce Wayne is quite cautious. In his opinion, Barry's lightning-like mobility is too dangerous.

At that speed, no one could see him kill someone in an instant.

And the destructive power is enough to be a disaster on earth!

"Sir, I have found information about Barry and The Flash."

At this time Alfred's words came from the intercom.

"Barry Allen is a tragic child. When he was a child, his mother was killed. At that time, all the evidence pointed to his father. He was the only one who insisted that his father was not the murderer, but he could not save his father from being imprisoned."

"Later on, the child grew up through many hardships and worked many odd jobs. It is said that he has been working hard to overturn his father's case."

"Then there is The Flash, a superhero who has suddenly appeared in the past few months and helped the police catch many criminals, just like you."

After listening to Alfred's words.

Bruce Wayne has an initial impression of Barry.

At present, Barry is still a righteous hero, but who can guarantee what will happen in the future.

Barry's tragic childhood may become the trigger for his fall.

Because of a childhood tragedy, he eventually turned to crime. Bruce Wayne has seen so many things.

"Master, I can know what you are thinking. Don't forget that this is how you came here."

Even if Alfred is not with Bruce Wayne, he can still guess what his master is thinking.

"I can't guarantee he's the same as me, I have to keep an eye on him."

Bruce Wayne took a deep breath and made his own decision. He had seen enough of the ugliness of human nature.


Alfred didn't know what to say to this, so he could only sigh helplessly.

"Forget it, but there is one thing I want to remind you. Fighting side by side can easily improve the goodwill of both parties, and Barry is a boy who looks very young. In a certain way, he is very popular with mature women."

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