American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 207 Interview records of epidemic doctors [Part 2]

[Epidemic doctor: (pause) There is no need to explain my behavior. 】

[Dr. Zeeman: You kill Hamm, then slaughter him until he's gone. . . 】

[Epidemic doctor: (interrupts angrily) Not dead! No! No... no death. He was... He was healed. 】

[Dr. Zeeman: Cure? What was cured? 】

[Epidemic doctor: Plague, sir! I thought you'd realize how lucky I was to spot this before it started spreading. . . 】

[Dr. Zeeman: (interruption) What plague? You keep mentioning the so-called plague, but you never manage to describe the "disease". And you actually killed him in order to prove the so-called plague? Are you worthy of him? 】

[Epidemic Doctor: He... (pause) The plague appeared and developed in an unforeseeable way, and spread into his unprepared body through weird ways... and... (breathing heavily) Say whatever you want, doctor, That was my kindness to him and he was healed. 】

[Dr. Zeeman: He turned into a monster and we had to kill him! 】

[Epidemic doctor: (pause) I...I don't expect you to understand. You and your...kind have proven time and time again that you are not scientists, but rich. . . Sensual guy. You can't fathom the horror of what I saw, the millions of people who had succumbed to the plague and been changed, those. . . 】

[Dr. Zeeman: Your treatment killed Hamm! 】

[Epidemic doctor: No, dear sir, I saved his life! You will allow the world to fall back into despair caused by disease and death, thereby ignoring the miracle that I have created. . . 】

[Dr. Zeeman: (overwhelming the doctor in a louder voice) What disease? What plague? He is a healthy man! He is a good doctor! 】

[Epidemic Doctor: Provide free treatment to those suffering from the plague! It's not worth my while to argue with you sir, you are short-sighted and stupid. Dr. Hamm was sick, and I... (breathing rapidly) I cured him. I'm the only one who can do this. My work must go on, there is much to do, much to be done. . . 】

[Dr. Zeeman: I've had enough. All rations for you will be cancelled. Welcome back to containment! (away from microphone) We're done. 】

[Epidemic doctor: I can save other people! Even you, though you don’t deserve it, will be saved! I can save everyone! I can destroy the plague once and for all. I can do it! just me! I...I...(short of breath) I saved...I saved him...Dr. Hamm, I...I cured him...He's sick, I know he's sick, I know, you're all sick But I can save you. I can save you all, for I am the cure. 】

【End of record】

[Appendix Epidemic Doctor: Post-event Report

[The following content is excerpted from the epidemic medical incident report on April 16, 2017. The interview was conducted by Dr. Eli King and was conducted three weeks after the preliminary investigation was carried out. 】

[Date: May 7, 2017

Interviewer: Dr. Elikim

Interviewee: Epidemic Doctor]

【Record Start】

[Dr. Likin: Doctor, this interview we are conducting means that our investigation into your killing of Hamm, which resulted in the death of a staff member, is coming to an end. Is there anything you want to say? 】

[Epidemic doctor: I look forward to you allowing me to return to work! Over the past few weeks, I've developed a new theory about how the plague can infect someone in a dangerous way that I can barely detect. 】

[Dr. Licking: Do you ever feel any remorse for your actions? For Hamm's death? 】

[Epidemic doctor: (waves his hand) Ah, yes. The death of a colleague is always regrettable, but in the face of a plague we must act quickly, doctors, without hesitation. 】

[Dr. Licking: Dr. Zeeman noted in his report that you seemed sad during the initial interview. 】

[Epidemic Doctor: Sad. . . (pause) Maybe. I didn't expect... Sadly one of the companions was infected, but the work must continue. Unfortunately, Dr. Ham's passing provides important lessons for us. Living human beings are the only way forward. I have decided that my cure will have no use on dead bodies, and I have taken all I can from your generous supply of corpses. I hope to get live people with this disease to use as test subjects. 】

[Dr. Licking: I'm afraid you will be disappointed. 】

[Epidemic doctor: (laughing) Doctors don’t always tell the truth. 】

【End of record】

[Related remarks]

[1. The robes and gloves of the epidemic doctor are made of the same texture as the thick skin accumulated on the skin, while the mask is composed of a type of chitin produced in the facial bones. 】

[2. The entity claims that it originated in France in the 15th century, but also admits that it has "traveled widely." 】

[3. The space inside the bag seems to be unusually large, as doctors have been observed removing objects larger than the bag itself from the bag to perform surgery on corpses. We have asked to see its bag several times, but have been refused. We do not doubt that if we use strong force, it may lead to death. 】

[4. Epidemic doctors have repeatedly expressed their wish to conduct human experiments, but showed dissatisfaction when rejected. 】

[5. Epidemic doctors have said that it does not need to eat, but enjoys food and believes that food helps the mind function normally. 】

[6. The “humors” here and the balance of body fluids mentioned below show that epidemic medicine still follows to some extent the “doctrine of four humors” proposed by the ancient Greek medical scientist Hippocrates, that is, “ Imbalance of the four body fluids - bile, blood, phlegm, and black bile - is the source of various diseases. 】

[7. The epidemic doctor added the following words to his statement: "This is certainly the basic knowledge of a competent physician. I thought you would learn this knowledge during your education!" This makes us have to wonder whether the epidemic doctor's knowledge Too ancient. 】

[8. It is worth noting that the epidemic doctor’s diary was not written in any known language, and attempts by linguists and decoding experts to decipher it all ended in failure. 】

When they saw this, many people were dumbfounded, and many people had a common thought, that is, is this epidemic doctor crazy?

Strange: "First of all, based on the information behind it, I can conclude that its medical knowledge is completely stuck in the ancient times. It only has contact with the theory of body fluids. Its medical logic cannot be described by modern medicine at all! It is completely random. !”

Chopper: "I thought no one knew about the theory of body fluids. It's very valuable knowledge, but it doesn't represent everything."

Dieter: "This plague doctor keeps talking about the plague, but only he knows it, and he doesn't know how to describe it. He only knows how to do strange experiments. He is a complete madman."

Orochimaru: "Is it crazy? Maybe it's just walking in a higher realm that you can't reach."

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