Natasha: "What, your captain believed your words so easily?"

Dagu: "Yes, our captain is very willing to believe what happened to his subordinates. In addition, they all saw that even Tiga was unable to destroy the skull, so they all felt that there was something wrong with the skull. Now they are under strict supervision and research, and no one is allowed to wear it. superior."

Natasha: "Then your captain is very humane. If I hold a skull and tell my director that this is a skull that will turn people into man-eaters when worn, he will definitely think that I am a fool."

Fengyuan: "I know this very well. Sometimes our captain doesn't listen to what others say."

When Fengyuan finished saying this, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

Only then did he remember that the stars could be seen, and they were right next to him, so he immediately turned his head and looked at the stars' indifferent eyes.

Zhu Xingtuan and Fengyuan looked at each other like this for a few seconds.

Then Morohoshidan turned his head without saying anything.

This kind of calmness made Fengyuan very uncomfortable and felt that something big was going to happen.

I have to regret myself, why did I think so before posting a comment?

On Natasha's side, Nick Fury looked at her with a bad expression.

"Natasha, in your opinion, am I such an unkind director?"

Nick Fury asked seriously.

Natasha did not answer immediately after hearing this. Instead, she rolled her eyes, wanted to say something, and then simply shut her mouth.

Seeing this look, Nick Fury knew what Natasha was thinking without even thinking, and had to give her a roll of his eyes.

Tony Stark, Rogers and Xie Yun couldn't help but chuckle when they saw this scene.

Only Thor was still drinking and getting drunk.

Thanks to his extraordinary ability to resist alcohol, otherwise he would be in a daze after several boxes of wine.

["The epidemic doctor is relatively docile among the many sheltered objects. He is willing to cooperate with the researchers of the containment society. He has helped the containment society carry out containment operations many times and provided a lot of important information.\

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