American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 200 Snow Mountain Monster, Underground Fire Demon Giant

When the sound on the screen sounded, Strange had a strange scepter in his hand.

One end is in the shape of a planet and the other end is in the shape of a crescent moon.

It looks extremely weird.

"I'll go! It's so heavy!"

Strange felt that the scepter was quite heavy, and he used all his strength to barely hold the scepter steady!

["The scepter of the Apocalypse is an artifact of a clan in a certain universe that specializes in destroying planets. As long as it is knocked on the earth casually, it can stimulate the center of the earth. If the power is strengthened, it can cause the center of the earth to mutate and cause natural disasters. If it exerts 100% of its power, it can shatter the earth with just one strike and even summon giant meteorites to destroy the planet."

The voice explaining on the screen sounded.

"What! An artifact that destroys the planet!"

After hearing this, Strange was instantly startled, and subconsciously let go of his hand and backed away, keeping a distance from this terrifying scepter.

Tony Stark: "Oh my god! This can actually destroy the planet. Doesn't it mean that this guy can destroy the earth if he wants to!"

Rogers: "No! What a terrifying scepter this is!"

Thor: "Such an artifact is probably incomparable even to my father's Odin's Spear."

Odin: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Bruce Wayne: "This is so dangerous, enough to threaten the entire world if Strange is willing!"

Nick Fury: "Yes, we can't let it go, we have to"

Modu: "Why are you saying that you want to imprison our people and take away the scepter? I tell you, don't even think about it!"

Wang: "Yes, this belongs to Strange. Strange belongs to our Kama Taj. If you dare to do anything, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Nick Fury's face turned as ugly as he saw these unkind words.

But he really didn't dare to openly oppose Kama Taj.

Strange is so powerful, who knows how powerful other mages are.

What's more, the bald woman and the scepter made Nick Fury extremely afraid, and he didn't dare to have bad thoughts.

Nick Fury: "Don't be nervous, everyone. I won't do anything. I respect you who have been protecting the world, but I think we can supervise each other so that we can feel more at ease here."

Ancient One: "Kama Taj doesn't plan to get too involved with outside forces. You don't need to worry about our affairs."

Nick Fury said nothing after seeing this, but he kept banging his hand on the table, which showed that he was in a complicated mood now.

"It seems that it is very difficult for us to communicate with those mages. We can only trust that they will not mess around."

Natasha said helplessly.

"I never rely on belief."

Nick Fury replied coldly.

"I plan to develop facilities to detect the conditions of the earth's crust and monitor all the earth's underground. If that Strange really did something, we will know it."

Tony Stark comes up with another plan.

Nick Fury felt good and nodded.

"It just requires a lot of money, and I have many research projects now."

, Tony Stark looked at Nick Fury and said, what he meant was naturally self-evident.

"I will mobilize a batch of funds for you."

Nick Fury's tone was quite casual, as if funds were not a problem for him.

He is very familiar with finding ways to extract funds from the government.

Kama Taj.

Strange looked at such a heavy and terrifying scepter with quite complicated emotions.

It was naturally a good thing to get such a powerful artifact, but the problem was that if he was not careful, it might destroy the planet, which made him scared.

"As long as a magic prop does not have a negative impact, its use depends entirely on the owner."

At this time, Gu Yi came over and said calmly.

"Master, can I control such an artifact?"

Strange asked.

"It depends on whether you are willing to accept it or not."

Gu Yi said with a smile.

"I'm afraid that one day I will accidentally destroy the earth."

Strange smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry, I will stop you when the time comes."

Ancient One disagreed, as long as she was around, Strange couldn't do anything random.

Strange was relieved after hearing Gu Yi's support, so he went over and carefully picked up the scepter.

But because the scepter was so heavy, Strange couldn't hold it firmly and fell to the ground.


This actually caused a large-scale earthquake. The snow-capped mountains continued to shake, countless snow fell, forming avalanches, and there were even constant falling rocks!

Seeing this scene, Ancient One immediately opened the portal and sent himself, Strange, and the scepter back to Karma Taj to avoid the avalanche.

At this time, Strange was trembling in confusion, his upper and lower lips kept fighting, and he was unable to speak.

"Perhaps you should train your strength well, otherwise you will collapse Kama Taj by accident."

Gu Yi said helplessly.

["The scepter of the Apocalypse can change its shape and reduce its weight according to the owner's needs.\

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