"Master Ancient One is right. The connection between me and Kama Taj is not broken, so I can continue to use Kama Taj's magic!"

Strange looked at his arm. The fireball just now was one of the many basic magics developed by Ancient One after Kama Taj had an independent magic source.

And fireball is listed as the first move that apprentices need to learn. As for why, I ask, it is because of the influence of RPG games.

"Yes! I am still in contact with Kama Taj Dora! Then I can continue to use Kama Taj's power to cast magic!"

Strange thought with excitement.

The magicians of Kama Taj originally relied on borrowing power to perform magic, and they did not have much magical energy. If they could not even borrow it, then Strange would really have no ability to resist.

"It's a little hot."

At this time, the scary old man slowly floated up and looked at Strange with a sneer.

Seeing this, Strange immediately continued to use magic. He clapped the magic arrays on his hands together, then pushed hard, releasing a bolt of thunder and lightning, which struck towards the scary old man!

Seeing this, the scary old man just raised his hand casually, and the black water in front of him immediately rose up, rolling like a waterfall, blocking the thunder and lightning.

"This is my domain, you are no match for me."

After the scary old man finished speaking, he raised his hands, and at the same time, the surrounding black water rose up and turned into a huge wave, hitting Strange!

When Strange saw this, he backed away anxiously, his eyes kept moving, he thought quickly, and finally took immediate measures.

He opened the magic circle with both hands, then rubbed them together, and then when the huge wave was about to hit him, he immediately threw out his hands hard.

It actually released a huge tornado, sucking all the waves that hit it into the tornado.

As the tornado dissipates the fire, the waves fall back to the ground.

"How many times can you block it."

After the scary old man finished speaking with a sneer, he moved ten fingers.

Immediately afterwards, many caves appeared around the pocket dimension, and then countless black water filled with foul smell poured out of them, gushing towards Strange like a flood!

This is black water with strong corrosive properties. If the debris touches it, you will definitely die, let alone the consequences of being submerged!

"Farke! Farke!"

Strange breathed out the fragrance anxiously while opening a huge shield to protect his whole body and block the attacks of so many black waters!

"This is the Shield of Seraphim! What was just now was the Wind of Vatum!"

After Wang saw the magic performed by Strange through the screen, he had to scream in shock.

Both of these spells can only be cast by contracting with high-latitude gods. Unexpectedly, Strange just read the books in the library and relied on his self-study ability to do it.

Such talent is truly incredible!

Modu next to him couldn't help but look in amazement.

I didn't expect Strange's progress to be so rapid.

"But if he continues like this, he won't be able to fight against the scary old man. Sooner or later, he will run out of energy and strength."

Mordo frowned and told the problem.

Strange was now visibly tired and began to pant, unable to maintain the shield.

Mexican Tavern.

"Is this the magic ability of Kama Taj?"

Rogers looked at the screen with curiosity, seeing magic for the first time.

I didn't expect that the world would change so much after I woke up.

"It's really good, but that's it. I have already seen that to use magic, they need to create something like a magic circle first. They just need to interrupt it first."

Tony Stark said disapprovingly.

"Strange, why didn't the Ancient One master take action? This guy named Strange obviously can't hold on for long."

Natasha said doubtfully.

"Is there no way she can enter that dimension?"

Tony Stark guesses.

"In that case, this Strange will be dead!"

In the pocket dimension.

That space was already flooded with black water, and Strange struggled to hold up the shield to prevent the black water from pouring in.

But he was almost reaching his limit. The magic lines were constantly being corroded, and he didn't know how long he could sustain it.


Just then the voice of the Ancient One appeared in Strange's mind.

"Master Gu Yi, I think you have to find a way to save me, otherwise I will really die here."

Strange replied breathlessly.

"I have found a way to get to you, but if I take action, you may not be able to share the reward."

"What did you say! You want me to get a reward!"

"This is important."

Strange didn't understand why Gu Yi did this. Although he wanted to get a reward, he didn't want to die either.

"Master, you'd better get it yourself, I can't beat this guy."

"So I want to help you. I am now using me as a medium to transfer the magic power of Kama Taj to you, and then you do as I say."

After Strange understood the method provided to him by Ancient One, he had to show surprise. This sounded quite risky!

"Forget it, let's take a gamble!"

Strange took a deep breath and decided to give it a try.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his whole body was filled with extremely powerful magic power. It was Kama Taj's magic power that was being continuously injected into his body!

Due to the large amount of strength, Strange's body is slowly expanding.


Strange made several gestures with his hands, and then the color of the magic circle on his hands changed.

Then the Seraphim Shield suddenly expanded several times, forcibly separating the surrounding black water.

Then Strange turned his hands to build the magic circle again.

The golden lines, under Strange's control, painted all kinds of mysterious magic runes, which looked like art.

At the same time, the shield is constantly being corroded, and now Strange is fighting for time to implement the plan given to him by the Ancient One as soon as possible.


When Strange finished making the magic circle, he immediately slapped it hard towards the black water below!

When the magic circle hit the black water, the surrounding black water turned into blue butterflies, flying everywhere in this dark and rotten space, bringing a bit of life.


The scary old man didn't expect that Strange would actually have such a hand. He had to be stunned when he saw that all the black water he summoned turned into butterflies.

At this moment, Strange seized the opportunity, made a magic sword, and then opened the portal, facing the terrifying old man's back.

It's just that the outward portal cannot be opened here, but it doesn't mean that the internal portal cannot be opened.

After Strange jumped in, he was behind the scary old man in a blink of an eye. He thrust his sword and actually pierced the scary old man's body directly.


The terrifying old man's shrill screams echoed around him. He grabbed the magic sword and tried to corrode it, but found that it was difficult to corrode and it made him even more painful!

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