After the on-screen voice explanation finished, an image appeared.

There was a group of five heavily armed guards, holding advanced automatic rifles, not knowing what they were looking for.

"Be aware that the scary old man has escaped. We must find a way to catch him and take him back into custody!"

"Don't force others to make things difficult for you! How should we do this!"

A guard cursed anxiously.


As soon as the guard finished speaking, the screams of his companions were heard from behind, and then there was the sound of firing.

He turned around and saw the scary old man dragging a guard into a dark cave with liquid flowing on the wall.

The team member who was dragged away was grabbed by the shoulders and was rotting away at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into pools of black water.

Obviously everyone kept shooting at the scary old man, but it had no effect at all.

Because when the bullet hit his body, it was instantly rotted away.

The guards could only watch as their companions were dragged into the hole in the wall, and then the hole turned into a puddle of marks.

A guard cautiously stepped forward to touch it, but there was no sign of penetration or corrosion.

It was as if everything just now was just an illusion. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought that someone poured a bucket of paint on it.

Just when the guards were about to report the incident, suddenly a mud-like cave appeared under the feet of two guards. They instantly lost their center of gravity and fell towards it.

By the time others reacted, the cave had turned into a puddle of black water.


The remaining two people were so frightened that they screamed like crazy and hurriedly wanted to escape from this terrifying place.

But when they ran to the corner, two hands stretched out from the wall next to them and grabbed their heads.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Even with the most advanced and sturdy helmet, there is still no way to stop the terrifying old man's corrosive power.

In the end, the two people were dragged into the terrifying old man's pocket dimension with immense pain, and could never come out again.

This time, the cave did not disappear. The scary old man slowly walked out, then turned his head, giving a big close-up.

It seems that the scary old man is watching every evil viewer through the screen.

Then I saw the scary old man slowly stretching out his hand, not knowing what he grabbed.

The final image turned into a snowflake.

Nobita\u0026Chopper\u0026Usopp\u0026Nami: "Ahhhhhh!!!"

The four most timid people in the audience were the first to scream.

Even through the screen, you can feel how scared they are now and how loud they are screaming.

Not to mention the ears of the people right next to them were about to explode!

Nami: "Why is he looking at us! What does this mean!"

Bruce Wayne: "Don't panic, ma'am. This is just a video. Maybe the scary old man destroyed the camera at the time."

Nami: "Oh, really, that's good."

Rod: "I bet you have a loud voice."

Sanji: "Hey! What you said is very disrespectful to a lady!"

Tony Stark: "That's right Rhodes, there are some things you shouldn't say casually, which is why you are not very popular with girls."

Rhodes: "Shut up."

Xiaofu: "There is such a disgusting old man. How can we call him an old man?"

Akainu: "It doesn't look that powerful. I don't believe he can corrode my magma body."

Kizaru: "Maybe it really can be done."

Fengyuan: "But, what does pocket dimension mean?"

Defteros: "A kind of micro-dimensional space, which means that this old man has his own micro-dimensional space. He can use this to travel to any place at will and hide in it."

Tong Hu: "Defteros, you actually spoke?"

In the papal hall.

Except for Dieter, the others looked at Devotros with some surprise. In their impression, Devotros was the kind of person who didn't talk much and rarely explained anything to others.

Defteros was too lazy to pay attention to them and didn't think much about it.

Doraemon: "I was just about to explain. It's the same as my fourth-dimensional pocket."

Ashmita: "You also have your own extra-dimensional space?"

Doraemon: "Yes, a high-tech product from my world."

Dieter: "The creations of science are somewhat interesting."

Tony Stark: "I understand where you're coming from."

Nick Fury: "Don't digress. I'm a little confused. If this scary old man can really escape from any prison by relying on his own pocket space, how was he contained?"

Nick Fury's question is definitely everyone's doubt. How can such a monster be contained if he can run away if he wants?

Fortunately, the screen provided an explanation.

["When faced with the scary old man, the shelter had a huge headache on how to contain him. They couldn't control the scary old man's pocket dimension, and couldn't even enter and return safely. But later they discovered the scary old man's weakness, and they could Successfully contained.”]

["The scary old man will be quite confused about extremely complex building structures, which makes him dare not open the pocket dimension at will. He also hates lead and liquids, and will be stunned by sudden strong lights. These phenomena allow us to study the horror of containment. measures for the elderly.”

Seeing this, many people have to wonder.

Natasha: "Wait, what kind of weakness is this? What does entering the pocket dimension have to do with this?"

Ashmita: "Let the people on our side who are proficient in different dimensions answer this, right, Defteros."

Defteros: "."

Modu: "Hey, the most proficient one should be our Master Ancient One!"

Ancient One: "Don't worry about such details. I also want to get in touch with people in other universes about this knowledge."

Defteros: "If I'm not wrong, this scary old man's pocket dimension is limited. I'm afraid the structure inside it is related to the building. If you open the entrance in different buildings, the structure inside will be different. different."

"The reason why I am confused about complex building structures is that if the structure is too complex, then the pocket dimension will be difficult to generate, or it will be so complex that it cannot figure it out, and the lead material will make it difficult to open the pocket dimension."

"As for the liquid, it's easier to explain. Liquid can't open the pocket dimension."

After reading Defteros' explanation, many people had a sudden realization.

Ancient One: "I have the same idea. Although this terrifying old man has mastered his own different dimension, he is subject to various restrictions."

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