American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 19 The Balrog that Continuously Evolves and Splits

"However, this is not the scariest thing about Pyro. When Pyro absorbs flammable substances to a certain extent, its form will begin to change and it will gain wisdom. But the worst thing is that it can reproduce itself."

In the picture, after the fire man devoured a large amount of vegetation, the huge sparks began to change.

The sparks began to twist and compress, and finally transformed into limbs. The body looked very much like a human being. The only difference was that the whole body was covered with flames inside and outside.

This wasn't the end yet, Pyro suddenly exploded continuously, sending out several sparks.

When these sparks landed, they actually began to turn into human shapes, just like the burning people at the beginning.

This is the most troublesome thing about the contained fire people. One represents a race and will keep dividing and reproducing. Once one is missing, there is no way to stop the fire they cause.

Sure enough, when more and more firemen appeared, the already strong sea of ​​​​fire became out of control and began to spread to towns not far away.

After the firefighters discovered such a huge and terrifying sea of ​​​​inferno, they quickly mobilized all their manpower and equipment to spray water to extinguish the fire.

But in the face of such a terrifying fire, their efforts were in vain.

The water they released was too small compared to the sea of ​​​​fire that spread all over the surrounding mountains and forests, and was unable to prevent the spread of the fire.

What's more, there are even more terrifying things in the sea of ​​fire.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Many fireballs were launched from the sea of ​​​​fire, bombarding surrounding buildings, vehicles and streets.

There were many explosions all of a sudden, and many passers-by were involved.

The sudden fireball made many people stunned.

Before they could react, fireballs continued to appear.

But this time the target is firefighters' equipment.

Water cannons, fire hydrants, fire trucks, etc., all places that bring water sources were destroyed, preventing this group of firefighters from continuing to try to spray water to extinguish the fire.

Having lost their only support, the firefighters' expressions changed drastically.

Before they could react, they saw many figures flying out of the sea of ​​fire.

It was a monster that was over two meters tall and looked like a human, but its whole body was covered in flames.

After the group of firemen knocked down the firefighters, they immediately swallowed them as fuel to make themselves stronger, and then continued to move forward.

With every step you take, a fire is lit.

Falling sparks will turn into blazing fire.

When he sees a suitable target, he swoops in and devours it, instantly expanding the scope of the sea of ​​fire.

Some people tried to resist Pyro's attack, but Pyro itself was a flame, and any attack could not work. Even if it was involved in the explosion, it would only split into sparks and coalesce instantly.

In less than half an hour, more than half of the originally peaceful town was already in a sea of ​​​​fire and hell. However, this is not over yet, as long as the Burning Man is still in action.

If there are still flammable objects around, they will continue to move forward and hunt without any bottom line.

Eventually the entire country will be plunged into flames.

Many people were stunned to see such horrific feats by Pyro Man.

Nobi Nobita: "Is this a ghost? The will-o'-the-wisp has become a spirit!"

Strange: "This is far from a ghost! This is a monster!"

Bruce Wayne: "This is a disaster for modern cities. Inflammable materials are everywhere, including car gasoline, trees, and humans themselves. If we don't find a way to stop this, the entire country will be destroyed by these creatures!"

Natasha: "But how to do this? With such a terrifying sea of ​​​​fire, there are not enough firefighters!"

Zhu Hoshidan: "Unless you are lucky and it rains heavily in that area, there will be no way to stop it."

Mordo: "The most important thing is that this kind of creature can reproduce itself. As long as one of them escapes, it will keep repeating itself."

Sun Wukong: "Self-reproduction? It's a bit like the last Piccolo."

Piccolo: "."

Marvel world.


"Contact all fire stations immediately and be prepared at any time! It doesn't matter if you use your authority!"

Nick Fury made a prompt decision and made arrangements. As soon as he discovered that the Pyro appeared, he would arrange for the local fire station and agents to deal with it. He would never give the Pyro a chance to multiply and expand the fire!

Kama Taj.

"This kind of creature is still nothing."

Gu Yi calmly shook his fan. She had many ways to deal with this kind of creature. Since it was fire, she could just put it out with water.


"Pyro? Reminds me of Surtur"

Odin looked at the screen and muttered to himself. Among his opponents, there was a similar being who used fire as his power, but was at the level of the sun, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

Even more terrifying than this so-called Burning Man.

"A group of little fire people are called fire people. It doesn't matter. If they really appear, I will smash them one by one with my hammer!"

When Thor saw this scene, he didn't care at all. He didn't think that these so-called firemen could pose much of a threat to him.

"Brother, haven't you seen that they are immortal? If you hit them with a hammer, they will only be scattered. How can they be eliminated?"

Loki reminded, rolling his eyes.

"Haha, there will always be a way."

However, Sol didn't think so much and was blindly confident.

"We believe Lord Thor!"

His brothers immediately echoed.

This made Loki just want to roll his eyes more.

DC Universe

Diana looked at the screen seriously, and then thought carefully.

"If they appear, how should I deal with them? Normal attacks seem useless."

Diana carefully considered various tactics, and the fighting spirit gradually rose in her heart.

She found this kind of immortal and numerous creature a bit interesting.

Naruto world.

In the tavern.

"It's such a scary monster. If you encounter it, you can only escape with water."

Tsunade said solemnly.

"Water escape alone is not enough, you must have a large enough scale."

Jiraiya immediately added the key points, his expression quite serious.

If you really want to achieve that scale, the amount of chakra required will undoubtedly be very huge. Such a huge amount of chakra, unless...

Jiraiya couldn't help but look at Naruto when he thought of this.

Only the chakra of Kyuubi can release water escape on such a large scale.

But how could Kyuubi help? Naruto couldn't use Kyuubi's chakra.

"I hope it won't appear in our world, otherwise there's only one way."

At this time, the scale of the fire on the screen was getting more and more terrifying. When it was about to rush out of the town, the plane of the Containment Containment Association appeared again.

Different from last time, there were quite a lot of planes appearing this time, and there was an iron rope underneath. If you look carefully, all the planes were pulling the same thing.

That thing was huge and looked a lot like a radar, but more sophisticated.

"The weather control weapons are in place and now it's time to start changing the weather."

As soon as he finished speaking, the surface of the machine flashed continuously, as if it was starting to run.

Then the radar released strange waveforms into the sky.

The next second, the dark night that originally reflected the light of the fire was now covered with dark clouds!

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