American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 189 The incident is not over yet, the terrible impact of the skull

"That's right, Dagu, when we set out, we couldn't find you in the headquarters, but now you appear here. What on earth is going on?"

Zongfang also came over, stared at Dagu with a majestic look and asked.


Dagu looked at Shang Zongfang with such a stern look, and he was so panicked that he couldn't help but take a step back. He really didn't know how to explain it. It was impossible to say that he was trying to contain objects, aliens, just Come here as Tiga.

In that case, there would be too much to explain.

Just when Dagu looked confused.

Suddenly, there were horrifying screams and roars like wild beasts from all around.

"what happened!"

Lina was startled by these sudden sounds and quickly looked around.

As a result, she saw a scene she would never forget.

Those people who were released suddenly went crazy and killed each other, even biting off each other's flesh and feasting on it.

"What's going on! Why are people suddenly eating people!"

Horii was startled by this scene and shouted in confusion.

"Contact the police immediately! Find a way to suppress this group of people together!"

Although Zongfang was shocked, he quickly calmed down and organized everyone to stop this group of crazy people.

"Damn, the effects of the skull aren't over yet."

Dagu looked at the Wendigo skull in his hand and couldn't help but feel strong anger.

Why can't even Tiga destroy this thing?

Could it be that the contained objects are so terrifying that even Ultraman is no match for them?

When he thought of this, Dagu's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Dagu! What are you doing! Come and help!"

When Xincheng saw Dagu standing there stunned, he shouted anxiously.

"Okay! I'm here!"

After Dagu received the order, he immediately followed the team members and stopped the crazy person together.

Other worlds saw this scene through the screen and had their own opinions.

Nami: "It's so terrible. Is this human cannibalism? It's so disgusting!"

Robin: "What a bad taste contagion."

Terumi Mei: "Can these people still be saved? Their skulls were really infected like that."

Ai: "As mentioned in the previous video, infected people cannot be saved."

Naruto: "Then what should we do? Should we just leave these people alone!"

Nobita: "If it were you, Doraemon, would you be able to do anything?"

Doraemon: "I got a reward before, an antimemetic machine. It might be useful. I don't know if other props will work."

Thanos: "It's so stupid to have so many entanglements. Isn't there only one way?"

While everyone was talking about it, I suddenly saw the comment with this unfamiliar name and was stunned.

Thanos: "The only way is to kill these people, otherwise there will be endless trouble."

Rogers: "Who are you! Why are you so cruel!"

Ancient One: "There is no way to describe him as cruel. He is a demon determined to kill half of all life in the universe."

Shion: "What! Kill half of the people in the universe! What does this mean!"

Thanos: "Literally, I will become the savior of everything, wipe out half of the population of the universe, and bring new life to the universe."

Odin: "So you are that crazy Titan. I'm warning you, don't even think about getting close to the Nine Realms, otherwise you will definitely die!"

Thanos: "Really? I have already obtained the Mind Stone and the Power Stone. This magical screen reward of the Infinity Gauntlet allows me to give full play to the power of the stones. Even if I face you, the King of the Nine Realms, I can stand firm." invincible position!"

Thor: "How dare you belittle my father like this! Don't let anyone know where you are, or I will!"

Loki: "Thor, you'd better shut up, you don't know your situation."

Thor originally wanted to say something aggressively for his father, but when he saw Loki's heart-stirring words, he immediately softened and continued to drink.

Ancient One: "I didn't expect that you have already obtained two infinite stones."

Tony Stark: "Wait a minute, what are the Infinity Stones you are talking about? The Power Stone and the Mind Stone, what are they for, and what kind of magical treasures are they!"

Ancient One: "It seems it's time to tell you something confidential. When our universe was born, six singularities appeared, which turned into gems called Infinity Stones. Each gem has power beyond imagination."

Ancient One: "Power, mind, space, time, reality and soul. The Power Stone is the most powerful force in our universe and can easily shatter the stars, even the sun."

"The Mind Gem controls the will of all species and acts according to their own ideas. The Space Gem can control space, the Time Gem controls time, the Reality Gem can modify everything in reality, and the Soul Gem is specifically for the soul. I don't know its specific function. "

"If this madman collects six gems, he only needs to snap his fingers to realize all his wishes, which is his plan to kill half the population of the universe."

After reading Gu Yi's explanation, everyone couldn't help but feel extremely shocked.

Especially the people on Earth in the Marvel Universe, they never imagined that such a terrifying treasure existed in their own universe.

In the Saint Seiya LC universe, in a certain space, Yao Ma is also looking at the screen.

"To control time, it is really a blasphemy to the God of Time. But I have never heard of these universes. And what's going on with this screen? Is it my brother who did it? He doesn't care about contained objects or cosmic crises. It seems there are many things I don’t know.”

Yao Ma looked at the screen with great interest, maybe he could find inspiration to supplement his stage play.


"There are such powerful treasures. Will they be there when our universe was born?"

Regulus asked with curiosity on his face.

"According to the information recorded in the Holy Land, there is no such thing, but there are similar terrifying taboo things."

Sage answered patiently.

"Haha, that's really interesting. If such a madman appears in our universe, I will teach him a lesson."

Manigault said with an unhappy expression.

It's so easy to kill half of the lives, what does this guy think of life!

Tony Stark: "Oh my God! There is such a terrifying thing in our universe!"

Rogers: "You madman! You actually want to kill half of all lives, I will never allow it!"

Thanos: "It's not your turn to refuse, because I am destiny."

Natasha: "Haha, I thought Stark was the most arrogant in the world, but I didn't expect there was someone even more powerful."

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