"Wait a minute, what are you talking about? What about the fourth dimension and time travel? This is too ridiculous."

Temari held her head, feeling her head buzzing, and she had no idea what Doraemon was talking about.

"Ah, although it sounds quite outrageous, it is indeed the case. After all, let's decide whether you want to leave or not!"

Doraemon also knows that this sounds ridiculous, but it is the fact and you have to accept it no matter what.

"Ah, you said so."

Kankuro looked embarrassed. Like Temari, he couldn't believe this.

"Since there is really a way, no matter how outrageous it is, we have to try it."

Just then Gaara actually spoke.

"The most important thing now is to leave IKEA and not to care about how outrageous this is."

Seeing Gaara speaking, Temari and Kankuro could only agree.

"But Mr. Doraemon, you said you want to travel through time and go out at the time we came in, but you have to go to the place where we came in. How can we find it there?"

Alfred told the key to the problem.

The space of this IKEA is infinite, and the reference objects are almost the same. If you are not careful, you will fall into a maze and cannot find the place where you originally came in.

Hearing Alfred's question, everyone else looked at Doraemon.

"No problem, I can ask the other Bruce."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he looked at the screen.

Doraemon: "Hey! Bruce came back from the future, how did we find the location where everyone came in at the beginning?"

Bruce Wayne 2: "Use the memory extractor to analyze the route we took when we entered the exchange town and make a reversal judgment."

Doraemon: "That's it! I understand!"

After Doraemon understood, he immediately opened his eyes wide with excitement, and then quickly took out the memory extractor.

"This is a memory extractor that can extract people's memories. I want to extract the situation when you first entered IKEA, then watch how you arrived at the exchange town, and then work backwards."

"What! Check the memory!"

Bruce Wayne didn't look very good after hearing this. As a person with a lot of secrets, he was very resistant to letting people see his memories.

"If the young master doesn't want to, just look at me. Anyway, we are in the same universe."

Alfred could see through what his young master was thinking at a glance, so he suggested this.

After hearing this, Bruce Wayne had no choice but to acquiesce.

"Ah, it depends on memory."

After hearing this, Temari immediately looked like she was about to refuse, and even couldn't help but take a step back.

"Don't worry, you won't look around."

Doraemon assured him helplessly as if he could see what Temari was thinking.

"I don't want to either."

At this time Gaara also spoke, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and didn't want to speak.

Then the pressure came to Kankuro's side.

Kankuro looked back and forth between the two people with a depressed expression, and could only sigh helplessly.

"Then it's up to me."

"Okay, let's get started."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he looked around and saw that the remaining ten people in the exchange town were sleeping and resting, which was convenient for them.

"What will they do if we leave?"

Shizuka asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I will leave them with weapons and food to escape the maze ball. It's up to them later."

Doraemon replied that there was only so much he could do.

"But before that, I want to make a deal with you. Ah, no, I'm afraid this can't even be considered a deal."

At this moment, Bruce Wayne suddenly said this.


This made Doraemon look at him in confusion.

"Actually, I hope to get one of your props. Is that possible? You have also seen through the screen how high the crime rate is in my city. In addition, I am also a scientist myself and yearn for that kind of high technology. I don't know if you Can you give me a tool, even if it’s not that useful?”

When Bruce Wayne said this, he felt very unsure. As a businessman, he knew that the essence of transactions was mutual benefit.

But in IKEA, he didn't have any chips on hand to negotiate a deal with Doraemon. The only two big chips, the Night Riding Transformer and the Yellow Light Ring were very important to him and he couldn't take them out.

In this case, he can only ask for it, which is not a good feeling for him.

If it doesn't work out, he may have to give up one of the night rides or the yellow light ring.

"Ah, I'll give you props."

Doraemon had to show helplessness after hearing this, and casually gave people from other universes props from the future. What should he do if he caused any trouble?

Seeing the hesitant look on Doraemon's face, Bruce Wayne had already expected it and was already thinking about how to say it.

"Doraemon, please stop being so stingy."

At this moment, Fat Tiger suddenly came over and said this.

"Uncle Bruce is our good friend. We don't know how many times we have fought together, and we have been saved by him several times. I don't know how much kindness we have. What does it matter if I give him a prop?"

"Yes, Doraemon, please stop being so stingy."

The husband also came over to help.

They have spent so much time with Bruce Wayne during this period, and they have a good impression of him. Not to mention that he is a superhero, so their favorability level is even higher.

That's why he spoke for Bruce Wayne like this.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I'll just give you one."

After hearing this, Doraemon quickly agreed. He didn't hate Bruce Wayne, so it didn't matter if he gave him a prop. Anyway, whatever happened was not his own universe.

Bruce Wayne, who was originally prepared to use his sharp tongue, did not expect that things would change so dramatically, and had to be slightly stunned.

Then I felt happy, it was undoubtedly great to be able to get Doraemon's props so easily.

This made him look at Fat Tiger and Xiao Fu gratefully.

Sure enough, the purity of children will have unexpected effects.

"But what props do you want?"

Doraemon asked.

After hearing this, Bruce Wayne thought carefully. If it was for combat, and he had a night rider and a yellow light ring, then the only thing he needed was someone with strong auxiliary capabilities.

"I want any door."

He didn't hesitate to say what props he wanted.

The arbitrary door is what he hopes to get very much. The high technology that can travel through space to anywhere at will really makes him covetous.

With such a good prop, no matter which incident scene he has to rush to, it only takes a second.

Completely avoid situations where lack of time causes criminals to escape.

It's even useful at work.

"Anyway Gate, this is difficult to handle. My Anywhere Gate does not have the map data of your universe. If I get it to you, I won't be able to use it."

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