American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 156 Breeding Super Powerful Humanoid Monsters


When the extremely corrosive mist spread throughout the corridor, there was a loud scream.

It's those sleep killers.

I saw a dozen sleep killers whose bodies were so rotten that their skeletons could be seen, staring at Terumi Mei with great anger, and then they all rushed forward as if they wanted to eat people.

"Haha, just go to hell."

Terumi Mei sneered when she saw this.

At this time in Iwagakure Village

This village was originally quite quiet, but today suddenly many villagers died, and even some genin and chuunin died unexpectedly.

According to eyewitness reports, it was caused by the sudden appearance of a group of strange and disgusting creatures that attacked humans.

So the Jonin immediately launched an investigation.

"Is this the thing that attacks the village? What kind of psychic beast is this?"

"I've never seen such a disgusting psychic beast."

The two jounin looked at the corpses of several humanoid monsters on the ground and were confused. They had never seen such creatures before.

"No matter what, if you dare to come to our Yanyin Village and act wild, you will have to pay a heavy price!"

"Look there!"

A jounin spotted a humanoid running towards a large warehouse dragging the body of a genin quickly, so they immediately chased after it.

After entering the warehouse, several jonins killed the humanoid monsters without hesitation. Unfortunately, the captured genin had long since lost their breath.

This made them feel particularly uncomfortable.

"Damn things! If there are still more, I will destroy them!"

One of the Jonin struck his palm hard with murderous intent.

"What do you think that is?"

At this time, another jounin noticed something here, so he went to investigate, and it turned out that there were more than a hundred eggs that he had never seen before.

"Are these the eggs of these monsters?"

"Damn it! You still want to breed here! Go to hell!"

The two jounin used ninjutsu attacks aggressively, causing many explosions.

They were very confident in their own strength and felt that it was impossible for a mere eggshell to bear it, so they turned around and left without looking.


“Gah ah ah”

The next second the sound of breaking eggshells was heard, and then the sound of a humanoid monster.

This attracted their attention and they immediately turned around and saw more than a hundred humanoid monsters about 1.2 meters tall slowly walking out of the broken eggshells.

The dark pupils stared at the two jounin.

Then something incredible happened, that is, these humanoid monsters actually formed seals with their hands and used various ninjutsu to attack the Jonin!


This scene shocked the two of them and they quickly retreated to avoid it. When they jumped to the door, they suddenly felt that they hit something, so they immediately turned around to take a look.

As a result, they saw hundreds of two-meter-tall humanoid monsters behind them, staring at them eagerly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

The crisis in Iwagakure is not only that, it even involves the safety of their world.

Pirate World, Navy Headquarters

"Boom! Boom!"

Within the Navy Headquarters, Garp and Sengoku are leading everyone to fight against the visual phantom beasts.

Only after actually coming into contact with them did I realize how difficult the visual beasts are, and how fast they are.

Moreover, when using the Haki of knowledge and knowledge to sense them, the visual phantom beasts can actually sense their thoughts and act first.

As a result, even if there are people in the navy who are not bad at the speed of visual illusion beasts, they will be unable to catch the visual illusion beasts because they are predicted in advance.

"Go to hell!"

After spending a lot of time, only Garp and Sengoku killed five visual phantom beasts at a more tragic cost of destroying the headquarters.

"Hey, Sengoku, if you say we demolished the entire naval headquarters, will we be scolded by the Five Old Stars?"

Garp clenched his fists, looking eager to try.

"Hey! Don't try to use the full power of the Cow Talisman to dismantle the Navy Headquarters!"

Warring States could see what Garp wanted to do at a glance and immediately stopped him.

This made Garp shrug uninterestedly.

Then he looked around.

"It's just that it's really tricky."

Garp was unusually serious. The attacks from the visual beasts were nothing to him, but the speed and perception were really troublesome.

He originally wanted to lure the visual beast to an open area outside and then launch a large-scale attack.

But the problem is that the Celestial Dragons live nearby, which will affect the Celestial Dragons, which makes Garp very irritable.


The more Garp thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He simply ignored everything and tried his best to catch up with the visual beast.

The next second, the Navy Headquarters was even more shaky, causing holes.

This anger made Seng Guo's face look ugly.

DC Universe

Humanoid monsters have begun to cause harm in Gotham City.

Not long after it appeared, it ate a lot of humans to reproduce.

The police quickly set out to fight against these monsters, but ordinary firearms were unable to work at all.

And there are criminals taking the opportunity to cause trouble everywhere, making things even worse.


Just when the people of Gotham City were in a panic, countless rays of light fell from the sky, accurately penetrating all the humanoid monsters in a block.

This caused people who were originally dominated by fear to look at the sky in confusion.

I saw Wonder Woman standing on a high building, with a shield on her right arm, the Sword of Vulcan in her left hand, and the Sword of Victory in her right hand, looking down with a heroic look, like a god descending to earth.

"Thanks, Lucius, your satellite detection is very useful."

Diana looked around with sunglasses on. These sunglasses were a high-tech product of Wayne Group. They were connected to satellite scanning and could see humanoid monsters hidden in any corner.

In the Wayne Group building, Lucius was operating the computer and maintaining satellite scanning.

"You're welcome, but I really didn't expect Bruce's new girlfriend to be so strong."

Lucius could not conceal his shock.

That night, Diana broke into his home, and she was told what kind of alien species had invaded and needed help. She also revealed the secret that Bruce Wayne was Batman as a bargaining chip for trust.

Lucius had to help with suspicion, but it turned out that there was really a strange biological attack in Gotham City.

What Lucius can do now is use satellites to scan out all the humanoid monsters and provide Diana with their locations.

"Can you find their eggs?"

Diana asked.

"I studied the egg you gave me. If I want to find it, I can only find it when the critical point of birth is high in heat. Otherwise, I can't find it at all."

"Better than not finding it."

As Diana said this, she continued to rush to the place where the humanoid monster appeared, and at the same time, she took care of the criminals who took the opportunity to cause trouble, as well as the sound-imitating beast in the dark.

Through satellite surveys, the number of humanoid monsters has reached a terrifying level. It is not known whether there were so many invasions from the beginning or whether they were reproduced.

"The light energy of this sword can do many unexpected things and save a lot of effort. Let me test it."

Diana held up the shining Sword of Victory, her eyes filled with fighting intent.

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