American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 15 Ace’s desperate fight, Teach’s plot

Batman base.

Bruce Wayne is recording the data in the video.

"Devil fruit, pirates, this is not a good combination."

Bruce Wayne's idea is the same as Diana's. In his eyes, pirates are criminals and must be arrested.

Then he looked at the barrage of Sengoku on the screen.

"This man is a navy, he should be able to deal with such a powerful pirate, right?"

At this time in the pirate world.

Ace is trying hard to fight against the vines that attack from all directions.

But it's better to say that it's desperately running away than to say it's fighting.

This vine is too difficult to deal with. No matter how much fire he releases, he can't burn it.

He can only rely on elementalization to escape everywhere.

"Damn it! How could there be such a terrible plant in the world!"

Ace's expression was not very good. When was he beaten and had to run away?

Even when he faced Whitebeard, it was not like this!

It made him very annoyed.

"I don't believe that my flame can't destroy you! Big Flame Ring!"

Ace couldn't accept this fact, so he burst out a lot of flames without hesitation and spread them around, rising like a tornado.

Push the vines away forcefully.

"Emperor Yan!"

Then all the flames gathered above Ace, turning into a huge fireball that looked like a sun.

"Fortunately, there are no living people on this island anymore. It seems that they have all been wiped out by this monster."

Ace thought of this and his face was gloomy.

"Although I don't know what you are, just disappear!"

Ace dropped Emperor Yan and threw him towards the endless carnivorous vines below.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

When Emperor Yan touched the target, it caused an extremely strong earthquake, and the whole island kept shaking.

Then a huge and extremely sky-high fire appeared, and a terrifying explosion sounded.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the explosion, the island trembled wildly, and it seemed to collapse at any time. Countless flames kept surging like waves, turning the whole island into a sea of ​​fire!

The carnivorous vines were actually severely damaged under such an attack. The vines, which were originally extremely hard, were now scorched and fell to the ground powerlessly.

Seeing this scene, the audience was extremely shocked.

Thousand Suns.

Luffy stared at the screen in amazement. He himself did not expect Ace to be so powerful.

"Is this the true strength of Brother Luffy!"

Sanji was so shocked that he did not even notice that his cigarette had fallen.

"So strong, worthy of being a member of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Zoro was under great pressure and had to wipe off his sweat.

Then he suddenly thought of one thing. Even if Ace was so strong, he could still be caught. How strong is that man!

Marvel World, S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Oh, we shit! My Fuck!"

Nick Fury could not remain calm when he saw this, and all kinds of swear words came out of his mouth.

The power of this explosion is far superior to that of a missile. The scale of the entire island is close to that of a nuclear bomb explosion!

Are the superpowers who have eaten the devil fruit so strong?

Barton, Natasha and Hill next to them were all shocked. How could they fight against such power?

Barton and Natasha were originally complacent because they had gained new powers, but now seeing more terrifying superpowers, they felt that what they mastered was child's play.

Is this the power of the devil fruit ability users in the pirate world? If there are such pirates in their world, how can they fight!

Private plane.

Tony Stark can no longer remain calm. He can't resist the power of the Flame Emperor at all!

"Jarvis, help me design a cooling weapon plan. It must be large-scale and can be equipped on armor!"

Stark quickly contacted Jarvis and asked him to design it first.

Such a terrifying flame can only be fought by cooling it down in advance. The development of cooling weapons must be completed as soon as possible.

Although it is not the same world, Tony Stark still hopes to prevent it before it happens!

There is more than one person who has the same idea as him, and there is also Bruce Wayne.

He is now studying various plans against Ace.

It is not the same world, but he is worried that if this group of pirates comes to his world one day, there will be a way to fight against it.

"Lucius, how about the development of the cooling weapon I want? If possible, it should be developed as soon as possible, and it should be large-scale and easy to carry. Don't ask so many questions, just treat it as a supply to the fire department."

Bruce Wayne did not forget to call and contact his trusted Lucius to urge the development of cooling weapons while researching.

Immediately attracted complaints from the other side.

Equipping the fire department with cooling weapons is really nonsense.

The world of Naruto.

Naruto looked at the explosion on the screen in shock.

"Sexy Immortal, if it were you, could you resist?"

Naruto asked timidly, he felt that he definitely couldn't.

Jiraiya's face twitched after hearing this. The power of this Entei far exceeded the fire escape he knew. He could not confront it head-on except to escape.

"Of course no problem."

However, in front of his disciples, he always had to save face.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted Naruto's respectful gaze.

Caused Jiraiya to turn his head away in embarrassment.

Tsunade next to him had to roll her eyes, and then looked at the screen solemnly.

In her opinion, perhaps only her great-grandfather, Senju Hashirama, could compete with him.

"Is the pirate world so powerful? Don't show up here."

Tsunade had to worry about what she would do if such a person appeared in her world.

After all, there are so-called contained objects that appear in other worlds for no apparent reason.

Thinking of this, Tsunade was suddenly worried about the future, and suddenly felt that she couldn't continue to hang out.

At this time, on the screen, Ace was kneeling on the ground with a weak look on his face, panting constantly. Using this move was extremely draining on his physical strength.

Otherwise, Teach wouldn't be caught so easily.

"Is this settled?"

Ace looked at the burnt black vines around him, but when he saw the squirming vines in the distance, his expression changed.

"It's such a terrible monster. I have no choice but to run away first."

Although he was very reluctant, Ace had no choice but to run away in disgrace.

"Captain Ace, where do you want to go?"

Just then Teach suddenly appeared behind Ace.

"not good!"

Only then did Ace remember that just when Tikki was about to make a move, Tikki punched him to the ground.

"Dark Water!"

Then Teach immediately grabbed Ace's neck and took away his ability, making Ace unable to resist.

"I caught you for the second time. You really don't have a long memory. Although there is an emergency, it doesn't affect me from taking you away!"

After speaking, Tiqi looked at the surrounding situation and realized that he could no longer stay here and had to leave quickly.


As soon as Ace saw that he was caught again, he immediately gritted his teeth unwillingly.

Thousand Sunny


Luffy screamed anxiously when he saw Ace being caught, and subconsciously punched him directly through the screen.

"It's strange why Ace was caught. He can transform into elements."

Frankie felt something was wrong and made a sound.

"The darkness in that Tikki's hand."

Robin seemed to notice something and had to tell his guess.

"Ace! Run!"

Luffy didn't understand that much and could only hope that Ace would run away quickly. He could do nothing but yell on the spot, which made him suddenly feel particularly useless.

"Let's go! Captain Ace, congratulations on being free for a while!"

Teach lifted Ace up and prepared to leave.


At this moment, a somewhat old but particularly powerful voice came, resounding throughout the entire island.

Hearing this voice, Tiqi's whole body trembled violently, and a fear engraved in his bones couldn't help but arise.

"You're such a troublemaker! Don't even think about running away if you fall into my hands!"

I saw an old man leaping from the air. This man was the navy hero Garp!

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