"Retreat quickly!"

The captain of team A made a prompt decision and immediately led everyone to leave here quickly. This monster was not something they could fight against!

However, how could the squid monster let go of its prey? It immediately waved its tentacles to attack the prey.

"Mo Mou!!"

At this moment, the captured cow monster suddenly made an angry sound. It seemed that it was fed up with the restraint of the squid, so it simply turned around and rushed towards the squid monster with all its strength!

Even though the squid monster was over 20 meters tall, it was taller than the cow, but when it was hit, its huge body almost flew out and fell heavily on the other side of the river bank.

When he stood up, his tentacles kept jumping around, looking particularly embarrassed.

But this also angered the squid monster, which spit out ink and attacked the cow monster.

Seeing this, the bull monster immediately moved to avoid it. Even though it looked huge and clumsy, it moved at no slow speed.

When the members of the task force who had already run away saw this scene, they couldn't help but stop and take pictures with their cameras. This is a real monster battle. It is a rare opportunity that cannot be missed, and it can become important data.

Just when they thought a fierce battle was coming, new changes occurred.

There was another huge splash on the river, and a huge monster suddenly appeared. It opened its mouth to directly bite the squid monster and the cow monster, and then actually swallowed the monsters that were just enough to fill its mouth in one breath.

This monster looks a bit like a crocodile, but is much larger and has a different appearance.

Unfortunately, before I could see it clearly, it fell back into the water and disappeared.

This sudden change made all the members of the task force very puzzled. They didn't know what was going on. They didn't expect that there was a third monster lurking.

This made them realize that the situation here was very bad and full of unknown and terrifying creatures.

If you are not careful, you may become a monster's food.


At this moment, a very intense bird call suddenly came from the sky.

I saw a dozen flying creatures weighing more than ten meters above the ground, falling towards the task force.

These creatures look a bit like bats, but have heads like vultures. In short, they are weird creatures that transcend human cognition.


All members of the task force immediately ran into the forest to use trees to block the landing of these creatures.

However, they underestimated the speed of these strange birds. Some of them were caught and flew into the sky before they could enter the forest, bleeding a lot of blood.

Moreover, these strange birds are so flexible that they can actually go through a bunch of trees and continue to pursue them.

The task force had to shoot to resist.

After losing some team members, they finally killed the chasing strange birds and were temporarily safe.

However, the trouble is that they have lost their way. In the endless jungle, no one knows where they are, and the GPS scan outside cannot provide more useful information.

They now have no choice but to move forward.


But the danger was not over yet. After they walked forward for a while, the roars of wild beasts came from all directions, forcing them to stop and enter fighting mode again.

The only good thing after all the dangers up to this point is that they still have a lot of ammunition and can continue to fight.

I saw a lot of wolf-like animals walking out of the woods ahead. The difference was that they looked more ferocious, and their backs bulged like blades.

As soon as this group of wolf-like monsters appeared, they stared at the members of the task force, as if they were looking at some delicious food.

"Damn it!"

The captain of Team A was ready to shoot when he saw this.


But in the next second, the ground suddenly shook and there was a loud noise.

It didn't end after one time. The ground shook a few times again, and the sound kept coming, even getting louder, making the members of the task force who were already in danger even more frightened and had no idea what was going on.

On the contrary, a group of wild wolf monsters appeared just now and were about to attack at any time. They didn't know why their eyes were looking in the same direction with fear.

The members of the Mobile Task Force couldn't help but look over curiously.

What they saw next was something they would never forget.

I saw two particularly huge monsters confronting each other there.

One looked like a lizard but was bloodless. Under the thick skin of the body, the skeleton structure could be seen clearly.

On the other end is a gorilla covered in black fur.

Although these two monsters are of different types, they are both over fifty meters tall.

The monsters I encountered before were nothing compared to them.

The earthquake just now was caused by the walking of these two monsters.

"Oh My God."

The members of the task force never expected that such a tall monster would exist on this island. With their own firepower, it was naturally difficult to fight against it.

Then the two monsters, the gorilla and the big lizard, suddenly trembled together, punched, kicked and bared their teeth. Their battle was undoubtedly synonymous with bloody violence.

The surrounding trees were destroyed from the aftermath of their battle.

The group of wolf monsters were so frightened that they ran away and did not dare to stay here any longer.

Naturally, the task force can run as fast as it wants.

The audience was surprised when they saw this. They didn't expect that there were so many terrifying creatures on this island.

This is much scarier than IKEA.

Luffy: "So awesome, it's a monster, looks so cool."

Feng Yuan: "Hey, what's so exciting about this."

Nami: "He is like this, don't care."

Zhu Xingtuan: "An island full of monsters, it looks weaker than our world."

Kizaru: "I don't know how it compares to the sea kings, the size alone is much smaller than the Calm Belt."

Garp: "Size doesn't represent strength, some sea kings are over a thousand meters in size, but they can't withstand my punch."

Nick Fury: "What! You have monsters over a thousand meters, so scary!"

Naruto: "I don't know how it compares to the Nine-Tails."

Diana: "Don't talk about this meaningless comparison, I want to know why an island full of monsters is an infinite space."

Ancient One: "It is very likely created to expel monsters."

Strange: "What kind of person can do that, can Master Ancient One do it?"

Ancient One: "Unfortunately, I can't do it."

When Ancient One said this, she thought of the Space Stone. If she had it, maybe she could barely create an infinite space.

"According to the task force's investigation, we finally know what kind of island this is. An island full of monsters, and both the types and numbers are far beyond our imagination."

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