"Doraemon, hurry up and use the Anywhere Door to take us out of here."

Shizuka said hurriedly.

However, Doraemon shook his head and replied.

"No, I tried, but the Anywhere Door can't leave here. This is not the space of our Earth. We can only find the exit to leave."

"Ah, where is the exit? When we came here, we tried to return the same way, but when we went back, we found that the road was very long and we couldn't find the way we came."

Xiaofu shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry, I have a way."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he took out something that looked like a ball from his pocket.

"Maze exit explorer, as long as you have this, there will be no problem."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he immediately activated the props, and saw the sphere spraying a large amount of smoke spreading around.

"This prop will release smoke to cover the entire maze, and then find the exit to take us there."

Doraemon did not forget to explain the function of the props.

"But this IKEA is an infinite space, can it be covered?"

Bruce Wayne reminded Doraemon of this.

After hearing this, Doraemon reacted and couldn't help thinking for a moment.

"For this, we can only try our luck."

"Ding ding ding!"

In the next second, the prop suddenly sounded an alarm and then jumped up and down.

This made Doraemon couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"Great! Found it! Follow the ball!"

The ball flew in one direction in the air, and everyone followed immediately.

"What is the principle? Is there any signal component in the smoke, and then the advanced computer calculated it?"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help asking. Such props are very useful and can get out of many mazes. It would be best if they could be imitated.

"That's about it."

Doraemon thought and answered.

"Who is it!"

"Where did the smoke come from!"

"Ah ah ah!!"

Along the way, everyone saw many employee monsters howling and turning around, seemingly looking for the place where the smoke appeared.

The smoke exploration just now undoubtedly attracted the attention of many monsters.

"Fortunately, we have a stone hat, otherwise it would be troublesome to be discovered by so many monsters."

Suneo covered his mouth with fear.

"Indeed, this smoke is too eye-catching."

Bruce Wayne nodded. It seems that some high-tech still has shortcomings.

Doraemon didn't know what to say about this, and he couldn't change it.

At this time, in a place in IKEA, Gaara, Temari and Kanjiro were fighting a group of employee monsters.

Of course, with the strength of the three of them, these employee monsters could not do anything to them.

"Where is this place? I saw a store I had never seen before, so I came to see it. As a result, I couldn't get out and encountered monsters. What's going on?"

Temari waved a big fan and looked around with an unhappy face.

At first, they thought they encountered an illusion, but no matter how they tested, it was not an illusion. So where are they?

There is no such place in the Sand Ninja Village.

"Damn, I can't find the original path at all, and I don't know where the exit is. We are not going to be trapped here for the rest of our lives."

Kanjiro sat down with an unhappy face.

"Oh, don't be so nervous. Since we can get in, there is a way to get out."

At this time, an old man next to him said this.

If Bruce Wayne was here, he would immediately recognize this old man. It was his butler, Alfred!

"Thank you so much for protecting me. I don't have as much power as you do, so I can only rely on you for protection."

Alfred was very grateful to the three of them.

After he got lost here, he couldn't find a way out. Later, he met Gaara and the other two, and followed them and got their protection.

"Don't say that. After all, you made such delicious food for us. It was the first time for us to eat it."

Temari smiled very heartily.

When they were hungry just now, Alfred used the ingredients here to make a delicious meal.

Those were all dishes from another universe. Temari and the others had never eaten them before, and they liked them very much.

They quickly became familiar with Alfred.

"It's my honor to make the young masters and young ladies happy."

Alfred said in a gentlemanly manner.

"I told you, don't call us young masters, it's very strange."

Kankuro was not used to such a title, and waved his hand helplessly.

"But what should we do? Can't we get out all the time?"

Temari looked at the endless shelves around her, all of which were things she had never seen before. Although she felt irritated, she couldn't help but be curious.

"Impossible, as long as we can get in, we can definitely get out. Moreover, such a large building suddenly appeared in the village, they will also notice it and send people to investigate. We can definitely get out, right, Gaara?"

After encouraging for a moment, Kanjiurou looked at Gaara.

As a result, Gaara didn't know why he kept his back to them, his body seemed to be trembling, and he didn't know what he was mumbling.

"What's wrong, Gaara?"

Looking at Gaara's appearance, Kanjiurou couldn't help but ask worriedly.

"Nothing, don't worry about me."

Gaara glanced at Kanjiurou and shouted unhappily.

This made Kanjiurou look ugly.

Originally, after returning from Konoha, I felt that Gaara's personality had changed a bit, but why did it seem to be returning to him now?

This worries Temari and Kankuro.

"Master Gaara, don't be nervous. Your family is by your side and you are not alone."

At this time Alfred stepped forward to calm Gaara's mood.

His voice is soft and has a calming power.

"Please wipe your sweat."

Alfred very thoughtfully took out a handkerchief and handed it to Gaara.


Looking at Alfred who was so gentle, Gaara's eyes swayed a little and he didn't know what he was thinking of. After thanking him, he took the handkerchief and stood there wiping sweat.


Seeing this, Kankuro and Temari relaxed slightly.

"Leave immediately, this place is closed."

"Get out of here! Get out of here!"

Just when everyone was relaxing, the roar of the employee monsters was heard all around.

I saw a large group of employee monsters emerging from all directions like locusts.

"Damn it, why are you here again! I can't finish the fight!"

Temari couldn't help but look ugly when she saw another employee monster appearing. This time, the monster was more than ten meters tall. It didn't look simple.

"Gaara, what's wrong with you, we have to go!"

Kankuro was about to evacuate, but he saw Gaara standing motionless.

Gaara was seen keeping his head down, listening to the sounds around him.

"leave here!"

"Get out!"

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